Astounding Steemit Stories Volume 3

in #reading7 years ago (edited)

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Astounding Steemit Stories

Volume 3

September 17th 2017

Very important edit 1/21/2017. Please scroll to the end to help a storyteller (Author) out.
I believe you will all be happy with the line up I found for this post. Steam Punk, Christian, Sci-fi, and more stories.
@alexbeyman Original Novel The Black Pool, Part 1:
Journey to the Center of the Earth meets Dante's 7 circles of hell, or at least that is how I have initially viewed it. The really nice thing about reading a story as it is being written, is you really do not have a clue what is coming up next. You can not jump to the middle of the book, to take a peak. So my view may change, who know's all I know is that I have been enjoying reading it.
@papa-pepper His ongoing, since Aug 2016 Story, LOVE LIKE HIS. A story redemption and acceptance, of light and dark, and of growth.
With Spanish translations by @soymanu, please visit his page to look for chapters as they are posted.

And Portuguese translations with @andyluy and others, visit his page to look for chapters as they are posted.

If you have any suggestion of Authors to read on here Please leave a comment. I am only a little selfish, in that I mostly am doing this for my benefit, but I do understand that others may find this little steemmag useful,
Next up is: @suesa ,"Combining science with fiction to make it even more exciting " from his front page. He has links to scientific terms/ideas introduced in the stories, such as "oasis" what it is.. Another example "haboob", read the stories and see the links.
Journey through Space "This is a spin-off to my Lost, and AIOA series. Reading those isn’t necessary to understand this new series, but especially “AIOA” can provide some background knowledge.' and by doing so there is much more to learn through his end of story links. Relax your mind, then expand your mind.

@dreemit Author of "Reborn"

For those of you who are new to this, Reborn is the first of what will be a five book series entitled The Allies of Old. As stated above, the second novel is also complete and will begin on steemit shortly. The third book is fully plotted and nearly half-written, and there are pages and pages of notes for the final two.

Join Anna and her friends as they stumble into worlds no one believed existed.

Book one of this series is very well written, and I am looking forward to the next in the series. Due to some content, I would have to say not recommended for immature audiences., She is a published author and has an page, for her published works.
From Michelle:New Story – With new ideas and directions to hand. I’m writing this and posting it straight onto Steemit – You can’t get more exclusive than that!

Ash and the Favour Man

image from Ash and the Favour Man
Follow the adventure of Ash, a nine year old girl, with a 35 year old don't mess with me attitude. A very good read. Also do not forget to look over for other stories of hers.

@therealpaul, He does a lot of short story writing, I have not got to read very many of his post, but this one, this one, was like Oh Wow, to me. I really liked it I hope you do also.
The Mighty Conqueror Meets Little Planet Kay Look for "his" story on Antarctica, I am sure you will have a hard time believing it to be just a story.

Remember visit the other authors introduced in previous issues. They are writers, they write, and time goes on. I am sure some of them have a lot of new stories being told or in the process of being told.

"photo credits on authors pages"
Improvements and or suggestions, feel free to make them in the comments section; and a great big thank you to all the authors out there, for providing me with reading enjoyment.
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 1 ........ September 5th 2017

Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 2 ........ September 10th 2017

STACH Short Story Contest #2: 199 Words-10USD prize pool!
Results are not in as of yet, but should be very soon after I post this so visit @stach to check out who the winners are,and to find more new and exciting things going on in the Nigerian Community via @stach.

In the last issue I made a last minute addition to add this contest inWelcome to Antarctica - Conspiracy Creative Writing Contest II. The Contest was set up by @v4vapid. Here are the results of the contest:Contest Results

Visit @v4vapid, drop a thank you for the contest and results, also visit and read the entries, I am positive you will find at least one if not many very enjoyable.
9/21/2017 edit: Beta reading contest Ragnarok Conspiracy : Part one. 8 Prices of $1.5 SBD and one of $10 SBD

Rob J Meijer @pibara, is requesting assistance: "I am looking for constructive criticism. Not for praise. I want to learn what needs work so I can improve my story and make my first novell as high quality as I possibly can."

So please visit his story, and help him out, maybe earn a little bit of steem, but do it for the joy and helping a fellow steemian out, not the money.

Thank you for sharing these amazing authors with us. Some fantastic reading here. Upvoted and resteemed.

Thank you @cecicastor for the upvote and resteem. If you know of any good storytellers let me know, so I can share them with everyone on steemit.

You should have dropped a link to your Yeti Story, I will read it and include you in next issue. Only way to know there's stories out there are if people fess up. The stories do not need to have been published, brand new that's what counts. Bringing Storytellers and Readers together is what I am trying to do. A story link drop is not spam even if it is your own.

It's an honor to be mentioned here. Thanks a lot.

You are welcome, who knows one day I may actually have one of these little steemmag volumes have 50 views or more, I still like to read, and still need a look back reference for authors, so it still serves a good purpose for me. A few others may also find it useful, you just never know.

Yes, I agree, you never know till you try.

Hi, @bashadow

Thank you for inviting me to this page.

I am your friendly incorruptible croupier.
I am sorry for the inconvenience, but the post you have invited me on currently has too few upvoted comments for me to run a lottery with.

Please invite me again after you have gathered at least two contenders on this page.

[@croupierbot catch-up instance]

What a well-written mag! Thank you for dropping by. There are a number of writers here that I'm glad you found for me!

Thank you. I love to read. Finding Authors is no easy task on steemit, it seems everyone who blogs something is considered an Author, but storytellers, those are the real Authors. Thank you.

Hello, As you know I enjoy reading, I just wanted to let you know that @pibara has started a new fiction writers lottery for minnow authors, if you know of any minnow authors it would be nice if you could share this information with them. He is working with the minnowboosters people on this. Here is the link to the contest.

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