One photo every day: A Ring on a Book (87/365)

in #onephotoeveryday7 years ago (edited)

Well Hello!

Today's photo is something that has already been photographed to death, but for reasons untold I decided to make my own interpretation of it. A very yellow interpretation that is. ;)

You may have seen these photos where the ring is standing in the mid crease of the book, and the backlight creates a shadow that looks like a heart. Well that's what I originally went for, but then, as the book didn't want to stay open, and the ring kept keeling over even with blue tack trying to hold it steady I eventually lost my patience and let it fall on its side. Also, I thought the detail on the ring was much more important than a heart shaped shadow.

Eventually the last photo I took (from a set of 10) was definitely the best of the set, so I did some post retouching, trying to not screw up the white balance (which I did), adding a bit contrast and nothing more. The result... Well let's say it's interesting, to say the least. So without further ado, here's the photo:

A Ring on a BookA ring on a book? What a cliché!

Camera body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: Sigma ART 50 mm ƒ/1.4
Aperture: ƒ/4
Exposure: 1/20 s
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

It's actually my wedding ring. It has no text, only a laser sketch of a drawing of two Koalas, designed by my sister-in-law. The book is Seitsemän Veljestä by our national author Aleksis Kivi. (The links are to the English Wikipedia.)

I hope everyone liked it! I'll be back with a new photo tomorrow.


Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

Feel free to join our discord server.

We've created channels where people can find other like-minded photographers wanting to pursue a daily routine, and create their own 365 project. If you fall into motivational or inspirational problems, there'll be a channel where you may seek help. There's also a channel for sharing tips and advice in photography.

[Previous post: One photo every day: Toadstool (86/365)]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:

First week in pictures (1/52)
Second week in pictures (2/52)
Third week in pictures (3/52)
Fourth week in pictures (4/52)
Fifth week in pictures (5/52)
Sixth week in pictures (6/52)
Seventh week in pictures (7/52)
Eighth week in pictures (8/52)
Ninth week in pictures (9/52)
Tenth week in pictures (10/52)
Eleventh week in pictures (11/52)

Black & Red Chili plant (78/365)
My 1st Steemit Birthday Celebration Photo (79/365)
Suomumustesieni // Shaggy inkcap (80/365)
A keyboard. (81/365)
Plum (82/365)
Passing over (83/365) + BIG NEWS
Crackers w/ Castillo Blue and Brebirousse cheese (84/365) Snack Time
Miro's birthday party invitation cards (first draft) (85/365)
Toadstool (86/365)

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This one is posted as !originalworks


I barely hold my laughter reading your post. It's not about your choice of photo, but about the process itself. I was in that situation for a dozen of times. When I was trying to recreate some magnificent photos, but in the end I didn't get to the finish that I wanted like you did. Thumbs up for the photo!

Cliche or not cliche...Who cares?! The main thing that the pic is attractive and somehow even romantic!!))

Maybe, but I'm a man and I don't quite understand things like feelings and romance, so forgive me. ;)

You coped with romance!!))
By the way, I would like to join this Onephotoeveryday project, but what will be if I miss some days?!)) Never know what can happen... Can I post then 2 pics next day?))

I personally will keep myself doing one photo every day, but I did cheat once by posting the previous day's picture (I was fortunate enough to have shot already) on the next day.

So what I am saying, please be strict, but don't be too strict in a way it hurts the project.

Better to post a couple of photos if you miss one, if that's possible, and then continue challenging yourself shooting daily.

The most important thing is to basically try to create some openings in your normal day, where you can concentrate on photography and photography alone, and build a routine for your photography. It's a personal challenge where you either succeed or not, but if you keep it up even for a week or two, you'll quite possibly find more confidence and strength to continue over to the next one as well.

I wish you luck and fun in your new endeavor. I'll be following your progress. :)

I see...Now I've got it! These are not just pics, this is about one's everyday life. What a challenge!! I need to think about it, cause it looks like quite a responsible task. Anyway, thank you a lot for such a detailed explanation 😇 🙃 👍

Yes, for me at least it is. Others may have different ideas on how to implement it. :)

Nice capture. The photo color are amazing and focus on ring make this image incredible. Nice theme choose dear. Upvoted.

I didn't got to check out the post last night when you did it (I fell asleep pretty quick), but I just saw it now. It looks really good for a cliche :))

I was trying to recreate some magnificent photos. I'll be following your progress.Really interasting post...@gamer00

Great shot, it's so romantic to photograph your engagement ring and so full of gentle meaning when the ring is on the book. Thank you @gamer00

For a moment I think i didn't take a breath! Wow yeah just wow! (Hope you get it) Brilliant brilliant brilliant photography!


This ring is a sign of oneness and uniqueness. How many years have you been married? Great picture friend.

10 years now. We had our anniversary in July. I wrote some holiday reminiscing with a photo of a gift I brought for Vera for our anniversary.

Whao, that great. I am happy you made this feat. I would love to still stay in touch at 20th anniversary and beyond.

@gamer00 - Oh my goodness, it's beautiful Sir. Nice color matching. I'm excited by that photography Sir. Love your work. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

It turned out well, reminiscent of the beginning of a wonderful fairy tale.

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