Twitter Promotion Report of Steem Kids & Parents - Week-24 | Total 59 posts shared on Twitter

in Steem Alliancelast month


In line with the SA community rules which requested all active communities to always encourage their users to share their publications on Twitter and then give a report on the progress here, we are delighted to join the train and share with everyone our effort as a community in promoting this noble platform via encouraging our users to share their links on other social media like Twitter.

In line with this, we have included it as a compulsory rule in our various contests and we have also directed our moderators to always encourage users to share their posts on Twitter.

For those who do not know how to go about it and do not know the correct hashtags to use, we have also provided a tutorial guide which is a step-by-step process towards performing the task. The link to this is seen below.

Active user/poster110
Properly Twitted51
Not properly Twitted7
Empty post1
Total Tweets59

The report today covers posts shared on Twitter in our dear community.

SLUser IDPost linkTag
1@nancy0Post LinkNo
2@nancy0Post LinkYes
3@kidi40Post LinkYes
4@saintkelvin17Post LinkYes
5@mesolaPost LinkYes
6@entity01Post LinkNo
7@jasminemaryPost LinkYes
8@bossj23Post LinkYes
9@owulamaPost LinkYes
10@simonnwigwePost LinkYes
11@josephaPost LinkYes
12@uzma4882Post LinkYes
13@jollymonoaraPost LinkYes
14@rumanaafrozPost LinkYes
15@lirvicPost LinkYes
16@arshaniPost LinkNo
17@mdparvajPost LinkYes
18@mdparvajPost LinkYes
19@kuzboyPost LinkYes
20@olaiyidennisPost LinkYes
21@m-fdoPost LinkYes
22@m-fdoPost LinkYes
23@dave-hannyPost LinkYes
24@rakiyaPost LinkYes
25@urmilanath650Post LinkYes
26@imranhassanPost LinkYes
27@princelafreshPost LinkYes
28@zisha-hafizPost LinkYes
29@sohag10Post LinkNo
30@mbetobonglukePost LinkYes
31@yenny47Post LinkNo
32@usoro01Post LinkYes
33@onomzy001Post LinkYes
34@meheruntinniPost LinkYes
35@humaidiPost LinkYes
36@ajegenaPost LinkYes
37@ngoenyiPost LinkYes
38@ngoenyiPost LinkYes
39@walictdPost LinkYes
40@walictdPost LinkYes
41@theking20Post LinkYes
42@theking20Post LinkYes
43@theking20Post LinkYes
44@bonaventure24Post LinkYes
45@newekemini5Post LinkYes
46@newekemini5Post LinkYes
47@hahdiePost LinkYes
48@udyliciouzPost LinkYes
49@jewel005Post LinkYes
50@masum1989Post LinkNo
51@afrin-monaPost LinkYes
52@suborna03Post LinkYes
53@manuelhooksPost LinkNo
54@josephhonestyPost LinkYes
55@josephhonestyPost LinkYes
56@josephhonestyPost LinkYes
57@tripple-ePost LinkYes
58@uduak01Post LinkYes
59@uduak01Post LinkYes

This is our 24th Twitter report as a community for the year. We have also included a guide on how to share publications on Twitter in our review format. We will continue to work hard and ensure that the number continue to increase as we progress. We promise that the rate of users will be more in our next report as we have made it a basis to get support from the community via the publication below.

From this post you will noticed that a total of 59 shared their articles on Twitter but only 51 did it properly and about 7 didn't do it properly and 1 is completely empty. Corrections are given as to how they can effectively do it in the comment section of their Tweet. With that, we believe there will be much improvement next time. Below are some screenshots of those who didn't share the article properly and the corrections given on their post.

How we Plan to improve the promotion of Twitter in our community

We have added a guide of how to promote Twitter to the review template of the community which means that every post revealed has a guide attached. This way even those who don't know how to do it can read from the guide and promote their post.

Secondly, we have made it a mandatory rule in the community to support only those who help promote the Steemit platform through Twitter. This implies that to select booming post, this has been added to the criteria laid down by the Steemit team. So we believe sooner or later everyone will start doing the needful in the community.

Our Current Team Members


image credit to @walidctd



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Best regards

@steemkids Community team


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hello, @steemkidss

I will be very happy if you set bangla.witness as witness proxy from your account. It is your wish, I will be very happy if you give witness proxy. We are always ready to work for you.

 last month 

Where is this posts promotion link??

 last month 

Hi, @steemkidss greetings, good to see you here :- As we are dealing with twitter promotion we should make every user post promotion properly.Thank you very much for guiding users hope they will promote properly.

Proper Guideline Link to Post Promotion on Twitter

CategoryCorrect percentage
X - Promotion90% ✅


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