R I P WolfiE ??? | My Pet Wolf-Spider | What do you think happen next? | Part # 10

Hello Everyone
Sadly, to say this was left of WolfiE. If you do actually reading this then you will know why? ,
What do you think happen next?

Evidently, Like any Arthropods , spiders has a protective hard Exoskeleton that they will shed periodically throughout their lives span as they grow.

This process is call Molting , they will often becoming reclusive and fasting for a long periods prior to moult.

What you about to discover, WolfiE had actually Sheded its Exoskeleton , the new soft exoskeleton is separated from the existing one by a thin layer called the "Endocuticle".

Here, A New Born WolfiE and this is explain in #science term.
What do you think happen next?

If you have miss - My Pet Wolf-Spider Series | What do you think happen next? - Series, Please click to read.

My Pet Wolf-Spider | What do you think happen next? | Part # 10
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Wow, first time I saw that spiders shed.
Hello new WolfiE, eat a lot!

Hi, glad to learn something new. I thought only snakes shed their skins and not spiders as well.

Yes, Good that you have read....
Some reward for reading...

Exoskeleton? like iron man?

I did not know that spiders shed...wow.

Interesting story about changing the skin .Totally new for me. I love spiders and did a lot of spider tattoos in the past. Greetings, Silbart ;)

Thanks for dropping by, did read a few of your posts.

Thank you for your support @bullionstackers !! Maybe thats something for you ;)

just the domain is different now.. tattoo.silbart.com

Wolfie will be so hungry and eat a lot.

Yes, correct.
WolfiE will be very hungry after a long fasting.

Giant wolfie now he has shed his confines. Does he glow in the dark ?

Howdy, Stranger it has been a long time since, did you went some where?
No, WolfiE doesn't glow in the dark.
Some fluorescence substances presence may cause it to glow. Good suggestion.

Spider Glow... new million dolla business idea

Want to partner in this Business Queenslander?

Shame there’s no such thing as fluro Maroon

Nyaaaaaay!!! I bet WolfiE is feeling so refreshed now... ^^ What did you do with the exoskeleton? Did you preserve it? hihihi^^

Ha ha ha
Preserve it?
What I am going to do with it?

Keep it somewhere... and label first exoskeleton, 2nd exoskeleton...etc Then, there'll be a WolfiE exoskeleton museum... hihihihi^^

I love coming into this post and read about their opinions.
This is very creative kind of thinking.

Yaaaay~!!! Thanks... I'm glad you like my suggestion... hihihi ^^

Wolfie fell hungry and will it all.

That was later.

I will check again to read the comments here ;)

ha! I am pleasantly surprised. Most people actually read the rest of the post!

Same here, the idea was there...Lol

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