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Astounding Steemit Stories

Special Edition Vol 3- 5

Storyteller Recap

Volume 7

October 7th 2017

This past week I did not have much time to look out for new Authors. So I think we will catch up a little bit on what our Storytellers have been up to.

Part 2

Mr. Everitt Mickey, @everittdmickey

In Volume 4 of Astounding Steemit Stories, I spoke a little bit about Mr Everitt Mickey's story Ride the Lightning.. The link will take you to a table of contents for the first 40 parts. I have really been enjoying this story and look forward to his almost daily postings of the next little tidbit. it really is a fun read. The other story I want to mention is his Soul Stone story. The link will take you to a Table of Contents for the first 30 parts of that story. The image is what he uses for those stories. @everittdmickey has an Amazon Author page, where if you just can't stand the suspense, you can order some of his books. If you do, then still please stop by and drop him a thank you on any of his stories. Along with the two stories I have mentioned and his Amazon site, he has several other stories that he is posting on Steemit. As time permits I know I will be reading more of his work. His stories are very fun to read, and he has a different way with words that I think will please you.

@macksby, we met him in Volume 4 also, and he had just started his Playing for Keeps. It has now been concluded and wrapped up. Part 6 contains links to the other 5 parts. A very thrilling story of Hope

The Black Door, is the next of his short stories I am reading, so far I am pretty much caught up in it. He only has 3 parts out as of now, but more parts are forthcoming. The Black Door, Gangsters and Cartels, has all the makings of a very well written shoot-em up kind of story, with a lot of action, and some very good character building. I am sure you will enjoy it as much as I do. A short side note about @macksby, he is also a poet. If you enjoy poetry, you need to read some of his works, I am not that much into poetry, but the few of his that I read I did like.
@cecicastor, and @tatswaru

They were working together on A Yeti Heart. They are upto chapter 14 in the story. The story continues to be well written, and I am waiting like others on the next installment of chapters. I am sure they will be out soon, so we just have to be patient and wait.

@lyxng has a lot of short stories, the one I am current engrossed in is her Seven Story. At first I was not sure what to think, it all started with a poem, she is using all of her different talents,(and they are many) and writing techniques to tell this story. I think you will be surprised at the results.

Another one of her stories that I enjoyed was Ad Infinitum (An Original Story) Part 1 of 4 this story takes you into the realm of the twilight zone, a very different kind of story. Not really meant for the squeamish.

Michelle, is a very accomplished Author/Storyteller. She has an Amazon Author page where you can order her books, and read a short bio on her. The first story of hers I read was Ash and the Favor Man. My god that was a very fun read, I really really enjoyed it, and was saddened to see it end. There are links to the beginning of the story at before you start to read the last chapter. The other story that I am enjoying is Blood on the Moon - serialised EXCLUSIVE for Steemit! I think it is great that she is sharing this story with us, I have already fallen for it hard and wait for the daily posting of the next little bit. Along with being a writer, she is also an editor, and is sharing another story of hers as she shows us her editing process. How I edit my own work - Plus a story to read too - 1 She has some very good stories to tell, and helpful advice for new writers.

@suesa, I think she has the greatest potential of being the next Issac Asimov, in that she is a very good scientist and one damn fine writer, especially when it comes to presenting difficult science to the masses,(like me). She has a, Suesa's Science Stories - Masterpost #2 where you can find links to her previous works. Her Bullshit Research stories are very funny and real fun to read. She generally includes at the end of each of her stories links to the scientific concepts that were presented in the stories. Fun reading, and learning something at the same time, she does a great job at that.

@dreemit, Has finished up her The Allies of Old: Book One Series,
and is in the process of giving us The Allies of Old; Book Two Renewal. The link will take you to chapter 60 but do not worry, before you get to the story @dreemit has a table of contents so you can go to the very beginning. If you like a good, no make that a great Vampire Story, then this is it. A lot of back stuff, a lot of really likable characters, and a very fine story line. I enjoyed the first "Reborn", and am totally hooked in "Renewal".

@therealpaul He has been around for over a year on steemit, and has quite a few excellent post. From Stories, to contest, to art, heck after a year he has pretty much covered every topic. But his stories they are what I find fun. The Terraces. Now that was a fun little story to find. It was from 2 months ago, but is still a funny kind of comment on real life, and down time. So scroll and scroll some more for some golden stories.

@papa-pepper continues with his Story, he has had some translations done, and even an Audiobook being done on the story. On the written story he is upto chapter 35, and that is where the link will take you. He also supports and runs various types of contest including on occassion some writing ones and has even done a video of PAPA'S TIPS FOR FICTION WRITERS ON STEEMIT. Be sure to visit his site and see what else he has to offer.

Now for a round up of the few new Storytellers we met recently in Volume 5:

@aksounder continues on his story "Galdor and the Four Swords" he has completed Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. I have been pretty busy and hope to enjoy part 3 when I am done posting this.

@josephlwiess, He is upto chapter 10 in his Journeys Story. I am a few chapters behind I am only up to chapter 7 so i have a bit of catching up to do. I have been enjoying the so far, and like the direction it is taking. He has links to take you to the beginning the previous and the next chapters at the end of each story.

@cizzo, A short story writer, he already has a nice selection of reading material for people. I have recently been reading his Camp Horror. Part 1. stories, he has 5 parts, once again I am behind, and only up to part 4. Looks like Sunday will be a fun day for me as i sit back and catch up on some reading. Along with reading Camp Horror story, I have read a few of his other shorts, and they have all been fun to read.

@johnjgeddes, After reading his Inhuman stories, I started in on Private Lies, series. A pretty intriguing story. He is up to part 11, and once again I am behind the times, I am only on part 7. i will catch up because I have enjoyed this story as it has been unfolding, and I need to know who "U.R. Dunn (416) 929-2017." is.

I apologize to the new Storytellers from my volume 5 issue, as you can see I fell behind on my reading a little bit. As I get to reading more and more of your works and stories, I hope to be able to do a much better write up. I am not much of a reporter type person, and this is my first effort at presenting others to others through writing a small mag.

As always, feel free to drop story links in the comment section, or comments of what you liked and or did not like.
"photo credits on authors pages"

Storytellers and Authors from previous entries. They keep writing, and I keep reading.

@ezzy ------------------- @macksby
@wgmartin ----------- @everittdmickey
@richq11 -------------- @cecicastor
@wolfeblog ----------- @lyxng


Improvements and or suggestions, feel free to make them in the comments section; and a great big thank you to all the authors out there, for providing me with reading enjoyment.
Astounding Steemit Stories ...... Volume 1 ......... September 5th 2017

Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 2 ........ September 10th 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 3 ........ September 17th 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 4 ........ September 22nd 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 5 .........September 29th 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ......... Volume 6 ...........October 6th 2017


A new writer and a new story courtesy of a link from @dreemit. Welcome @jedau and his story A day in the Clouds. The link will take you to the table of contents. i have not started to read the story, but will be reading it very soon, like tonight. So if you have time drop by some of the above listed authors/storytellers, and some of the new ones in the comments here.

Thank you so much for mentioning our work in your volume 7 of Astounding Steemit Stories. Kind words that are very much appreciated. Next chapter should be ready to post tomorrow.

Thank you, It took me a bit to do these two Round-ups, but I was pretty happy with the way they came out.

Hello cecicastor, I just wanted to let you know that @pibara has started a new fiction writers lottery for minnow authors, that you may be interested in. He is working with the minnowboosters people on this. Here is the link to the contest.

Thank you! I will check this out...

Thank you for the mention and more importanlty for reading my stuff :). This is a nice resource to expand on my own steemit reading.

Thank you @cizzo. i like to read, got a little bit behind this week, but will be catching up tomorrow and this evening. I really liked Camp Horror.

Hello cizzo, I just wanted to let you know that @pibara has started a new fiction writers lottery for minnow authors, that you may be interested in. He is working with the minnowboosters people on this. Here is the link to the contest.

@bashadow thanks for letting me know :)

I found another Author, @jcedwards, here is a link to his/her The Littlest Fairy. he left a comment on one of post mentioning he was an aspirin Author.

Thanks so much for the link, @bashadow! (I'm a "her", lol.) is a dear friend of mine, and introduced me to Steemit last year. Her writing is absolutely fabulous! If anyone is into science-fiction, another author you may want to check out is @alienbutt; you'll probably enjoy his stories as well. Re-Steemed.

Thank you, hard to tell with initials J. C., and I did not peruse a lot of your pages yet. Thank you for the Author Link. I like to read, as could testify. Not much of a writer, but reading, it is a passion for me, I love to read.

The J.C. stands for "Julie Catherine" :) I write a lot of "classical format" poetry and have published a poetry book. I'm working on a second collection; plus 2 novels that have been in the works for years (I'm ashamed to even admit I've had serious writer's block!) This is the first time I've published an actual story on Steemit, and it's really helping me to focus on telling the story ... and completing it, lol. Writer's block and multiple health issues have kind of taken over my life in the past few years; and I'm now working on getting back to writing ...

I will read your stories, health issue stuff sucks, i know we lose a little bit of ourselves every year, but cherish those we have left as we grow toward wisdom.

Thanks for the kind words.
I appreciate it.

I love reading "Ride the Lightning, and Soulstone" . They are very fun reads for me. Some totally action packed, some more mellow, but all of them great to read and very well written. I love to read, retired and this is my hobby. reading. You all take me on some pretty wild rides with the story varieties available on steemit. Thank you.

Thank YOU...
I appreciate the kind words.
don't tell anyone..but I'm beginning to feel the urge to wrote some more on."Q"

Hi @bashadow, I just started a new series of lottery contests that I hope can help other minnow authors with getting useful feedback. I have a feeling you might have some ideas on what posts to nominate. Note that it is meant for nominating "minnow" fiction authors. Authors with less than 5MVEST to their name.

Hello @pibara, I let most of the Authors I know about your lottery and asked them to let any minnow writers they know of the lottery also. I plan on nominating a couple of the new authors I found.

Another new Author to me. @bdmomuae, just starting her story "The Mistake of Jack". Expect to see her along with @mudcat36 in the next issue.

Muxxybot Contest #2: Fiction, @muxxybot is having a contest.

Muxxybot is giving humans another chance to win his favor.........and a prize of 10 SBD, plus the SBD payout from this post........
This contest calls for short works of fiction........Muxxybot requires stories of between 500 and 1000 words........the subject shall be:
A day in the life of Muxxybot'
Human participants only........this contest ends on October 16th 23.59 BST / 10:59 UTC.
Submit a link to your post in the replies below....
....Upvote this post.

Write a story, visit his page, upvote the post and drop your link, maybe win 10SBD, but more importantly get some exposure for your other stories.

Again, thanks for the write up. I'm going to resteem this post and also have Paul check it out :)

Thanks for letting me know about @jedau. And thanks for the resteem.

@svashta has entered a couple of contest with:
one story, I read the story, it is pretty good.

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