Color Challenge Tuesday Orange - "MARIGOLD" ~ © Tiffany E. Reed

One of the flowers that I find most delightful is the marigold, especially the orange and yellow varieties. They are small and simple flowers, but so cheerful in their appearance! This is a member of the Tagetes species, most probably Tagetes patula by my reckoning.


photograph by me

Long ago before the Internet was made available for public use (and yes, I am that old), I had read in herbal literature that marigolds had a natural propensity for repelling some common insects in the garden. At the time, I had an herb garden behind my house where I grew chives, thyme, basil, various mints, savory, rue, and many others. Armed with the knowledge of the marigold's pest-deterrent properties, I planted marigolds around the herb garden, and it did, indeed, help to keep the bugs away!

Regarding this, Wikipedia says:

Depending on the species, marigold foliage has a musky, pungent scent, though some varieties have been bred to be scentless. It is said to deter some common insect pests, as well as nematodes. Tagetes species are hence often used in companion planting for tomato, eggplant, chili pepper, tobacco, and potato. Due to antibacterial thiophenes exuded by the roots, Tagetes should not be planted near any legume crop.

This should be a very useful tip to anyone who wishes to garden without pesticides. Just be aware of the warning against planting marigolds near legumes. Even with no vegetable garden, this is a charming little plant to have around one's home! 😊





Wow, its beautiful. Today's color challenge is orange
Even I have posted a picture of orange color Zinnia flower in colorchallenge category.
Please visit my blog

Thank you :)

Beautiful orange Tuesday!

Thank you, dear lady! 😊

Wow! This marigold really caught my eye its so stunning! & Thanks for the tip! I'll keep this in mind for when I have a little garden of my own! :)

As everyone had already pointed out, beautiful photo. I had no idea marigold was a natural pest-deterrent! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful photo and providing some knowledge with it!

What a great photograph, the yellow looks so richly textured. Good to know of it's pest repellent qualities, as I dislike the use of herbicides.

beautiful flower

The colors in this flower are amazing. It almost pops off the page! Thanks for sharing it.

I love Marigolds!!

Great tip on the natural repellent!

Inspired as a beginner photographer…Must follow you for more.

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