The Littlest Fairy - Part 1 Serialized Story ** EXCLUSIVE TO STEEMIT **

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

*My first short story, serialized and published for the first time on Steemit. I'm hoping to raise some money to pay Vet bills for Thomas Cat, who was attacked by a dog a few weeks ago. Read about Thomas

The Littlest Fairy - Part 1

Amélie flew down into the grass on the edge of the meadow near the woodlands, and in her trilling wind chime voice called to all the wee folk of the forest.

"Come", she said, coaxing the doe and her fawn from their sleeping nest in the brush. "Come to the meadow", she called to the fox and her kits. "Hurry", Amélie called out the owl and her fledglings.

One by one she called to them all, using their real names; for as she was of the fairy realm, she knew them and all of their children by name- the ones given to them at birth by Mother Nature herself.

"What is it, Amélie", asked Dorrie as she nudged her fawn further into the lush meadow. Felicia nosed a delft blue flower nestled in the buffalo grass, sneezed and looked wide-eyed at her mother as Dorrie asked again, "why have you summoned us?"

"We must wait for the others to arrive," she replied, "but I can tell you that it's wonderful news!"

Amélie fairly leaped up and down in her excitement, her tiny feet tapping and chestnut curls bouncing as she danced between the bluebells, who shook their periwinkle heads softly as they smiled their indulgence at the little fairy's enthusiasm.

As the shadows grew long and the sunlight dimmed they came from deep in the forest; the elk and the bear, the mountain lion and the lynx, the rabbits and the snakes; and even the bullfrogs and snails made their way to the meadow. They brought their young with them, for it wasn't often that the fairies requested their presence. The birds and butterflies, dragonflies and bees flitted about; and soon the air was filled with so many voices Amélie could hardly even hear herself think.

A hush settled over the meadow as opalescent blue light permeated the air and shimmering stars cascaded like fireworks from the sky. In the center of the vortex Cassandra, Queen of the Fairies, descended with her score of fairy attendants to the soft grass. In her arms was a tiny bundle wrapped in snow-white silk that Leana, great-great-grandmother of the mulberry silkworms had spun from her very own cocoon.

Cassandra gazed at the crowd with serene affection; she glowed with the chorus of oohs and aahs as she turned the little bundle towards the crowds and drew aside the silken wrapper to reveal the smallest baby fairy the wee folk had ever seen. Golden tufts of hair gleamed in the starlight, and a tiny hand curled around the Fairy Queen's slender finger. The baby's deep sea-green eyes stared out at the throng and her berry lips pursed in a happy gurgle, which made everyone grin and chuckle.

"Companions of the Forest", Cassandra's voice was low but clear as she addressed them, "the Fairy Realm humbly brings forth the newest and littlest child of our family- I present to you Princess Amelinda, future Queen of the Fairies!"

Amélie darted forward and sprinkled fairy dust on the grass in front of the Fairy Queen. Instantly a small twig cradle lined with a spun silk coverlet appeared, and Cassandra gently laid the tiny fairy on the soft bedding.

The child cooed and yawned, and kicked her fairy arms and legs out happily as Amélie reached out and touched a runner, causing the cradle to sway gently back and forth.

One by one they all came forward and knelt before the cradle to check out the newest addition to the fairy realm. They bowed their heads to give Princess Amelinda their allegiance and the blessings of their people, and each kingdom bestowed upon her their own special medicine or power gift.

The bear clan gave the gift of introspection so the young princess would always be able to search her fairy soul for truth. From the turtles came energy from Mother Earth; from the wolves the ability to teach and learn. The elk family bestowed Amelinda with agility and Beatrice, the Queen Bee herself, knelt and gave the tiny princess the gift of organization - a gift from her colony that was highly prized among the kingdoms. It was a long procession; for the fairies were well thought of, and Cassandra a most gracious and beloved Queen.

But not everyone was happy to see Princess Amelinda. A shadow lurked beyond the trees that ringed the meadow; an evil presence that filtered shadows through the bushes. Tertia, a third-born fairy, scowled and stamped her feet as she peered around an old oak and glared at the forest folk gathered around the baby fairy princess.

All images, free for public use, from Morguefile and Google Images
Copyright J C Edwards 2017


I'm going to follow along here, as much for myself as for you and Thomas. I'd like to expand into writing a bit of fantasy and this seems very much what I'm thinking about. I love the story so far.

Thank you so much for your kind words and support; they are appreciated. This is my first attempt at fantasy - I've always loved fairytales and fairies, so it seemed like a good place to start. So glad you like it! (I see you didn't upvote though - if you're enjoying the story, upvoting as well as commenting is a great way to show your support.)

strange that. i thought i had made certain to upvote each post as i read it. i shall correct that!

I saw that you did on the latest segment - and omg, thank you so very much for the donation towards Thomas Cat's vet bills; I can't tell you how much that is appreciated. xox

You guys didn't ask for that to happen. I'm glad I can help in some small way.

Ooh, good fairies and an evil jealous fairy, This looks like it is going to be a good read. Give my regards to Thomas Cat, and I hope he feels better soon. It is so hard to watch a small thing in hurt and pain, and not be able to do a lot to help. Give Thomas Cat's left ear a good scratch/rub from me.

Aww, thank you so much for your kind words; and for reading along with my story. It's much appreciated ... and Thomas says thank you for the ear rub ... I swear he's reverted to "babyhood" with this stuff, lol.

Ooh I like that! Very traditional fairy tale!

Thank you! I'm delighted that you liked it, and appreciate your support. I hope you enjoy the rest of the installments! xox

I do and I'm sure I will and you're welcome! :)

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