Who Is Naquoya? - A Re-Introduction and Discussion About Value

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

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This is post 24 in @dragosroua's January 30 day writing challenge.

Who Is Naquoya? - A Re-Introduction and Discussion About Value

I thought I would take the time to reintroduce myself and maybe even shed a bit more light on who I am and what plans I have for this Steemit blog of mine. I know I write about myself a lot already, but as most of it is fictionalised – and to be taken with a grain of salt – this is time perhaps to reveal some facts. Some of these I would have discussed in previous posts perhaps, or alluded to them. Those who have been following along with me for sometime may know these things already. But there are so many new names, and new accounts popping up, that I considered it a good time to post this.

My name is Scott Bradley. You can read here why I call myself Naquoya. Okay, I may have fudged some of the facts in that story, but my artistic licence gives me grounds to do so occasionally. I was born in Australia, but consider myself more of a nomad, in spirit as well as in body. This sense rules a lot of what I write about.

As a child I was extremely quiet. People mistook this for manners. It was more the product of fear. A fear born of an ever present expectation of eternal obliteration. These fears were handed to me without my consent. Some people consider this religion. Others would call it child abuse. Really, perhaps, it's just life. It's given me things to write about, and challenges to overcome.

And for the longest time I didn't overcome them. This, I believe, is a factor in my significant health problems. I got cancer 15 years ago, a story which I covered here in my introduction post (which took me 7 months to post), and this cancer has paid me a revisit. Poor choices, and poor mental attitude towards self would be some of the reasons I say I believe my health problems stemmed – in part – from upbringing. There is certainly the physical. But there isn't any genetic history in my family for what I experienced. That, in a way, makes me special. I can appreciate that irony.

We Are Like Gods

There is a lot more in my childhood I won't discuss. It's beyond words anyway. And I am in the business of writing words. Words that give life to feelings, buried ones, as well as freshly planted ones. Through my writing I find that life makes more sense. It has value. It has made it worth pursuing dreams that had lain dormant for so long.

So, in a way, words make the past less significant, and the present more valuable. I have learned to be careful with my words, written and spoken. They have power. They can create, as well as destroy. In that sense, we are like the gods themselves, with our words. This has given me pause for thought.

I arrived at Steemit in the very early days, but I feel that it has only been the last 8 months or so that I have started to find my feet as a writer, and blogger here. I had to retreat from Steemit life twice due to ill health, and that is still an ongoing – although lesser – concern. I have powered down a lot of the Steem Power I made initially, and am currently also powering down (and will cease that next week). The reason is to cover medical expenses, and living expenses from lack of work, due to my health concerns. I know people frown on powering down, but I give these reasons just to show that not everything is as it seems. Sometimes there are other – unknown – considerations at work. I wish I never had to power down anything. I was at dolphin status. I like to think I can get back there.

The Emergence of True Value

Which brings me to the issue of most importance – value. I consider my blog an opportunity to offer something of value to others. I write from the heart, with due consideration for value and importance. I don't like to just throw any old post up and leave it at that. That's just not my way. I do try to interact with people, both on my posts, and on theirs as well. I believe this leads to genuine relationships – again something of immense value.

In return I have been afforded much value myself. I get upvotes, I get comments, I get reading suggestions, I get inspiration, I get well wishes. In a nutshell I get value. It flows both ways. And this in turn has lead to monetary value, in the form of Steem and SBD. All of this has helped, given the current situation. But I like to think that the flow is equally reciprocal. That is the value of friendships, and true community.

2018 Goals and Successes

I have recently had one of my stories selected to appear in The @isleofwrite's upcoming Steemit anthology publication. I have been writing diligently for a while here, and that is a first for me. I hadn't won any writing competitions (although I did win a poetry one in my early days), nor am I a published author. I had set a goal of getting something published in 2018. That is a goal accomplished, although I do have bigger plans I am working on in terms of other writing goals also.

I have been far more active on Steemit over the last 4 weeks than usual. I am finding it to be therapeutic. I've joined a couple of well run curation groups, and am also actively looking into others. They provide a level of interaction and feedback that I find beneficial, for both myself, and the Steemit community as a whole. Although I am reserved by nature, I try to interact on the writing Discord groups, and get to know people there. If you see me there, please know I am completely approachable, just less able with words around others than I am in the art of writing solo. I'm working on it, but as they say – baby steps.

My Steemit Agenda

The plans I have for participation on Steemit have been growing steadily over these last few weeks. I had initially developed The Notes From an Amateur Writer series and love doing that. It is - and will remain - the core part of my blog. Aside from the occasional short fiction, although I plan to only publish some of those here as I work out a plan to have more stories published in the future.

I started a new series, called Ramble On, which is an opportunity to explore a more humorous writing approach. And I started a curation post dedicated to, and inspired by, writers and readers. I call this new series The Library. Both of these new endeavours will be getting released once per week.

The current Schedule I am operating on is:

  • Sunday = Notes From an Amateur Writer
  • Monday = Notes From an Amateur Writer
  • Tuesday = Book Review (with the occasional TV show or movie review)
  • Wednesday = Notes From an Amateur Writer
  • Thursday = Ramble On
  • Friday = Notes From an Amateur Writer
  • Saturday = The Library

At the moment this publishing schedule is seven days per week, as I am committed to the 30 day writing challenge. After the end of the month this may very well change. Perhaps to five days per week – still not 100% certain, but the schedule will still look similar to the above.

As always, I appreciate all those that follow me, but votes, and more especially comments are what get my attention the most. To those who leave well thought out and relevant comments, you will always be welcome at my blog. I hope I can reciprocate.

Image Source unsplash.com

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you liked it then please like, comment, and follow.


Links to earlier works

- Fiction

My Fiction Writing Collection
Writing Myself Out of Existence
When the Levee Breaks

- Blog Posts

Notes #1 - #39 - Notes From An Amateur Writer Collection
Notes #40 - Read, Write, and Face the Future
Notes #41 - What Are Some Of Your Favourite Books?
Notes #42 - Website Review: Fiction University
Notes #43 - Seeking a Community Of Writers
Notes #44 - What Are Some of Your Favourite Characters?
Notes #45 - When Madness Came Knocking
Notes #46 - Why Do I Write?

-Ramble On (Humour based travel blog)

Introducing My New Travel Blog
Making a Deal With the Devil


My Poetry Collection


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Thanks, as always, for your help.

Scott, I’m very moved to learn of your story and grateful for your trust in sharing what is personal and difficult of your journey.

Wishing you best of health & sustenance/inspiration/connection through your writing, here, on Steemit 🙏🏼

Thank you @yahialababidi, I appreciate you taking the time to read through my story here. Happy to receive your well wishes. I'm looking forward to dedicating some time to your writings (my schedule has a mind of its own!).

Thanks again, and all the best :)

Of course, I understand, and hope my words keep you good company when you find time for them.

Peace, Yahia

Well, now I certainly know a bit more about you now. I had no idea you actually went through a fight with cancer. And, you are still here to tell the tail. That is amazing and inspirational. :)

"I have learned to be careful with my words, written and spoken. They have power. They can create, as well as destroy."

I actually wrote about the power of words yesterday and how incredibly powerful they are. We should think before we speak, and when we do speak, think about the way we are speaking.

I have really stopped worrying so much about posting every day. I write when I have motivation. I don't want post just to post. And, I am not saying there is something wrong with posting every day, but as long as it is quality content. At least that is my way of going about posting on Steemit.

I think the best post comes from the heart. And, people can truly feel when something is written from the heart. That is what I try to do on every single one of my posts. :)

Thank you for sharing. It is nice to get to know a person behind your Steemit profile. Looking forward to your posts. Have an amazing day. :)

Thank you for such a thought out comment. This post certainly gives me of myself than anything I have written previously. It is always a slow road for me, as I have been here over a year and a half, so bit by bit i feel more comfortable. Participating at the Steem Engine has helped in that regard.

The power of words is an interesting topic. That specific sentence came to me as I was writing the piece, but I think the underlying concept had been with me for some time. Because words do have power, and i am learning that as a writer. And I hope that this knowledge helps in all areas of word use.

I do post daily at the moment for the challenge that I am participating in. But i consider a flippant post to be as much a breach of the commitment as no post at all. So yes, i would rather miss a day than post something just for the sake of it. I don't think that is a valuable use of my reader's time.

At the moment I am finding the developing writing discipline to be a great skill for for writing endeavours. Such as writing for publishing.

Thanks again, all the best to you :)

Two days back, I was wondering about who you really were and thought to dig deeper into your blog to find out your introductory post. I had planned to do it tomorrow, but I am so glad you came up with this post. I'll definitely read your introductory post too because this one has increased my interest in you, but I am happy for this post cos it gave me quite an insight into your life.

The following paragraphs touched me the most:

As a child I was extremely quiet. People mistook this for manners. It was more the product of fear. A fear born of an ever present expectation of eternal obliteration. These fears were handed to me without my consent. Some people consider this religion. Others would call it child abuse. Really, perhaps, it's just life. It's given me things to write about, and challenges to overcome.

That's so beautiful and optimistic of you to consider those experiences as somethings to write about. Saying that is not easy at all. I know that cos I have had close escapes from child abuse and even those close escapes were too horrendous for me. I admire you more now.

So, in a way, words make the past less significant, and the present more valuable. I have learned to be careful with my words, written and spoken. They have power. They can create, as well as destroy. In that sense, we are like the gods themselves, with our words. This has given me pause for thought.

Wow! What a thought man. Words do give us a lot of power and this is what we were discussing the other day. The God part never entered my mind. You are just brilliant.

Thank you for your wonderful comment. My intro post got buried long ago (as happens on this site), and it had been suggested to re-introduce myself. Thought it was a good time to do so. Glad I saved you the hassle of trying to find my previous intro post. Even I had a hard time trying to locate it. So now this is all up to date, with links easy to find.

And also, I'm not the same person I was when I wrote that. Perhaps we never really are. If we pursue a sense of evolution and growth, spiritually, emotionally, then how could we be?

I do believe that I am, at heart, an optimist. I have my moments, but mostly the glass is half full, not half empty. Besides, the past cannot be changed, only our present attitude towards it can be. I read a book recently that dealt with that topic - The Courage to be Disliked.

Thanks for spending some of your time with me and my blog :)

Yes I am too glad you wrote this post too :)

You are 100% right in saying this:

And also, I'm not the same person I was when I wrote that. Perhaps we never really are. If we pursue a sense of evolution and growth, spiritually, emotionally, then how could we be?

I believe the same. We never really are the same person we never some time back and I think we aren't the same person as we were even a day before. Different things keep happening around us and keep shaping us so yeah we do keep changing.

Thanks for spending some of your time with me and my blog :)

I love being here. It feels quite like home.

It's about progression. I suppose our job is to make sure it's a positive one. Perhaps that is the free will we possess - freedom to choose how we perceive things, and the point of view we focus most on.

Oh yes, if it is a negative change, we won't ever feel at peace or happy or even stable from within.

Very true :)

I've seen quite a few introductions and reintroductions from you, but this truly feels like the most fully-fleshed out one. Aside from knowing the true identity behind @naquoya, your health woes and your childhood upbringing (well, some of it), I feel like there is still this divide that's padded by the fiction. Sure, our kinship as fellow storytellers unite us beyond the physical borders, and while you're moving to another level in your writer's journey, I do appreciate you peeling back layers and even including an unedited photo of yourself. That, to me, takes guts. I do hope more minnows, dolphins and whales get to know you better before you inevitably launch towards the stars!

I think this is my second intro, but mine tend to be quite long. I made a lot of new acquaintances here of late, so I felt an update was in the order. This one did go into more details. And yes even a photo (as you probably worked out, I hate sharing my photo - probably why I am a writer). Part of 'healing' without trying to sound flippant, has been a willingness to put myself out there. To embrace the opportunity to have some part of myself rejected. Its a writers tale, but its life, in general. More writing, even a photo, chat groups. I'm not necessarily comfortable with any of these, but I don't want to wallow at home, when I could be creating, and sharing. I hope that all makes sense.

Thanks for your - as always - great comment.

It makes perfect sense. I'm glad that it's been doing wonders for you! Cheers to venturing far away from your comfort zone!

As someone who faced health problems due to genetics , I understand the irony. Nice to know you
Hope you can complete the following sentence 'words make the past less significant, and the present more valuable' I felt there was more behind it.

Thanks for reading. The statement words make the past less significant, and the present more valuable is talking about the role writing has played, and does play in helping to erase the issues (or at least the nightmarish control) that they held over me. That is makes it less significant. I find that blocked emotions (in my case at least) respond to writing. They lessen. This in turn has me living less in the past, and more in the present.

I hope that makes some sense.

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by naquoya from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, someguy123, neoxian, followbtcnews, and netuoso. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows. Please find us at the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

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Intro posts always get my attention, I spend a good amount of time in the introduceyourself area welcoming newcomers so when I saw yours in the post promotion I naturally was inclined to give it a view. I've not had a chance to read any of your other material but I intend too.
Cancer is a very cruel disease and I wish you well in your battle with it. I have some opinions about the medical and pharmaceutical companies that I won't discuss here, but there are doctors who are curing cancer so I hope you are being treated by one of those doctors.
I look forward to seeing you around @thesteemengine and reading your work. Take care and best wishes in your battle.

Hello, and thank you for your comment. I try to spend some time in the introduction area also. Not as much lately as I used to, but I would often welcome new fiction writers when I saw them. I remember when i started here and it helps, I think.

I have had a long and complicated medical history, which has lead me to have dealings with the modern medical industry. I don't touch pharmaceuticals. I utilise the diagnostic abilities of a local hospital when needed, but I am not undergoing Chemo. I underwent Radiotherapy 15 years ago, and that was enough (and I wouldn't do so again with what I know now). Perhaps we share similar points of view about these things. Sounds like we may. I don't general discuss these matters as people often take offence, but when it comes to my own health choices, I do a lot of research (better late than never).

I have access to Doctors and researchers who have cured cancer. I don't live in fear, although I have my up days and down days. But the more I learn the more I realise that handled correctly cancer is not a incurable. The rest is up to me.

I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and well wishes.

Wow @naquoya... I knew you from your writings just a glimpse. Your reintroduction humbles me. I can truly say glad to meet you. Accept my apologies for imagining you were a native american australiaonut. (Again spell check won't accept my vocabulary) Please get some rest and good food. I am in the same boat in many ways. Sorry about the religion thing. Jesus is great but religious systems mess up that grace and love we need.

Love and peace bro

My nationality is more nomadic than anything, so no apology needed. I consider myself a child of the earth more than anything else. And I have met some wonderful Christians, so I don't judge others by my experience, its just my experience was difficult, and so early it moulded my thinking to a large degree. But I try to deal with each person on that person's merits. I try, I don't always succeed.

Rest, food, and writing seem to be my healing therapy at the moment. Sorry to hear you are in the same boat, but at least now you will know if i say 'I understand', that I mean it.

Thanks, all the best to you.

Nice to read more about you Scott. I am sorry to hear about the cancer and heart attack but I am glad that you had/have crypto to help you financially. It seems like more and more young people are getting cancer these days. Two of my friends passed away in the last two years because of cancer, both in their 30s. I am glad you are finding writing therapeutic. I enjoy your blog and look forward to reading more. Wishing you good health!

Thanks for taking the time read through several of my intro posts. And yes, the cancer is the down side, but the crypto is the upside. Something positive to focus on in the at times turbulent experience. And writing actually is making a difference. Perhaps just emotionally, but I think that counts. As it impacts stress, and that impacts health, then writing (in a round about way) helps. Therefore what I am trying to say - Steemit is better than a hospital to me :)

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