return to innocence? - an original poem

in #poetsunited7 years ago (edited)


return to innocence

is it possible to return to innocence?
like that we have when we're four years old?
with sparkly eyes seeing for the first time?
expressions on a face that doesn't yet know?

or have we seen too much and grown dull?
and have our eyes accustomed to all we see?
brains no longer stimulated or shocked?
the bright gleam slowly lost from our eyes?

why was it we lost it in the first place?
was it what we couldn't understand back then?
maybe it is that which we have forgotten?
or maybe something that instilled fear in us?

couldn't you as a child utter many emotions at once?
want, anger, frustration and hate in one scream?
so, isn't growing up just some sort of schizophrenia?
going where our feelings slowly get boxed in?

what allows us to watch atrocities and not cry?
why is dignity lost on each and every side?
how do we stop this rot of aging and corruption?
do we want to have so much grief and pain?

can the nagging pain in our hearts really go away?
maybe it will just fade away in the mists of time?
or should we break the failing that's killing souls?
make them dissolve into the vastness of eternity?

i believe if we reconcile with our past mistakes
when we truly forgive ourselves and them
right there we'll find our childish innocence back
and we can play unbothered once again

That great kid on the swing is Phoenix and 4 years old. He is my best friends oldest son and wicked smart. We we're supposed to go and take some electronics apart because he wants to build robots. But he was tired and wanted to go to the swing, so that's what we did! While pushing the swing higher and higher i got the inspiration to finish this poem, which i had already started on a while back. Thanks Phoenix! And of course his mom and dad for making him :P


If you want to read more, check out some more stuff I wrote:

she burns bright
chaos and order
my valentine
a limerick about my birthday
a circle shaped short story (J.A.S.E.)
luctor et emergo
a poetic poetry review - daily dose 24
an experiment with word shape and meaning
excercise with shape and words
fifty - fifty
feelings in motion
my drowning land
nothing from nothing
infinite bandwidth
just a limerick
i've always been me
life is suffering
An anecdotal poetry experiment
When it rains it pours
Dreaming about Steeming
For the love of stones
Mind, body and soul
United dreams
Talk about addiction

Daily Dose #37
is this the new DD banner?
Daily Dose #30
Free the drugs

And if you like them, please upvote, resteem or follow! All are appreciated.


umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu!


Beautiful. I love that you got your inspiration from your best friend's child.

Thank you! He is an awesome kid and the look on his face inspired me. My mate and his wife are in for a ride :D

Ahhh the innocence of youth is bright and shiny isn't it. Lovely poem :)

Yes, it makes me feel sad that we lost that...

I think it would be difficult to return to innocence once we are adults. Because we have so many new responsibilities that we didn't have as a young child. I do agree that we should shed our past and look optimistically to the future. Maybe then we could recreate some form of the innocence and happiness we had when we were little.

Thank you for your reply, glad you liked it. Even if we can never get it back it's worth fighting to get as close to it as we can.

Phoenix is suuuuch a cutie !!! <3
I like the poem, even though made me a bit sad...I mean, if only we could go back for a bit... :/

Yes he is, right? :D I am glad it made you feel sad, it means i chose my words well. It is the feeling i get when i look at him playing, or any kid actually, sadness... If we only could go back. But i do think we can go back quite a bit still, lose some learned behaviour and hardness or regain some childish curiosity and openess. Obviously we cannot be naive anymore, we can't have our first kiss again or sex for the first time.

...for those last ones...I am SO glad and grateful !!!! xD xD xD [aaaaand mood lightened up hehehehe]

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