PLAYING FOR KEEPS… (orig story)

in #story7 years ago

Playing For Keeps...

Some time in the future, the not so distant future…

He could hardly recognize the world around him, anymore… Approaching 100 years of age, he wondered if the memories he had as a younger man were real, or just some delusion brought on by old age… Most of his friends were dead.., and to be quite honest, there weren't very many old people, in this "new world..," as he would often refer to it, when talking to the the only family -- the only person he had any connection too still, his grandson, Charlie.

Not even Charlie was sure if his grandfathers stories of the past were real.., by the time he was born the world had already become a dark, dire place… You see, about 70-75 years earlier.., the world had taken a drastic turn for the worse, that it never recovered from… He was used to bread lines and food pantries filled mostly with empty shelves and hungry faces. The haze (pollution) in the air, that would start to sting your eyes if you stayed out too long. And where terrorism and and random acts violence were a daily occurrence.

We had as a race -- a whole.., dropped the ball!

Things like trust, honor, respect, loyalty, friendship.., and even love were things of the past -- only now, to be viewed as weakness and a place to strike. It was a world of ME, ME, ME.., at any cost.., there was no need to even rationalize such despicable behavior anymore -- it was commonplace. The world was operating, purely, on their baser instincts -- any "good nature" buried so deep, it never the light.

It was, what it was -- the insane desire, for that "15 minutes of fan" was so intense, it dominated your time. The divide and the reality of the "haves" and have nots" was no longer in question, by anyone.., and had grown to such lengths, they had a genuine disdain for each other -- you either had way more than you needed, or you didn't have enough.., plain and simple. Government was a joke (kinda like now).., it was now a conglomerate of the biggest corporations and the super wealthy -- there were a few individuals (or families) that were worth 100's of billions… Instead of telling the politicians what to do, they decided to render them useless, while still using there unjust laws to ensure their wealth and keep the masses in line…

Reality TV ruled the airwaves -- it was all anyone watched… And that too, had taken a horrible, twisted turn… Nabbing a spot on one on the many nightly shows was like finding a golden ticket -- a chance to win a home, or free rent for 10 years… Enough food till you die.., or maybe healthcare for you and your family… But just like the world, these shows had become mean.., pitting one against another. Or placing yourself in extreme danger -- hunted as game or shamed for higher ratings…

People were literally, hunted and killed in prime time -- just in the hopes of winning a little healthcare for their family. Chased down and mauled by starving, rabid dogs, trying to ensure their children would never go hungry. Times had changed so much, it was easy to think his memories of a kinder, gentler past.., were nothing more than a dream -- and up until one year ago, he really thought they were…


Most of the old were considered irrelevant… After a certain age, after you retired, after whatever money who had socked away (if any) was gone.., you were ushered into one of the many, well hidden "old age homes.., " to die. Forgotten and alone, most people only lasted a few years before -- lets just say, checking into one of these places was.., the kiss of death. Charlie's grandfather was one of the few "old people" that avoided these death traps because -- get this.., he owned a tiny piece of the New York Yankees… When he first moved to NYC he loved it so much, he had to own a piece of it --

One night sitting in a bar on West 46th St watching a Yankee game -- his entire life changed, in a New York minute… After going on all night about how much loved his new town -- the people, the history, the grittiness… He was boarding on being obnoxious.., but he was so damn genuine, the whole bar sat enthralled, by the way he spoke about their home…

And the it happened…

As all eyes were glued to the TV -- bottom of the 9th inning, Yankees down 3-0, 2 outs.., but the bases are loaded and their slugger is at the plate -- you could here a pin drop… All of a sudden, he gets tapped on the shoulder by an older gentleman wearing a pretty nice suit.., who proceeds to tell him, he has never heard anyone speak of this city so eloquently and unabashed.., "I can't think of anyone I'd rather sell this building too" -- and he slams a legal looking piece of paper down on the bar…

After a few seconds (which felt like hours) of complete disbelief.., he picked up the piece of paper the man had slammed on the bar -- it was the deed to the property located at 625 11th ave NY, NY… It was stapled to a "transfer of ownership" document.., that he was told contained a very special perk to owning this property… The man in the suit can see the look of utter disbelief all over this guys face -- "Look, Im gonna go take a leak.., take a moment to digest what I just presented you with.., and just so you know Im for real, ask the bartender or anyone in here who I am…"

Sure enough.., not only does this guy own the bar - he owns the damn New York Yankees! The whole bar knows who he is, but they are so used to seeing him -- it's the only place he will watch a Yankee game, if he doesn't go to the stadium. It was that night, not only did the owner of the New York Yankees sell him a whole brownstone for what ever he had in his pocket.., he also told him -- "You're a very integral part of the plan, it won't happen overnight, but one day you will understand, what an important man you are…" And though, his words inspired him in a weird way, they couldn't have felt more ominous. Little did he know, it was the beginning of the end…

Stay Tuned For Part 2

As Charlie's grandfather explains to him.., why the owner of the New York Yankees sold him an entire brownstone for $700.., and what those ominous words that accompanied the sale meant...


nice post @macksby keep it up ur informative post work in steemit..
.i was stollen my other account pawwor which name @shahzaib.... and u add me u know there for i cant comment u yesterday and now start this new u conect always from this and follow u ,follow me my this account..
for our always touch like allways

Thanks @shencoin.., sorry to hear about your other account -- Consider yourself followed!

thanx @macksby for ur appriciate me again

what a great story i am keen to read the second part of this story it was really too good.

Thanks @blazing.., glad you liked!

Sometimes this life seems just a game or a world of Matrix.Unfortunately, we live under the rule of the world order

There's always hope for a change...

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