NEW CONTEST: Writers, it's time to SEE your stories! #getillustrated

Announcing a new contest, where your stories can be brought to life!

Get Illustrated.png

I've recently begun writing for @mariannewest 's awesome 5-minute freewrite challenge, and I love how it has broken me out of old comfort zones and gotten words flowing again. Inspired by what she's doing in the writing community, we've decided to offer our own challenge to help people get their creative juices flowing and make something beautiful!

I went to school to be an artist, and love illustrations. Bringing words to visual life is probably one of my favorite ways to create art! I've gotten to be commissioned for a book cover, stories, and portraits, but I want to offer something to the SteemIt community that the won't have to pay for (and give me the chance to make some really neat art, too!).

So here's the proposal. I will be hosting a weekly writing challenge. Each week, I will post a story-writing prompt: it may be a phrase, character, or single word. We'll mix it up! I'm asking all you wonderfully creative people to write a short story or scene inspired by it. Seven days later, I will read through all the stories submitted, and then make an illustration of one of them! It may be in pen and ink, watercolor, or pencil--who knows! I'm just really excited to see what comes of this confluence of creativity.


  1. Watch for the prompt, then do your best!
  2. Stories must be between 500-1000 words. That way I have the time to read them all!
  3. Do your best to show not tell the story, as the old saying goes. The more visual description you give me in your text, the better I can do to make it visual.
  4. Publish your story and use the hashtag #getillustrated
  5. Copy and paste the URL of your submission into the comment section of the prompt post
  6. Watch for the winner every week, and make sure to enjoy each other's stories!

I'm so excited to see how this will work out. Keep an eye out for the first prompt today!

Other places to find Simple Life Homestead Online!

Twitter: @SLHomestead


I'm not sure when I'll have a lot of time for creative writing again, but your contest sounds interesting. I'll try to join in on the fun one of these weeks. I'm following you now.

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