RAMBLE ON #3 - Getting Arrested, for Resisting Arrest

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

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Ramble On #3

Welcome to my new blog series - Ramble On. It is a travel based blog, created for the sole purpose of exploring new creative writing opportunities. It's bent is deliberately humorous. The stories are predominantly fiction.

This is post 25 in @dragosroua's January 30 day writing challenge.

Getting Arrested – For Resisting Arrest

The bar was filled with revellers out celebrating. I'm not particularly sure what they were celebrating. Perhaps their ability to revel. Some of them were quite good at it. It was Friday evening, the place was heaving with a rowdy bunch of all sorts. Office workers stuck in that time zone of having left work for the week, but nowhere near ready to go home. Backpackers from the nearby hostels looking to get drunk, get laid, or get an extension on their nearly expired visas (okay, they were probably in the wrong place for that last one). Even football fans out celebrating because their team won – or lost. Celebrate long enough and you generally can't remember which one it was. And does it really matter anyway? Apparently so. Perhaps best not to upset the football fans.

I was seated at a table with a few friends from my hostel. We were taking it in turns to see who could talk the most amount of shite. Okay officially we were having a conversation. But if you had have been eaves dropping then that would have been the conclusion you'd most likely have come to. We downed the local ale like it was going out of fashion, and proceeded to one up each other on the exaggeration factor. Until it became somewhat difficult to even make coherent words.

I think I learned a lot about my fellow travellers that night. I say 'think' because I can't actually remember. It's like a floater you get on your eyeball and when you are trying to look at something it's right there blocking the way. That's how my memories of those conversations are. I know they're there. I can see them, obscured behind something blocking the way. I know that I know so much about these friends of mine. It's like we've known each other for lifetimes. Except I can't remember any of it.

I have a tendency to forget a person's name only moments after they've told me. Imagine what I'm like drunk. Well for starters, I can't even remember my own name. I can't remember all those stories we were sharing. And worst of all, I can't even recall what level of shite I was regurgitating. No wonder I get hangovers!

Anyway, we all had a blast. Memories or otherwise I'm positively convinced of it. But then it was time to go home. I could still walk. In the general sense of placing one foot in front of the other. It may actually have resembled more of an Irish jig. And that may have been why a couple of local police officers came over to us as we made our way back to the hostel.

"Hello Occifers," I said, trying to show due respect to the law.

"Had a bit to drink, have we now?" he said to my little group in reply. There were four of us in total. I think we may have been jovial, and in hindsight two o'clock in the morning may not have been the best time for such behaviour where the police congregate like a pack of sharks ready to devour hapless drunken tourists. But we were not driving, so no one had had the foresight to choose a designated walker. So we staggered, like a line of lost souls, trying to remember where we were staying, or at the very least where we were right then.

"Just a little," one of our group replied. I would tell you his name, but I can't remember it. He put his thumb and pointer finger near each other to indicate the little that we had just had. Then he proceeded to stagger around in a circle, before promptly falling in a heap beside the police officer. We very quickly heard snores rising from our recently toppled drinking companion.

"Okay you lot, I think you all could do with a rest down at the lock up." I heard the officer clearly say those words, but in my inebriated state, I was sure he was referring to the hostel. That's what I thought some of the others had called it – 'The Lockup.' Seems I was wrong. As he was calling his partner over to assist I started walking back to the hostel. Like I thought he wanted me to.

The rest is a bit of a blur. Oh who am I kidding, it's all a bit of a blur. Even what I just told you. Except next thing I knew I was being arrested. Both officers pinned me to the ground and told me in unison, "you're under arrest." The stereo effect did nothing for my emerging headache.

"What am I under arrest for?"

"For resisting arrest?" they replied. Their united vocal talents were still in working order.

"That's the first arrest I can remember. How could I have resisted it when I've only now been arrested." I was confusing myself with all this double talk. I felt like I was in a real life Escher drawing.

"No, we asked you before to come down to the station."

"Oh that," I said. "I thought that was a suggestion." Or did I? I can't really remember what I thought. I know I thought these two were overstaying their welcome.

"Then you walked off."

"Walking off is probably an over statement. I would suggest it was more like floated off in an inebriated breeze of distilled reflection." Oh listen to me trying to sound like a blogger. You should have seen the look on their faces when I said that. I would have taken a photograph if I could. But my hands were handcuffed behind my back. And my camera was back at the hostel. But you get the point.

"I didn't understand a word you just said," one of them said to me.

"It's okay, I'm a blogger. I get paid to put fancy words together." Actually, to tell you the truth, I didn't understand I word I had said either. But you know what - this alcohol has a bigger mouth than I do. And it was getting me into some serious trouble. Even my mates were looking me in stunned silence. Except what's his name, he was still snoring away on the footpath.

"So I've been arrested for resisting arrest. Do I have two arrests against my name now?"

"No, just the one."

"That's going to look confusing." Well I thought so.

"I'll arrest you for doing my head in, if you're not careful." The senior of the two was showing his impatience with an increase in vocal tone. And his eyes were getting bulgy also. That made him look more Rodney Dangerfield than Dirty Harry. But I could feel the alcohol wearing off somewhat. I was feeling less like my inebriated self, and more like the person I drink to escape from. And my head was starting to pound like an African drumming circle, being performed by a troupe with no sense of rhythm. I shut my mouth and followed them back to their version of the lockup.

At least I didn't get arrested for being a travel blogger.

Image Source unsplash.com

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you liked it then please like, comment, and follow.


Links to earlier works

Who is Naquoya

- Fiction

My Fiction Writing Collection
Writing Myself Out of Existence
When the Levee Breaks
Reality Fading

- Blog Posts

Notes #1 - #39 - Notes From An Amateur Writer Collection
Notes #40 - Read, Write, and Face the Future
Notes #41 - What Are Some Of Your Favourite Books?
Notes #42 - Website Review: Fiction University
Notes #43 - Seeking a Community Of Writers
Notes #44 - What Are Some of Your Favourite Characters?
Notes #45 - When Madness Came Knocking
Notes #46 - Why Do I Write?
Notes #47 - Books vs Movies: Who Wore it Better?
Notes #48 - Google Seems to Know Me too Well
Notes #49 - Conversation With My Multiple Selves
Notes #50 - Revisiting Childhood With Storm Boy and Mr Percival
Notes #51 - Some Of The Books That I Am Reading

- Ramble On (Humour based travel blog)

Introducing My New Travel Blog
Making a Deal With the Devil

- Reviews

Altered Carbon - Richard Morgan
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Larrson
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - Philip K. Dick
American Gods - Neil Gaiman

- Poetry

My Poetry Collection


For a guy who couldn't remember names, you surely have a way of recalling events haha! Don't think I didn't notice that. The police really have a way of inventing charges just to meet their quota, don't they? This really makes me feel that AI or at least humans devoid of emotion would be best suited to enforce the law. No bending or subjectivity.

This Ramble On series has been going great! You're really upping the entertainment value, mate!

Memory is a fickle thing. It came back to me (mostly) in time to write another episode. I made up the rest (shhh, don't tell anyone). I'm sure it's accurate and believable. And so long as it is entertaining the audience what's a few little fudged facts? And thanks for letting me know it is entertaining. As that is its purpose I need for that to be front and centre.

Now I wonder where I'm going next week? Or what mayhem will ensue, more to the point.

You made up fiction!? How dare you, sir? Oh wait... I just used that in a different comment.

Made Up Fiction - is that a new fandangled genre I haven't heard of? ;)

That is a meta genre that has existed for as long as fiction has, nobody just openly acknowledges it.

My lips are sealed.

I had some humorous reply, and you would have laughed I'm sure, but it's slipped my mind. You know how slippery minds can be with all those lubricating fluid thoughts sliding about.

So, I'll just say Nice Job!

Don't you hate it when that happens? The distinction between fine witty repartee and blurred and stammered nonsense can be a fine line at times. And then there's completely losing one's train of thought. Or is that just me?

Thanks for reading and commenting :)

My train of thought left the station without me a long time ago -_-


That gives me an idea...

Lol. This was very funny.
In my country no one cares if you get drunk. I have never heard of people getting arrested for getting drunk except they start breaking things or get into a fight or something lol.

I think it would be up to police discretion here. So this is more of a what if... moment. But then so many interesting stories begin from such an inquiry.

Thanks for your comment.

I wrote a really rambly piece and I was debating if I should post it tomorrow, especially whether I should leave as is and then I come to your page and see Ramble On...Okay then, matter settled LOL

Then I read this and two things- A: I laughed the whole time, so thank you for that! Awesome blog, I really need to come here a lot more.
B: The other day I was debating writing about the one and only time I was arrested--when I was yanked out the door of my step son's house so they could shout more clearly at my step son who was inside shouting at them, but the yank threw me clear across the porch where I landed on another officer and was arrested. When I asked what for I was told assault. I kid you fucking not. There was also alcohol involved and I also said some shite, but truly I did not assault anymore than you resisted. I was thrown at the bastard grr. lol. I'm not sure I could make the story funny though, it was quite horrible like being kidnapped, roughed up and violated.

Sometimes one just needs to ramble on. For me it's just an excuse to write some funny stories. I do a lot of serious ones, or deeper ones, so why not scratch that other itch.

I'm glad it made you laugh. The concept itself makes me laugh, just thinking about the absurdity of it. getting arrested for resisting arrest - seems to defy logic. But it happens. so I just filled in the details, and well there you go - another ramble.

Your situation sounds horrendous. Shouldn't the one who threw you be the one committed the assault? No need to answer that, I know how these sorts work. But still, nightmarish i would imagine.

You are welcome here anytime, but having said that I really need to visit yours more often also. I missed the start of your current story and haven't had the chance to pick it up. But i'll try :)

No worries about missing my story, however I did post that ramble- you are in the title lol:)

Thanks for letting me know :)

I haven't managed to read all of your travel blogs, but this is my favorite so far! I laughed out loud. I love this statement to the police officer:

Walking off is probably an over statement. I would suggest it was more like floated off in an inebriated breeze of distilled reflection.

And the police officer's response is priceless. This is what made me laugh out loud:

But we were not driving, so no one had had the foresight to choose a designated walker.

I'm so proud of us for keeping up with #challenge30days. I never imagined blogging daily, but it is so great for discipline, and I'm having a lot of fun with it. Clearly you are too, @naquoya!

It's hard to keep up with everything, especially when your in to the Write Club as well. I hope that is all going well. I try to keep up with how that is going.

That silly line came to me as I wrote it. It demanded to be included in the dialogue. Given that I wouldn't dare write that in any story of mine, then may as well take the chance. And glad you liked the designated walker. Sometimes these things sound funny in my head, but maybe not so in text, so I appreciate the feedback.

Yes, we're still going strong on the challenge. Haven't missed a day. Don't plan on it either. It's been great discipline, because some times I lack motivation, but having made a commitment it drives me on to fulfil an obligation (even if only to myself).

Thanks for your comment.

Yes, we are in the home stretch of the 30-day challenge! It has been far more fun than I had imagined. And as you said, it is highly motivating.

Interesting thought about some phrasing being more appropriate for non-fiction than for fiction. I suppose that is true, but I had never thought about that before. (But now I will!) I love the fact that a dialogue line insisted on being included. That happens to me all the time.

Write Club is going well. We are in the second of eight sessions, busily working on story #2, and I am sketching out my storyline. I start actively writing it tonight. My biggest challenge is keeping up with everything while working full time. I only have the early mornings, evenings and weekends for all of my writing, posting, upvoting, curating and Discord communication. I feel like a satellite out in space some days, when what I really want us to be in ground control. 😄

Thanks for the update. You seem to be doing incredibly well to fit in all of that into a full time work and life schedule. I do have more time on my hands at the moment as i rest and heal, so I try to use them for doing a lot more writing and reading. Still the days go so quick.

I wrote a new intro post, and given recent discussions I thought you may have some interest in that. As it was almost a year ago when the first one was published this one is for all my new friends on Steemit.


Another phrase caught my attention: and more like the person I drink to escape from. These little razor blades are what I enjoy about your writing.

Good to know what gets your attention. They say writers should write what they know, but I had to guess why people would drink. Having never drowned my sorrows, I took a stab in the dark. Oh who am I kidding? I have enough foggy memories lurking around in that brain matter of mine to fill a book. That gives me an idea...

The memories remain beautiful

Haha, yes the memories all came back to me :)

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This is very well written. I get emails like this all the time from "gurus" ... O.o that I ignore. Maybe I should do a few of these things ;-)

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it. Could you help me out with one thing though - what do you mean by emails like this from gurus? I didn't quite follow, and I am curious now :)

LoL that was for a different post altogether! I actually have this post open to read in the morning ... With coffee ... (cause I wanna get caught up) Maybe I should go sleep! I wonder happened to that other post in that other tab ... Hmmmm.

Okay, that makes more sense. Although now it's a little scary - my next Ramble On episode is about a Guru.

:-) ohhhh The stories my ADD gives me to tell.

BTW I wasn't so far behind as I thought I was. :-D

Stories are what make the world go around. Everyone needs some of their own. Especially great ones like this. All the best :)

lol, I loved this story! You really have a gift of making one feel like they are there in the moment with you. I too have a had my fair share of run ins with occifers after a few drinks and have also landed myself in jail for a night or two because of said drunken conversations ;) So I feel your pain my friend. lol.. next time just avoid the coppers like the plague and you will be just fine! ..... lesson learned.

Thank you kindly. Putting the reader into the scene is a major goal of a writer, so your feedback is appreciated. As for said occifers, well one could probably write a lot of tales at their expense (preferably from a distance).

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