Winner, Winner NO Chicken Dinner! #Veganwednesday Challenge: Week 17 Starts Now! ๐Ÿ‹๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ‡

in #veganwednesday โ€ข 6 years ago

HEY YOU! Those VEGAN recipes and posts could be winning you this contest!

Seriously, I see soooo many amazing blogs going up on the vegan tag, bring them on over and enter them! We've got the most wonderful community here to embrace you! Come on in!


Wednesday passed again as I was waiting for the post payout to deliver all the earnings but since it was late last week I realized, I could just reward ahead of time! Don't worry, somehow we'll get back to Wednesdays ;)


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  • Create a vegan post.


  • Comment on MY post YOUR ENTRY
    PLEASE remember, if you don't put your link on this post, I may not find it and I wouldn't want that so don't forget this part!


  • Upvote and share MY POST to increase the payout and therefore the prize pool! (Resteem not necessary but beneficial for the reward pool!)


Back to basics:

  • It's simple! Everyone can enter!
  • Everyone can have a chance to win!
  • Play by the rules and put some time and effort in- show your heart a bit!




Creating this contest for me, is a huge piece of my heart. I love food, healing and sharing inspiration and adapting my diet truly changed my life! It's wonderful to have you here, submitting pieces of your heart to me and sharing this with the world! I love it and am so happy I started this and am hoping it only continues to grow <3

My intent is to bring awareness, conversation and relationship over the concept of veganism/plant-based foods... whether or not you are vegan does not matter! You can enter anyway!


How Winning Works:

(Total Post SBD After Pay Out)
35% to 1st place
25% to a second place
15 % to third place!


Rules of the game:


I am notchyourmotha! I'm not here to tell you what or what not to eat but my contest, my rules so your entry must be vegan/plant-based ie: nothing can come from an animal!

As my loving and open rules state- you, yourself do not need to be vegan to enter this contest but your post does have to be! That means if it's a recipe please be sure to remember that animal products are not vegan! If you need help, feel free to comment and ask me!

What day can I enter?

  • Any day of the week!
  • Winners will be announced after post pay out for the past week!
  • Post new entries on winners' announcement!

What's love got to do with it?

  • Please mention this contest in your post!

I am trying to get a friendly community together here with similar interests so the more people who can find us, the more we can grow, the more we can learn, the more we can love! If you meet someone vegan-licious or plant-based-tastic, invite them to join in! The more the veggier!

How to participate:

  1. Post what vegan means to you! This could be anything from vegan approved recipes (no animal products) to poems, to reviews... basically I am looking for vegan related content at your discretion (must be animal friendly!)
  2. Tag it within #veganwednesday. If you do not tag it in #veganwednesday, sadly it can't count!
  3. Mention the contest in your post to promote vegan love across Steemitland!
  4. Post your entry on each week's update (this post will serve as this week's, so post your submissions here!) Share the post with your friends and have them vote on your comment to win!
  5. Only positive posts will be considered. This isn't a war for animal rights or a call out to tell people how to live! It's a loving, caring, sharing invitation to get to know each other and support our community!

I will create a post announcing the winner each week along with any deserved mentions as to help foster a strong community bond for those of us who are trying to share our messages, love and inspiration with the world!


WINNER, WINNER (No Chicken Dinner because it's vegan!) Total: 4 SBD

This week I'm posting early so I'm donating 4SBD to the pot (the rough value of the post at present!)

Remember the higher value the post, the more rewards to share!

Week 16: Judged by @cheeryng! Thank you for your lovely winning entry last week! :)

1st Place= 2 SBD
Vegan Eggplant Burgers!!
street style.jpeg

2nd=2 SBD
Chocolate Almond Heaven

Thank you to everyone who submitted an entry this week! Congrats to the winners :)

This contest is a way to bring the vegan/plant-based community together and show others what is possible through inspiration!

If you or anyone you know would like to sponsor a weekly prize, give me a shout over in Discord or, the vegan community would be mighty grateful to have some more incentive to reward our lovely authors for their time!

I encourage you all to connect with each other if you feel drawn to- let's make this group a loving, supportive, engaging community to call home!


Sending you love and gratitude for showing up here today! I LOVE #veganwednesday!

Week 17 STARTS NOW! Don't forget to post your entries here so we don't miss them!

I hope this challenge inspires you to consider new options in your diets and serves to help us connect to each other! Please engage with me here in the comments, on or in Discord! I am so excited to continue this initiative and can't wait to meet new friends and see your posts!



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I truly believe we can heal ourselves through food and it is my mission in life to create and inspire delicious, mouth watering creations that are beneficial and packed full of plant based goodies to fuel our bodies, minds and lives! ๐Ÿ’–

My heart's in charge here. I write about what I feel in the moment. What inspires me, what drives my passion. Here are some of my recent additions:

Have you heard about my super 22 day challenge?

๐Ÿ’Want to Stay in the Loop? Here's a FREE Steemit Assistant to Make Your Life MUCH Easier!๐Ÿ’
Your dream has come true- NEVER MISS a post again!t!!

๐ŸดHungry? Check out these yummy plant based recipes!๐Ÿด
๐ŸŽ‚Special Power Cake!
๐Ÿง€Get Stuffed: Gravy/Cheesy/Stuffed Loaf!
๐Ÿซ 5 Min, Easy, Healthy DIY Chocolates!
๐Ÿง€Na'cho Everyday Cheese! Vegan Queso!
๐Ÿฅ‘You Won't Believe it's Not Magic! Double Chocolate Mousse (Avocado) Cake!
๐ŸŽ‚Treat Yo'Self! Brownies+Ice Cream+Cookies+Fudge = Cupcakes
๐Ÿ’œIncredible Purple Vegan Quiche!
๐ŸœGarden to Table: Coconut Curry!
๐Ÿ Baked Lasagna
๐ŸŠFruits to Make You Feel Your Best!
๐ŸซGo Coco-NUTS for Homemade Creamy, Fudgy Chocolate Bars!

Sending you love through food, travel, inspiration and epic storytime!
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Hi Cece,
This is my entry for this week:

I would also like to promote the #HealthyVeganIceCream Challenge which I am currently hosting:

I am particularly looking for support from the community to prop up the winner's payout. This could be done buy upvotes, resteems but also by generous SBD donations which I will add to the prizes.

CU, Chris

Yum! I am a HUGE fan of vegan icecream, obviously I think it's much better than the origincal ;) I love this idea! Can't wait to see what shows up as recipes! <3

Hi Cece, thanks for the positive energy!! :) ๐Ÿ‘ I also cannot wait to see the entries. CU, Chris

You inspired me my dear! I saw this and ended up making my own version for lunch yesterday.... DELICIOUS :) I love carbonara so much! Thanks for the nudge ;)

Awesome, would love to see your version! ๐Ÿ˜Š What did you use for your sauce?

Cheesy, as in cheeselike stuffed tomatoes

These are so adorable :) I need to find some big tomatoes :)

This ones are not that big, no beef tomatoes anyways, but don't buy teton de venus, it could be hard to keep them in position :)

They look a lot bigger than the ones I get around here ;) Hey, I am going to put out the announcement for the winners so could you pick your favorite 3 and send them to me for the post, Mr. Winner of last week :)

I made my choice, how do I communicate it to you? or Discord or even here since everyone is going to know that it was you who chose the winners anyway ;) Whatever is easier for you!

Just had my daily dragon fruit for breakfast :) LOVE this guys. Mine are pink in the middle but same deliciousness... I wish I could track down some blueberries but I think it's too hot here for them!

Congrats to those 2 winners!! They are really both so crazy talented!!

You all are. I love you! Vegan superstars! Every time I think I don't have time to keep this going, I just look at your entries and think, there is no way this can ever stop. You all are amazing and inspiring and I freaking love you! <3

That is really nice to hear, thank you my dear, but your talent is for sure on the same level if not better!

You guys are so cute! Can we have a veganwednesday meetup already? ;)

That would be awesome, sharing tips, cooking together, smelling the flavors and learning each others tastes :)

I think it should happen. We'll have to rally the troops :)

I little of powering up and I might afford a trip to Bali :) I noticed that a lot of steemians are connected to this place, obviously it is beautiful, but so are other places, so what specifically is it about Bali?

Oooohhhh well if you do, let me know I know a lot of things about this here Bali that can stretch that SBD further haha <3 Ummmm I don't know, it's kind of a networking hub with really cool co-working spaces and it used to be super crypto friendly until the gov' got involved and now, not so much. I think in the end, it's pricepoint to beauty. For me, it was the vegan popularity here. I've never been anywhere in the world that was so catered toward things I like, like kombucha and ferments and vegan restaurants ;) I think you'd love it!

I will, you sound like a local resident already and probably speak bali too :) I find it so fascinating that a vegan lifestyle brought you to Bali, basing the place where you want to spend the rest of your life around the food that you love makes so much sene, especially in your case!

This is fabulous! So much goodness right here! I am addicted to eggplant so I am eager to try the burgers and the chocolate almond heaven, who could resist @birdsinparadise? Congratulations and I am looking forward to going back thru these wonderful links. Thank you!

Hi @qberryfarms! I'm happy to see you here enjoying the amazing talents happening here in #veganwednesday haha :) I just love how creative the entries are and am happy you were able to see them! Don't you think that some of's burgers followed by @birdsinparadise's chocolate would be a dream? :)

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