Flowering Plum & Amazing Clouds

in #clouds6 years ago (edited)
The flowering trees are so pretty in the springtime! This is an ornamental plum tree, partially backlit by the setting sun. The tree is called an "ornamental" plum because it does not bear fruit.


On this day, I saw some of the most amazing clouds I've ever seen in my life. See that one puff of cloud hanging downwards, just to the right of the big tree? That bit of cloud was not very distant at all, and was hanging not far above those trees to the right. And yes, that field is a cemetery, dotted with grave markers and flowers in urns.

All of the clouds were in motion, too, very quickly moving and shifting, almost like the sky was a boiling kaleidoscope of form and color. It was the last vestiges of a storm system that had briefly formed from the heat and humidity of an unusually warm spring day.


In the 60-something years I've been on this planet, I have only seen something similar a handful of times, and this had to be among the top two displays of this type and magnitude. These photos really do not capture the splendor of the sight that I saw. Once the sun sank low enough to illuminate the underside of the clouds, the result was dazzling!


ThanksForReading.png 😊


Vernal SweetgrassDandelion FieldPrickly Sow-Thistle
Make a Wish!HoneysuckleBradford Pear Tree
DogwoodRosa Banksiae LuteaPink Magnolia
Yellow Woodsorrel (Oxalis stricta)Chokecherry (Prunus virginiana)
Pink BicyclePeriwinkleShe Burst ForthColors of April
ForsythiaDaffodils: Harbingers of SpringMarigold
A Pink MysteryPink Woodsorrel (repris)Purple Hedgenettle
SpeedwellClematis vitalbaPurple Queen
Purple & Yellow LilyOrange LilyYellow Asters
GoldenrodTurk's Cap LilyPink Woodsorrel



I can't stop looking at that first picture! Love, love, LOVE the way you framed the shot! Those menacing clouds behind the beautiful tree at the edge of a cemetery seems like the perfect setting for the opening shot to some awesome fantasy movie! The other shots are gorgeous too - thanks so much for sharing them! 😍

That photo of the Plum tree is truly stunning. Really very pretty. I also love Spring and can't wait for it to come around on our side of the hemisphere. Only getting into Winter now and I hate the cold.

Es una hermosa fotografía, inspiradora. Un saludo desde Venezuela.

This is good news.
My two plum trees are going to bloom soon, if this is any indication.

Those clouds are really cool and unique looking. Like something from a horror flick. Very mysterious.

Thanks for sharing @thekittygirl

Hi this is bot belongs to @sapphic

You are obviously on her author upvote whitelist, (which means you are pretty special), or your post passed the threshold of her algorithm.

Either way she will be along shortly to read your post, ponder it and leave a lovely comment.


Amazing photos of plums and clouds!

Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)
Check the rules of the Daily Spotlights if you want to nominate someone!

I love how the setting sun gave the golden colour to the ornamental plum tree. Great shot!

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