One photo every day: Kitchen (157/365)

in #onephotoeveryday7 years ago

So I suddenly woke up at 2am thinking, "OMG what am I doing on the couch?", "Oh Shit I've not taken my OPED photo yet!"

Darn shizzles, so I went and quicky shot one photo of our kitchen. It's a mobile shot so it's not definitely on par with any of those I've taken with my Canon. But it will have to suffice, for this purpose, at the very least.


I'm not entirely sure what happened after adjusting my sleep cycles, but I am pretty much exhausted and sleepy all the time while not having done anything taxing. I wonder if I'm having a backlash of a kind, similar to that if I were fat and tried to lose weight, it'd eventually rebound if I did it all at once. I hope it isn't that, because I want to fix my sleep schedule immediately, because it has been hampering with my day-to-day chores for quite a long time already.

Anyway. I'll leave it at this, and maybe write another post. Something happened on Twitter and I think I must speak about that.

Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

Feel free to join our discord server.

We've created channels where people can find other like-minded photographers wanting to pursue a daily routine, and create their own 365 project. If you fall into motivational or inspirational problems, there'll be a channel where you may seek help. There's also a channel for sharing tips and advice in photography.

[Previous post: One photo every day: Going to sleep. (156/365)]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:



Intriguing focus stacking HDR mishap (149/365)
Boat (150/365)
Berries (151/365) + coding an Arkanoid clone
Leo practices coding games on Godot (152/365)
Low light performance of the Samsung A6 Tablet. Nonexisting. ;) (153/365)
My nephew has a name now, three names in fact! (154/365)
Grim violent crime stats in England. (155/365)
Going to sleep. (156/365)

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Simple, but nice, light setup!

I've been having some trouble maintaining my sleep cycle lately. I think it is because of the time of the year. Length of day is only 6 hours 14 minutes in Lahti today. The sun rises at about 9 am and sets about fifteen minutes past three pm. That and sitting at the computer or using a smartphone late at night is a potent combination to mess up your sleep schedule.

It's nice, you're trying to keep up. Wow! You woke up by 2 am and found light. Here in my country, you might wake up by 2am and there's no power supply. So, no photo for the day.. 🤣

Hahaha! You also forget to take a photo a day! That’s great as I thought I am the only one that keeps forgetting. Some day I got into a panic, running outside to take photo but I forgot my camera on my table! Very embarrassing!
I hope your sleeping pattern is getting much better soon, this is not good for your chi, as the Chinese doctor would say! I am also losing time for my sleep. There must be some shift in the universe.
Take care of your health!


Yeah, well I try to be consistent though. :)

My sleep pattern is taking a hit again. I just woke up with a stomach ache. I've been coughing for over a week now, and last night I started having a weird pain below my lower right ribs, about where the liver is. I couldn't sleep anymore because of the pain every time I cough, so I'm now thinking of going to the doctor's again.

I hope it's not anything bad though.

Anyway, since I couldn't sleep I've been reading up on Steem comments. But I think I'll try if I can take an eyeful before morning though so... good night!

This is worrisome! @gamer00. You have not been treating yourself well! You need a lot rest, easily digestible food to fortify your liver and lungs. This is winter so it is not very good for your body either.

You should see some Chinese herbal medicine doctor as well, I think.
Take some ginger tea or ginger in your food, also some herbal tea and weak tea. No coffee!!

Hope you have a good and deep sleep. Please see a doctor and rest a lot.
WE need you to be strong!!

Dude you are addicted :D Otherwise I never think about making a photography around 2.00 am :D


Try Melatonin to fix your sleep cycle

Thanks for the tip, maybe I will. :)

Melatonin is an over-the-counter medicine. It shouldn't be eaten like candy, though. It is no substitute for a regular sleep pattern and it is possible that there be yet unknown risks to long-term use. It's great for fixing a temporarily upset sleep pattern, however.

Excellent shot in B & W it looks even more cool and attractive, thanks for sharing

@gamer00 - You are lucky Sir... If this happens in my kitchen in the middle of night no matter who is the person he will get a good blast on his head :) Nice photography Sir....
To get more audience, I wish to ReSteem your post.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Not sure if luck has anything to do with it, it's my own kitchen so I can pretty well do as I please there. ;)

The photo still looks good even though it is a mobile shot.

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