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Astounding Steemit Stories

Special Edition Vol 1-3

Storyteller Recap

Volume 6

October 6th 2017

This past week I did not have much time to look out for new Authors. So I think we will catch up a little bit on what our Storytellers have been upto.

Taking a lot longer than I thought, and it is a pretty long post as is, so I will do a second post for Storytellers from volume 4, and 5, in a day or two.

@ezzy, I first ran across him when he was doing his flash fiction The Setup, a series of shorts of the same scene through the eyes of the various characters involved. I thought it was great. I had never seen anything like that done before, and was quite impressed.

He has a new short story series in the works if you have not visited him recently. It is called Hellbent, 5 entries so far. As far as I can tell right now, it is a drug lord type novel. The action starts off pretty quick, and you quickly begin to root for a favorite. For me it is Miguel. I really enjoyed the first line: ”No more excuses left, except the one to rip off that asshole's face and stretch it clean across the ball of my fist, eyeholes held in place by two fingers. I ain’t the same man I was yesterday.” A start like that it just screams action

Dan Wolfe's @wolfeblog , I have not seen much out of him as of late. He seems to be a pretty busy person, and I try not to pressure Authors in their craft. It comes when it comes. I am sure we will be seeing more of his fantastic work. I for one will keep looking and will let you all know when I do see some more from Dan. I loved his Hollowmen stories.

W. G. Martin @wgmartin : Like Dan, W. G. Martin has been absent from steemit. I am sure as owner/producer of Prepper Broadcasting, that this past few months with the hurricanes and everything else that has been going on in the last couple of months that he is probably just swamped and hoping for some downtime so he can continue on his story. I was really enjoying reading his Abraham and the Apocalypse Series. it is a well written and tight story, and it is an EOTWAWKI story, and I do have a soft spot for those type of stories. So lets hope the world calms down so W.G. can continue to tear it down then rebuild it.

@greenrun, Probably the first Author/Storyteller I found on Steemit.
His story Eunuch This was my response to @geenrun when I first read this story "My God man, you can write. I found that not necessarily fun to read, but extremely well written. Do you write for a local newspaper, or do short or long stories? I found that story very gripping." I do not think that any of his story have let me down. They are written from his heart. I am sure that you will find one of his stories that will pull just a little at your heartstrings, and emotions. Oh and some of them will make you laugh also. So if it has been awhile since you visited @greenrun's page, now would be a good time to re-discovery his writings.

Rich Quitliano @richq11: the first works of his I found was the The Lottery Council There is a table of contents for this story in Volume one of Astounding Steemit Stories. Along with the Lottery Council Rich has his Night Gods series.The Night Gods, for Part I of the series a few of the stories are listed in Volume one of Astounding Steemit Stories, and Rich has most of them listed at the end of each story,(although a few of the early ones were missing, he has found them all now). The Night Gods II. Here is the last chapter, with it you can back track to the very start and read them in order. The Night Gods Final Chapter. Rich has started on the Night Gods III. This has been a very pleasurable read from the Lottery Council to the beginning of The Night Gods III, I hope you have or are enjoying the stories as much as I have.

@stevescoins : He is one very active steemit member and has a ton of post. Finding his stories would be a time consuming process, however he has made it easy for us to find his work. He has created a Current Fiction Index, 9/19/2017. Steve also has an amazon page that you can purchase some of his published works from. I think he has all types of stories covered for your reading pleasure. Steve it seems also does a few writing contest. I missed seeing "Halloween contest#3 - Winner announcement" so keep a sharp look out on his page, and look between the resteems, you never know what little nugget you are going to find.

@giantbear, Has finished up her The House at the End of the Street. I really liked this story. It is actually as I mentioned when first reviewing @giantbear, it is a story you can read to any age group. Her writing was so well done, that you do not even realize there is no sex, no violence, and no murder in the story. No maniac waiting in a darkened hallway to jump out and get you. Just a solidly well written story. The link will take you to the last chapter so do not read that one first, just scroll all the way down and start at the beginning. You will not be disappointed. After reading or in between reading her story, she has several short stories to read on her page also. She also catches some of the writing contest going on and resteems them, along with stories from other Authors/Storytellers.

Rob J Meijer @pibara: His Ragnarok Conspiracy is a very good read.

The link will take you to the first parts index. In addition to a good read, Rob is looking for help editing his stories to get them ready for publishing. To that extent he is running a contest and asking people to review, and provide constructive criticism. If you have ever want to try to edit something, give it a try. I had fun, and got very lucky from his croupier lottery bot and won. I think the other person did a better job than me, but he also won several dollars. The October contest is done however he is now running the Beta reading contest Ragnarok Conspiracy : Part two. 6 Prices of $2.0 SBD and one of $10 SBD. He will be running his lottery bot croupier on November 1st. So take a look at his rules read his story, take a chance on helping make it a little bit better, and maybe get a mention in the published thank you section, I am sure he will do. Oh one more thing the holidays are coming up, who couldn't use a few extra dollars for charitable contributions that I am sure will be going around. So you can help, maybe win, and then help even more people with your winnings. Good luck to all who help him out and thank you in advance for doing so.

@alexbeyman Original Novel The Black Pool. That was the first story of his I read, and I profiled it in issue 3. A very well written and thought provoking story. The black pool contains 15 parts, and each of them an excellent read. And the ending, oh you will be surprised. Along with The black pool Alex has a lot, and I mean a lot of very nice stories to read. from the short to the 15 parters. The next series of @alexbeyman I read was:

The Last Dance. If you liked the series Sliders, then i think you will enjoy this story somewhat along the same lines only with Alex's spooky little twist and turns. Alex has a lot to offer, I am sure that you will find something to satisfy that need to read.

"photo credits on authors pages"

Storytellers and Authors from previous entries. They keep writing, and I keep reading.

@ezzy ------------------- @macksby
@wgmartin ----------- @everittdmickey
@richq11 -------------- @cecicastor
@wolfeblog ----------- @lyxng


Improvements and or suggestions, feel free to make them in the comments section; and a great big thank you to all the authors out there, for providing me with reading enjoyment.
Astounding Steemit Stories ...... Volume 1 ......... September 5th 2017

Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 2 ........ September 10th 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 3 ........ September 17th 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 4 ........ September 22nd 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 5 .........September 29th 2017


Thanks very much, @bashadow! Man, those are some mighty kind words from you there. I'm just getting started on my latest novel "Hellbent" so lots still to come.

Bless you for putting down such nice words. Thanks once again. :)

I been enjoying that story. A good action yarn. And you do have a great start.

Thank You @bashadow for doing these, sharing so others can follow along as you take the time to create shortcuts to some awesome people and stories to get into!

Thank you weetreebonsai, and thanks for the resteem. I hope to get the other half done today.

Will check some of these out in a bit. In the meantime upvoted and resteemed. :)

Hello mudcat36, I just wanted to let you know that @pibara has started a new fiction writers lottery for minnow authors, that you may be interested in. He is working with the minnowboosters people on this. Here is the link to the contest.

Thanks for the advice mate. I'll definitely look into that. I just chucked up part 2 and will submit part 3 in a couple hours. I appreciate the advice bash and will keep trying to post half decent content.

Thank you for including me in this post. Just posted an (overdue) updated index here. I moved to posting an index as a footer to each new chapter, given that I can only update the index page for a week after posting it. But I guess still posting a monthly index is probably a good idea.

An index does help people, That way they can start with the first, and not the last to find the first chapter. I enjoy many styles of writing and many different stories. Some Authors/storytellers have daily content, some weekly and some monthly, having this little mag helps me keep track of them all in one place, and provides a launch place for others looking for something entertaining to read. This issue and next I wanted to introduce people to the Authors I already found.

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