One photo every day: Suomumustesieni // Shaggy inkcap (80/365)

in #onephotoeveryday7 years ago (edited)

On picking up the kids from school we noticed these funny looking mushrooms in a roundabout near our home.

I decided I should photograph them, and when going to the grocery, I took the camera along and went for a quick shoot on the way to the store.

Vera suspected it's a Suomumustesieni, and after a quick check on Wikipedia (in Finnish) we were confirmed it was, indeed what she thought it was. It's English names are Shaggy inkcap, Lawyer's wig and Shaggy mane.

Coprinus comatus
lat. Coprinus comatus

Camera body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: Sigma ART 50 mm ƒ/1.4
Aperture: ƒ/1.4
Exposure: 1/200 s
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

Shaggy inkcap is an edible mushroom, said to be excellent and fitting for cooking for it's asparagus like qualities. Although because it can easily collect pollutants like led or cadmium from its surroundings, it should be noted that it likely shouldn't be picked in near proximity of traffic or garbage dumps, where it often by chance grows.

Unlike its close relative Common inkcap (Coprinopsis atramentaria), it doesn't contain coprine that together with alcohol will induce antabus like symptoms.

Shaggy inkcaps should be cooked fresh after picking, because they will soon turn into black inky mush of spores if left unattended, even in the fridge.

Thank you for your attention. I appreciate it, and I will post more photos soon! See ya!

[Previous post: "Racist" PewDiePie (Payout Declined: Other people's videos)]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:

First week in pictures (1/52)
Second week in pictures (2/52)
Third week in pictures (3/52)
Fourth week in pictures (4/52)
Fifth week in pictures (5/52)
Sixth week in pictures (6/52)
Seventh week in pictures (7/52)
Eighth week in pictures (8/52)
Ninth week in pictures (9/52)
Tenth week in pictures (10/52)

Dinosaur's Egg (71/365)
Bought a laundry basket – She wants me to take it back. (72/365)
Miro's dino has hatched (73/365)
Guess what I did at work today! Plus. (74/365)
Mystery Object // Studio shoot Fail (75/365)
Shooting, editing and drinking beer in my home studio. (76/365)
It's late so here's a bit different selfie. (77/365)
Black & Red Chili plant (78/365)
My 1st Steemit Birthday Celebration Photo (79/365)

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Ooh!! Great shallow depth of field - love it man!!
I just did a post (haha, on my cat) but also tried a really really shallow depth of field ;)

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Your post was upvoted by Keyholder North, rewarding you with 7$

Keep up your awesome work!

Thank you! I really appreciate this, but do I need to do something to activate the chat on there?

Edit: Never mind, I worked it out. :)

Shaggy inkcap is an edible mushroom, said to be excellent and fitting for cooking for it's asparagus like qualities. Although because it can easily collect pollutants like led or cadmium from its surroundings, it should be noted that it likely shouldn't be picked in near proximity of traffic or garbage dumps, where it often by chance grows.

Great share at @gamer00. These kind of plants are used by plant scientists to monitor the amount of pollution in a particular place or soil. Since they can easily uptake pollutants from the soil. A scientific analysis of such plant over time will give the amount of pollutant it has taken up. Also, they are used in remediation(soil remediation). To remove soil pollutants.

Excellent reply. Informative too. :) Btw. Leo loves studying biology in school, I noticed it when he started lecturing me about ferns, horsetails, mosses and clubmosses. I was astounded how much he can remember off the bat.

Do you have any idea how I could encourage him in this newly found interest of his?

Thank you for that.

I noticed it when he started lecturing me about ferns, horsetails, mosses and clubmosses.

Mostly called lower plants. I am happy Leo loves biology and he is doing well . And actually there are not so many professors specializing in this type of plant biology(lower plants), to the best of my knowledge.
I believe encouraging him in some of his biology discussions, biology homework and also, telling him how he could contribute to humanity by using those plants. Examples, as you have mentioned, these plants easily serve as phytoremediators. Phytoremediation (The use of plants to recover, redeem or make-fit again a polluted farm land or land of any use. His studying and deep knowledge of this area should ring to his ears that he can contribute to a green environment, reduce pollutant intake by humans and animals, using not so useful plants. Basically, what i can say is inspiring him in the use of this species to get a cleaner soil and or environment. A simple experiment is if you have a flower vase that has is contaminated with lead, planting these mushrooms on the flower vase, can redeem the soil in the flower vase. By the time the soil is analyzed after a certain period, the amount of lead might have gone very low. That is one solution to a problem.
I worked with Plant biologists in some of my research, that was how I knew much about this and some of my publications on researchgate is plant related. I hope i made little sense.

We bypass these mushrooms.

Yes, we often do. It's a shame though. It'd be fun to know more about them and actually notice them when they are around. :)

I hate to eat mushrooms but I find them so pretty with all the type of form they have. I grew up with the smurfs so maybe there is something there hahaha! Great pictures btw :)

In the mid 80s, when I was eight years or so, smurfs were often on the TV, I loved them too, bought a few albums too. So I can definitely relate. :)

i prefer another kind of mushrooms :)

btw have u checked my last message about visit to helsinki?

Nice boletes. Nope I haven't yet, but I will do after reading my boys some bedtime stories. :)

Nice to see these amazing mushrooms.

I'm sorry if I rain on anybody's parade but the more I read about fungi, the more I feel like picking up a flamethrower and commencing sterilization procedures. ;)

Please no. #NotAllFungi

The world of mushrooms is rich and varied indeed. I like to refrain from eating anything but the few most common ones, however. My ability to notice details and make sense of the apparent chaos and messiness of the real world is piss poor. Instead of some rare delicacy I'd probably pick a closely related but poisonous one and die in unspeakable agony.

Cute ones, look like little houses from Lord of the Ring :) You should have made closer focus. :)

I definitely should have, but as I was on my way to the grocery and didn't have anything to put on the wet grass so I could get even lower and closer with the camera without getting all wet and muddy, I postponed it for now. Maybe another time. :)

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