Sometimes, Being Here Now Just Has to Wait: 'The Terraces', From the Library of Unusual Twists (Original Art and Fiction)

in #fiction7 years ago

The Climber's lip curled around the word, and there was some sense of disdain in his muttering. “...terraces.”


His drinking companion-- lock of hair hopelessly falling in front of his eyes-- seemed to understand the Climber's reference, and deliberately drank the remaining swill in his mug, as if there was enough amnesia in a pint to ease his wrinkled brow, and as if he knew the story well, and knew that he was about to hear it again. Raising the empty mug slightly before setting it down, he coughed “You made it, oh comrade, you did, and you're better for it!” Again pushing the hair away from his eyes, he looked nearly satisfied that he’d summed the whole thing up in a handful of words, except for that beaten, faraway expression that his hair couldn't quite hide.

The busy lock of hair had already fallen back across his tired face, and through it he darted a glance at the Climber sitting across the table from him in the dim pub. Not only did he understand the significance of the Climber's word ’terraces’, he was part of the story, and he had been there.

They both noticed at once that the Climber had not touched his mug. With a careless snort, the Climber then slid the ale across the rough table to his drinking companion's grateful hands, and with a scarred voice to match the furniture's knife-marked surface, began to growl.

“Terraces, that was how we were sorted and kept. But we were low, nearly on the bottom, lower than the crawdads and underneath their yapping little mudpuppies.”

The Climber groaned his next words, while his drinking companion appeared to be satisfied now with hearing the story again, and had already taken a hearty drink as he listened, and then another as he nodded along.

“We thought we wanted to get out, and everybody wanted to climb that terrace to the next level, we were so sure, we were, that up was the way that would pay, so sure that gravity itself was working against us. How wrong we were! Gravity was, all along, pointing us to the gold, like a compass.”

He squealed with a most unexpected high-pitched tone, but it easily cascaded into a bouncy laugh pointed down towards his chest. “While the level that we stood on was always crumbling away, and while we hoped that something of value would spill down from the levels above before we tumbled, we never dreamed of looking at our very feet, and that gravity was indeed telling us a truth of nature; telling us that if we truly sought only gold as our prize, then we would best seek that treasure in the lowest of ravines, just as lost coins always end up rolling down to the lowest part of the sidewalk-- of course we should have searched there, if money was truly our quest. Nobody looked down though, we were busy scaling up that terrace wall, climbing each other like crabs in a bucket, and at any time we could have stopped looking up, but we didn't stop, did we?”

The drinking companion quietly put his mug on the table-- he had never heard this version of the story before, and one of his worried eyebrows had relaxed into curious anticipation as he sat otherwise perfectly still, staring at the back of his hand as if he’d never noticed it before, listening carefully as the Climber's coarse voice continued.

“We didn’t seek that kind of gold though did we? We climbed and we fell, and we did both of those things very well, but never imagined that up there was just a bigger one of these, while down there was really only a finer version of this, but how would we know? We were taught that up is good, but that up-ways was not easy traveling, and we are told that down is bad, and is as easy as stumbling and falling. Strive to ascend to the next level, and you’ll be both praised and hated by the others. If we are cast down by fate, or if we fall from a collapsing terrace to the one below, we are shunned and pitied. It’s clear now... what we should do-- what we must do, now that we know. My question then, is are you with me?”


The drinking companion was forced to study the question, and truly all of his tools and skills were devoted to climbing upward, always seeking the next terrace above, but beat and now slightly drunk, he was ready for anything, and he sat forward as he clutched the cool ale.

“So, we are going to climb back down then?”

The Climber finally leaned forward into the lamplight, and there on his face was a tired look of exasperation. “No dummy, we’re staying here! Haven’t you been listening? This is it! We have arrived, and if you think about it, we are here. From here, our quest is inward, we become psycho-nauts of inner space, exploring a world that most don’t dare. No longer will we fuss with harnesses and yoke, we have an infinity waiting within. No more do we climb and fight the flow, now we stay put, as there is really nothing more important. Will you stay, now?”

The drinking companion frowned sadly, and then sighed. He looked up with a slow shake of his head and spoke softly, as if testing the Climber's friendship and the world’s mercy with the breath that it took to utter his reply. With a perplexing mixture of both bravery and shame, he spoke his answer. “I need to go to the latrine!”

thanks for reading another oddity from the Library of Unusual Twists, and thanks for the support and encouragement from you all, and of course more of this will appear here soon

images by me- colored pencil on watercolor paper 2017



This was your finest from the library of unusual twists, from start to finish, from your description of his speech which I heard quite clearly in my mind to what those words were actually saying, to the perfect comedic relief of an ending. A-fucking pplause my brilliant friend.
I'm glad I waited to read this too, it was exactly what was needed in this moment.

Oh I was afraid you'd either missed it, or didn't like it! I'm getting teary over your words, I'm honored to hear this from you, a writer who knows how to express things as well as you do. I'm glad you waited too! Yes when I saw the unusual twist at the end, there was no doubt where I'd found the story. ;) Thank you, and thx for the resteem!

Drinking with friends just to hear the same stories one more time. Yeah, that's what my friends and I use to do. Been there, of course, is gonna happen again. Only if I'm lucky enough that all of us keep alive until we meet again. Is a super boring blessing.

I definitely have been there too, but not in a long time. That's probably part of why I don't drink much anymore, I got bored with it.

Nice post friend.But I don't like the drinkers. I have vast hatred with alcohol. You know I had lost my husband due to the alcohol. He became addicted seviourly I couldn't help but unfortunately lost him in 2010 ,at that time he was only 43years old. I brought up my two kids, becoming their mom and dad myself. So sometimes I just become very lonely and depressed ,sorry to disturb you. Any way thanks for sharing such a valuable message to the people about the behavior of drinking fellows.Have a great time friend, Happy steeming.

I'm sad that that happened to your husband, that is too young to go. Sometimes my job playing piano has me working around alcohol, and people who use it, but I rarely have any myself, and I have lost some of my best friends to the damage that alcohol causes already. Sometimes my stories are derived from the less fortunate aspects of life, with my intent being to add knowledge through entertainment, but if people are drinking in my stories, they are not having a good time inside.

This is great, man! I really like the strokes of the colors, how they move away from the light source. If I were a betting man, I would say you wrote this to open up for a lot of speculation. At first I thought hmm fish, but as the story progressed, I can't help but feel that this could also apply to cryptocurrency or something that concerns crab mentality, a sort of cultural commentary. I really like the turn, and I really feel like I'm on to something haha!

The terraces really threw me for a loop, I really didn't expect that from a title, no less! It's like you were already spoiling everything by piling on the mystery. Great job with this, brother!

Thanks for commenting @jedau, these odd parables rarely get any comment action, understandably, like 'what da heck is darealpaul talking about now?' I do like it when I read back over something that I write and see new meanings that I hadn't thought of initially. This was trying to be a parable about life in general and the persistent confusion about what is valuable in life, but when I read back over it I could see variations, like, maybe this could be about Steemit itself? Like trying to escape minnow-dome is a mistake, and that we miss out on reality by focusing on a fantasy 'next level'. I really appreciate reading your thoughts on it, thank you!

Oh man, trippy parables are my jam! I really like injecting meaning and over analyzing things, so stuff that begs for that is always great for me. I once got invited by a sociology professor to a scholar dinner just because I wrote a review of A River Runs Through It which related the drama to the Great Depression, among other seemingly unconnected things. So yeah, I'm all for these kinds of stories.

Ahh yeah, that's what I thought after I wrote my comment, the crab mentality of people trying to pull each other down instead of lifting other people up. This certainly could relate to any number of topics. That's what's great about it!

I appreciate this-- I think part of the trick here is to keep it short, before it begins to sound like it has any medicine hidden in it! I once told @dreemit that I was giving up parable writing here because my intent and message was obscured intentionally, and I doubted that many would bother to decipher it-- in fact a good parable's message will elude the majority. Here, such a formula doesn't necessarily translate into lots of upvotes or comments, so I felt like I was writing them for myself, and or scaring people away. Yet here I am again, writing these mysterious little oddballs and hitting 'POST', and now I'm glad that I did. Thank you!

No, thank you. While it wasn't a smashing hit with the votes, it did cross the $10 threshold, which is my new benchmark for success, so yeah. I feel you should just keep posting what you feel like. I've given up on trying to write posts catered to what people are looking for. Those almost always result in disappointment haha Know that you have people like @dreemit and I who appreciate the thought you put into these :D

Amen to that, I'm just getting to this as I'm so ridiculously far behind on even the small handful of people that I love and adore here. I'm glad I resist the urge to rush and skim just to be timely :)

Great comments, like fine wine, only gets better with time haha

Love it! Keep on doing this !!

Thanks! I will be glad to.

Nice post with creative artworks and funny article by @therealpaul
I like your post..
My dear friend @therealpaul

Color pencil painting.... express a lot about the nature of drunken person. Hope you have a great sense I mean a high level experience about that kind of people as well :D
Great artwork and thanks for sharing with steem community!
Smart, simple but real face look of drunken person!


Yes I do have experience in these kinds of scenes, but it has been a long time for me!

Anyway that would be a great piece of artwork friend!

That was a pretty enjoyable read. I can relate, brb ggp. LoL.

I'm glad that you found this one, there are now quite a few of these little oddball stories on my page-- I think about compiling them all into a post sometimes, make a catalogue for the library!

A catalog master post would be an easy way for people to find them. at least for awhile until the master post got buried with all the others.

your art along with writing skills is just wow a treat to watch :)

Thanks @blazing, I'm happy that you saw this, and glad you liked it.

I just saw this one. Noticing for the second time that there are no dates on any material on Steemit, which seems really strange.

It seems like there used to be a way to see the publish date, but I can never figure out how to do it again.

If you hold the cursor over the place in a post with the little clock and '3 weeks ago by' a little window should appear with the date and time, i figured it out again!

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