Oh, You'd Like Non-Disgusting GF Crust With Your Pizza? (You Came to the Right Place!)

in #vegan6 years ago (edited)

Gluten free pizza from the store got you down? That stuff can be pretty gnarly right?

Never fear, @heart-to-heart is here!
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Ok, so you've definitely heard me say that my poppa bear is an Italian chef whose main thing is pizza by now...

Well that said, it broke my pretty little heart whenever I decided for my health to cut out gluten (flour=crust) and cheese (heart of the pizza!)

My pops couldn't take it- he tried to tempt me with delicious toppings and extra cheese melting down the sides of the tray but it would have me keeled over, praying to the food gods to just give me one more chance on this earth to do as they pleased!

Next thing you know, I have this huge problem- life without pizza!

Oh the horror! Gramma would be dropping her jaw at me to hear that I could no longer consume 90% of what I grew up with!

So, you know me- I'm all about the positive, healthy solution!*

I have been experimenting lazily with gluten free pizza crust. Usually it cracks or won't stay together or something crazy gets in my way and while it might taste good, it just never is it!

That is until last night when I cracked this recipe out of my hat!

I'm telling you all, it's a good one!

I do have a confession: when I get really in the zone, as tends to come with challenges like this one, I sometimes am not the greatest at documenting along the way so forgive the lack of play by play and just get in the kitchen and give it a go!

What you need:

  • 2 cups red rice flour (or GF option of your choice)
  • 1/3 cup arrowroot flour + 1/3 cup water
  • 1 cup coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup psyllium husks
  • 1/4 cup active yeast
  • 1-1/2 cup warm water
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt

What to do:

This part is easy if you have a food processor with a kneading attachment, if not just do it by hand, easy peasy!

  • First mix 1/3 cup arrowroot powder and 1/3 cup water together in a dish and add to heated skillet.
    The mixture is going to turn to gel very fast so watch it and turn heat off immediately.
  • Mix all of the ingredients (EXCEPT THE WARM WATER) together in a bowl:


  • Add to a food processor if you have a kneading attachment (it will do the work for you!)


  • If you're using your hands, think of it like Play-doh and just keep smooshing it together, rolling it around until it comes easily into a ball.


  • You can now roll it out if you're patient but if you're like me, just use your hands!
  • Press down on an oiled pizza pan (lightly not too hard) from end to end, making it whatever thickness you like
    I made mine about 1/2 inch thick and it was the perfectly lazy way of doing it!
    Relax about how it looks, no one sees it once it's covered! No need to waste time making it look good when you won't even ever see it! PLUS this side is going to be on the bottom when you flip it!


Remember the thicker you make it, the longer you need to leave it in the oven!

  • Put in the oven at 190'C for 15 minutes.
  • Flip over carefully and bake again for 5 minutes before adding toppings!
    Notice how it's all smooth on this side? ;)


  • Take out, pile on the toppings and bake again depending on what you're using on top! I suggest about 10 minutes with this crust!

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Oh so you want the recipe of the crazy delicious pizza you see right here?

I don't blame you guys... this pizza was heaven in my mouth! Let me give a bit of a tease...

Delectable, melty cheese, crispy bacon on top, garlic mushroom in the center... ahhh..

Yeah, well needless to say, the full recipe is coming straight at you very soon!

Sending you love today and everyday!

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This looks good, feels good, and i am sure tastes good. this is good. I am super proud of you. I want Pizza...no...I want your kind of Pizza. This is amazing and it feels good to know you always prioritize healthy eating and living. Super excited about this. Well done my Val. Massive love for you.

looks good! I'll have to try it out some time

Thank you for this recipe!!! I am going to visit my (gf and dairy intolerant) daughter and wanted to make pizza for her! She will be so excited! There is no way you can buy gf pizza, they're like cardboard lol You are amazing, thanks for sharing your lifesaving healthy creations with us @heart-to-heart

You have very good posts..
I wish you success..

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