VALLEY OF PLUTOCRATS {Episode Eleven...Fake death}

in Steem Kids & Parents3 months ago

Episode Eleven...Fake death



"A nurse under your hospital injected Mr Winthrop with Strychnine" Secretary Zhou glared at Doctor Lawrence

"Probably because your security was too lax. Why did you even pick them up from" he retorted

She dare to paint him black so Aiden will accuse him of not being thorough.

"Wait! So he's dead dead?!" Eliora exclaimed

If that whatever was injected into him causes his body to die then she was stuck with a ghost speaking in her head.

"Of course he's dead, it's unlikely to survive strychnine poisoning" Lawrence replied composed

Eliora was floored. Why did it seem like she was the only one affected by this turn of events. Even the person himself was no longer talking or did his voice vanish the moment his body died.

Well, that wouldn't be so bad.

Having a person stuck to you was one thing, for that person to suddenly become a ghost was a total different thing.

"What the hell are we going to do now?" She swallowed

Noticing her flustered expression and realizing she must have read into his reply wrongly, Lawrence explained further.

"The dude that got injected with strychnine is definitely dead but Mr Winthrop is still in a coma"

"That person lying in the hospital is just an imposter. Mr Winthrop had already been transferred from the hospital long ago"

If Aiden was the one lying in that hospital then he wouldn't dare to be lax or even enjoy the luxury of leaving the ward.

"We got the culprit, we should be able to get her to mention Henry Winthrop in court later. That's a win but... Aiden would have to be officially dead for that to hold water" he pointed out

"That's not information to share with her" Ms Zhou was very skeptical

It was obvious from her countenance and attitude that she didn't trust Eliora and was only willing to put up with her because of her boss.

"Mr Winthrop, how do we handle this situation" she asked professionally

Silence prevailed for sometime before Eliora replied.

"Treat it as an actual death, He said to treat it as an actual death until he wakes up"

"Ok sir, Well then Miss Eliora Anderson, you have nothing to worry about. The situation will be handled efficiently. Though I would advice this stays between us for your own freedom and your family's safety" she threatened

The old lady was an ear sore, but for some reasons, her assurance did mean a lot.

The Andersons Family Home

Eliora laid on her bed unable to sleep. Like, how could she when it literally felt like she was being watched.

"Mr Winthrop!"

No reply

"Aiden Winthrop?!! Aiden!!!"

Still there was no reply.

She grunted and rolled over again. She couldn't even tell if he was asleep or if he could even sleep. How pathetic!

"Are you asleep?" She asked

'Do you mind? Some of us are trying to think here' came his irritated voice

"You are still awake! Can you fall asleep or since you are not with your body, you don't need sleep?" she asked with a certain sense of curiosity

Getting no reply from him, she continued anyway. It was his fault she couldn't fall asleep in the first place. The least he could do was to keep her company.

"How do you feel... like not in your body. Are there supernatural things you can do. Like... can you now see between the spirit world and the physical world. Just how cool would that be?"

"Wait!... Can you also read my thoughts. No you can't do that... right? Of course you can't. I can't read your own thoughts so surely you can't read mine" she sighed

The room was silent again but not before she resumed talking, yet again.

"Don't you think feigning death would cause unrepairable damage to your business?"

"And your family, wouldn't they be hurt to hear such news?" She found it sad

Her mom and grandma would definitely be broken if she were to pass away suddenly. She would never tell such a lie that would break them. No good child would.

The fellow must really care about nobody other than himself. He wasn't worried about hurting the feelings of those who genuinely cared for him.

'Family' Aiden scoffed

'I would even be surprised if they managed to hold their celebration off until after the funeral' he chuckled

The word "family" was big joke when it came to a household like the Winthrops. What they had was allies that where willing to step all over anyone at all for their own benefit. That of which he had none of. It was completely politics.

"That's ridiculous! Other relatives may be nasty but what about your mum?"

He said no more as though the previous reply was a slip of the tongue but his silence said more that words could have clarified.

Eliora suddenly felt thankful, her mom may be many things but she was definitely not her enemy. All she wanted was to give her the very best and that she was grateful for but...

It's still welled heavy on her. The peaceful life she wanted and hoped for wasn't the same her mom wanted. Her mom wanted war, blood and revenge.

At this thought, she heaved as though to erade her heart of those thoughts.

Eventually, she slowly drifted off to sleep forgetting that a particular somebody was still in her head.


Thank you for taking time to read through. Very much appreciated.

To read the previous episodes click on 👇

Episode 1 👉Steemit

Episode 2 👉Steemit

Episode 3 👉 Steemit

Episode 4 👉 Steemit

Episode 5 👉 Steemit

Episode 6 👉 Steemit

Episode 7 👉Steemit

Episode 8 👉Steemit

Episode 9 👉Steemit

Episode 10 👉Steemit

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