The mistake of Jack - Chapter 1 - FICTION

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Jack returned to his car and it felt like his whole world was suddenly turned upside down. He has been doing his job to the best of his abilities for the past five years and could never have imagined that this would be his fate. What would his wife say about this and why hasn't anyone officially informed him yet?

He got into his car and for a few moments he just sat there staring at nothing. There were so many thoughts going through his mind at the same time and none of it made sense. What the hell just happened? Why didn't I see it coming? What now?
There is no way that he will be able to convince his wife that this was a mistake. The thought crossed his mind that perhaps it would be better to just leave town for a couple of days but that would just look extra suspicious. He was told that he would be informed of the steps that would be taken but nobody said when.

As he drove off he was unsure of which road to take. There were two roads - the long way and the short way. It's not as if his wife is expecting him home in the middle of the day, but where else would he go? His hands were sweaty as he clung to the steering wheel and his heart was racing so much that he started to feel dizzy. Drops of sweat formed on his forehead and he decided to stop at the next gas station just to wash his face at least. He did not feel very well as he pulled into the gas station. He got out of the car and without even closing the door he walked to the restroom. It smelled like someone had died in there so he held his breath, splashed some water on his face and couldn't get out fast enough.

Sir, are you alright?” he heard someone say.

It sounded like an echo. He opened his eyes and saw a blurry vision of what looked to be a young man’s face in front of the clouds above.

How many fingers am I holding?

Stay with me, Sir! Everything is going to be alright!”

He was unconscious while the paramedics lifted him into the ambulance. Slipping in and out of consciousness he could hear them talk around him but he wasn’t able to open his eyes or speak. There were lots of wires around him and something down his throat and the paramedic kept asking him questions. He felt so helpless, not only because he was unable to give answers but also because he didn’t even know what happened. The last thing he remembered was splashing water on his face. He tried to reach for his phone in his pocket but he realized that his arms are not cooperating and then he remembered that he forgot to take his phone from the drawer of his office desk as he rushed to the car earlier. Jack could feel his wallet in his back pocket and tried to tell them to look in there for contact numbers, but it was useless.

What happened? Why can’t I move?

(To be continued...)

Dear Steemit friends.

This is my first story ever don't laugh. Tomorrow is the day of the big move and seeing as we'll be travelling for some time and not knowing for sure when I will have the chance to sit down long enough to write posts, I have written ahead to make it easier for myself to keep up to date. Luckily, I will have a long 8 hours during the flight to think of a perfect ending for my story.

I might not be able to reply to comments regularly but I will sure make time for that at least once a day (for the next 2 weeks).

Please be patient with my story writing skills as we should all start somewhere and I'm sure I will learn fast ;-)

Happy Steeming and see you soon South Africa!


signatureTeam South Africa banner designed by @bearone


Hey there! Great history, already upvoted you. I will keep reading:)

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Happy reading and thanks for your comment and upvotes.

You're off to a good start! I'm no expert, I'm still new at writing fiction, but I think you're doing fine so far... Unlike SOMEBODY we know who kills me off and turns it into a stupid love story (not one murder)!!!

[email protected] can only be that bear person 😂
Thank you so much for reading!

This bear can sniff out all the comments!!!!! You just wait for the next one mr just wait!!!

All in good fun my dear, all in good fun!!! You know I love you!

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The story really pulls you in, you most certainly do have a talent for writing! :D
I can't wait to see what else happens! This is an awesome cliffhanger!
One thing though, if I may...
In the last paragraph, after "He tried to reach for his phone ... ... " I got kind of lost in the time frame of what you're describing.
Other than that, I love it! Upvoted, followed and resteemed!
Make sure this isn't your last story! :D

Edit: I checked your post history. I'm hooked! This will keep me busy for hours :3

Ooooh thanks and yes I see what you mean there. It's great that you pointed that out to me. Thanks. ;)

criticism is always good as long as its constructive ^^ I'm glad you see it that way aswell! :D

Wow I am impressed by your writing skill and intrigued by the story. Cannot wait to read the rest

Thanks @anneke. Kind of you ;)
Thanks for reading!

Awesome chapter 1 :):) I'm intrigued. Have a great trip back home:)

Great story About Jack I will like to read the complete story interest

Thanks, I will try to keep up to your expectations =)

Suspense.... Make the move safely, get settled in, and give the next part soon @bedmomuae

Well done on you first time, story writing. Jack is going to be a good story to read. Thank you @bdmomuae. Safe travels and good luck.

a very interesting story makes me curious again .. now I try to read again this advanced ..

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