Day 60: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: twins

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)


Please welcome our newest freewriters @steemitgraven29 and @freedomtowrite

Every day, I am inviting you to visit one and leave some comments and votes. Today, please visit @slhomestead

Prompt: twins

  • Set your timer for 5 minutes
  • Start writing
  • Use the hashtag #freewrite
  • Publish your piece (include a link to this post if you wish)

Copy and paste your URL into the comment section of the prompt post.

  • Or, if you don't want to publish your freewrite, just copy and paste as a comment under the prompt post.

If you don't know what a freewrite is, here is a link to the introduction post.


Several of you have brought up that it might be a good idea to have a discord channel for us to be able to chat a bit more with each other.

Here are my questions.

  • Are you interested?
  • Do you prefer we start our own channel?
  • Or do you want to join an existing channel like this one Isle of Writing
    the link is an invite to the channel.

Please let me know what you think.

Contests and Challenges you can enter

Writing help

Our fellow freewriter @arbitrarykitten has a business here on Steemit. Several editors are offering to edit and format your post for a small fee. Check out their intro post

And a free app: Grammarly. A lot of us are not native English speakers and I am finding it a helpful app. It will underline spelling and grammar mistakes. Just remember that is is not always right -especially if you use complex sentence structures. Here is the link

Finally, remember The Most Dangerous Writing App. You set the time - 5 min - and start typing. Don’t stop!!! It will destroy what you wrote if you stop for more than 3 seconds - and backspace does not count as writing on the app. If you are prone to stop and think - this app forces you to keep going. You can make corrections after the 5 minutes are over.

A timer. Egg timer is a free tool you can use on your desktop to set a time. This is useful for our freewrites or if you want to work in blocks of time and then take a break. Here is the link

If you like this and want more people to come out and play - resteem!

Remember to check your voting power. Do not vote for a while if you are under 90!

Also, I would love it if you all check out each others #freewrite and spread some love :)
@ackhoo @ahmadmanga @ana-maria @arbitrarykitten @alvinauh @alxgraham @annhoyblog
@bashadow @bloghound @brisby @byn @btcnoodle
@chuazm @citizenzero @creationofcare @cecicastor @cikxaijen @celestal
@deaconlee @deemarshall @dennisauburn @dmcamera
@ecoinstant @elizacheng @ellievallie @eggstraordinair
@f3nix @fitinfun @fishyculture @foffelius @freedomtowrite
@improv @iyanpol12 @imcesca
@janine-ariane @jayna @jewels3 @jie28 @jjwriter85 @jkiw @johnwjr7
@littlenewthings @littlescribe
@marcoriccardi @marillaanne @melinda010100 @miniature-tiger @mydivathings @maverickinvictus @molovelly @mrslauren
@nathanthewise @navaneeth
@omra-sky @old-guy-photos
@rainbowme @raj808 @rok-sivante @rensoul17 @racemlaadhar
@shanibeer @sharoonyasir @simgirl @snook @stinawog @sayee @slhomestead @steemitgraven29
@tezmel @themerrylotus @theprettysoul @thereikiforest @topkpop @tpkidkai @tegoshei @tattoodjay @thisgirl
@wandrnrose7 @whatilearned @whatisnew @wildwoman @wonderwop


All images are my own unless otherwise cited.


My recent posts

Garden of Fragrance - Market Friday

Dackel and Friends Planning a Jailbreak

Buddha’s Hand

I won a Silver Piece - Thank you so much @coolbowser

The Dude

My first Upload to Soundcloud - Podcast about the Blockchain

Sad - A poem

Laughter Yoga for Seniors

Battling Cancer with the Gerson Therapy

Joel Salatin - Interview and Blog Post

If you find a post after the seven days, please consider upvoting a more recent post.




Listen to the Sustainable Living Podcast here


Here's my entry with the most dangerous writing app.

Twins. The identical twins and the non identical twins (forgot whether that's the correct term or not). These two phrases pop up when I see the prompt - twins.
Then second thing pop up in my mind is the KL Petronas Twin Tower (KLCC). This is nearby my office. So everyday, well every weekday if I am not on leave, I will be seeing the twin tower. And I used to love taking photos of the twin tower. Because last time I parked my car at an outside opened parking and I had to walk to my office. And the twin tower will be in front of me. And since I was walking, I can stop anytime anywhere possible to take photo(so) of the twin tower. Now I park my car inside my office block parking, so it's not convenient for me to stop my car by the road side to take photo(so), right? And this is dangerous too.

I love seeing those towers in your city! Nothing can prepare you for how huge they are. I have a lot of bad photos since they are so hard to catch!

Not easy to capture the whole twin tower if you are there... Need to be some distance away then will have nice capture.

When you say twin towers to Americans, a sad feeling comes up. but someday, we want to see a picture of your twin towers!!

I am sorry... I forgot about this... my bad... Here's one I captured early this year.

no worries! they look huge too. How tall are they - or rather how many floors?

They are 451.9 metres. 88 storey. Completed in June 1996. There's a skybridge connecting the two towers on the 41st and 42nd floors. Suria KLCC (one of KL famous shopping center) is at the feet of the towers. There's also an art gallery, a philharmonic theatre, an underwater aquarium and exhibition halls in Suria KLCC. The KLCC Park is a beautiful park right in the heart of KL.

That sounds amazing!!! And you work close to this?

Yes. About 10-15 minutes walking distance.

Thanks for so much helpful information! I need some grammar help (native Swedish). And will try to use some help in the future. I haven’t dared to do the free write challenge yet, feels much safer with photos, lol. But I will some day soon💜

Try it!! there is no right or wrong!! I am not a native English speaker either and held myself back from writing for a long time!!!
I really like the Grammarly app. Just so you know, here on Steemit, if you click on the correct version, it will replace it in your text for a minute and then revert back to what you wrote. So, you have to go in and fix it.
If you write on, the fix sticks. Don't know why....

Thanks for encouraging me:-) It looks like a lot of fun to do this free writing challenge.

@kerlund, I AM the worst speller and grammar person EVER and that is why I love freewritng. You don't have to worry about it and if there is a mistake it IS okay!! Just don't over think it and you will do great!

Well that is nice to have in mind! It's easy to put hard demands on yourself... Thank you!

I felt the same way as you did on Friday but I went for it. It is so enjoyable to write for 5 minutes and not worry about punctuation and spelling. Now I'm doing a mailing blog, with tips on using the United States Postal Service.

Don't think too much, just go for it and have fun. English is not my native language as well. I love posting photos too. Not much of a writer myself, but then this freewrite challenge is fun and cool!

Thanks, you are all so kind and supporting <3

You are most welcome! :D

If you need help with English, I highly recommend @majes.tytyty. He has wonderful esl help on his feed and will answer any questions and help you.

My entry:

For the story only:

Not So Different


As a twins we are so different...
I'm a man she is a woman...
I work in programming and she works in writing...
I love science fiction and she likes fantasy books..
I want to enforce the rules to insure peace and she wants to be free...
But I really like my sister...


As twins we are so similar...
We both have the same eyes, Like I'm a woman version of him...
We both work in creative fields...
We both love reading books not set in real world...
And though our methods are different... we both love the peace...
I really like my brother...

Different... But not so different.
[The End]

Does this count as a poem? probably not...

This is done by @simgirl. She is on vacation and can not post her links so I'm helping her :D

Thank you!! Ha ha.

You inspired us to start our own writing contest. I hope it can help be a unique support the creative community you've started building up in the past two months! Here's the introductory post...I'll be posting the first prompt later today.

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Welcome to the group @steemitgraven29 and @freedomtowrite!

Thank you so very much for re-steeming my weekend freewrite, Marianne! I'm so happy that you enjoyed it!

As for the discord channel, I think that joining the Isle of Writing would be the best idea. Other writers there will be able to see how much fun we have with the freewriting and may want to join in!

Here's my post for today:

I agree with @brisby on the discord channel thingy.

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