After Deep Darkness Comes a Beautiful Dawn...

in #ecotrain7 years ago

The title of this post is inspired by a quote by Henry Ford (I have shared it below) which is another quote that I have fallen in love with recently.

You may have noticed that I have been sharing great quotes with my analysis on them recently. I happened to do a quotes based book for a client a week back and had to dig some meaningful quotes for the project. I found some amazing ones and as I wrote about them, they helped me learn a lot of things and it was then that I decided to share my findings with you guys here. So here I am with another beautiful quote and my take on it.

‘You have to have a darkness for the dawn to come.’- Harrison Ford


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All of us have been through experiences and situations when we felt stuck in a spot or when we are engulfed in complete darkness. There was despair, anguish, anger, pain and troubles and we just did not know what to do. I remember losing hope and feeling dismayed in all such times, be those the days of my severe financial crisis (which is still here but has become slightly milder) or those that I was going through a terrible emotional crisis. In all those days, there was a time when I could only see the darkness and nothing else. No matter how hard I wished for light to pour in, I just couldn't see it and that made me lose every ounce of hope inside me. This happens when things do not go your way or when they take a bad turn or when a contingency pops out of nowhere or when the people around you just don't seem to get you.

In such times, it is natural to feel dismayed and frustrated, but if we keep holding on to the pain, we will never the dawn come on us. You need to understand that this darkness is here for a reason. It is here to prepare you for a dawn so beautiful that you cannot even begin to imagine its beauty and a light so shiny that you cannot even envisage its glory. Just like the sun rises after night has completed its time, your darkness and tough times will end too and you too will see light one day for sure. I know withstanding the hardships is not easy at all and trust me when I say that because I have been through some really bad times in life.

Luckily for me, I never had to go without food or sleep on the road and did not go through a lot of hardships that many around me experience every single day, but I have been through rough times for sure. I won't say that I have had my share of tough times because my life is still going on and I know that till the time you are alive, the good and the bad days will follow you so that's okay. I am not scared of facing obstacles now because I know that after every uneven patch in my life, there will come a smooth road and after every phase of difficulty will come one of ease and happiness.

I have firm faith in the belief that God (Allah for me) does not burden with you more than you can handle and He is testing us all (this is my belief, you can disagree with it and I will respect that :)) so he puts us through different tests, but He also eases the pain for us and He has given us the power to move past all these obstacles by believing in ourselves, believing in the power of the universe and persevering and of course by never giving up. If you start making use of these tools, you won't stay engulfed in darkness for long and there will come a beautiful dawn in your life too. However, you need to keep believing that you will find light at the end of the tunnel and keep pushing through to reach it because if you surrender to the darkness, it will swallow you.

So how can you keep believing in yourself? Here are a few things that I do regularly especially during the dark times to stay strong and draw good times my way.

Tips to Stay Strong in the Hard Times

  • Firstly, I take into account my feelings during that time and acknowledge them. If I am feeling sad, frustrated or disappointed, I do not shun it away but accept those feelings because they are mine and that's how I feel. The moment I stop feeling bad about feeling upset, a lot of the stress that comes with those feelings goes away.
  • Secondly, I soothe myself by reassuring myself that it is just a phase. Just like good times aren't permanent, the bad ones are transitory too and I take a trip down the memory lane and think of all the hardships I faced and how they ended after some time.
  • Thirdly, I ponder on my thoughts and find out what exactly I wish to do and the improvement I'd like to see in my life. For instance, nowadays I am going through a tough time financially so when I was done acknowledging my frustration and anger, I thought of the improvement I'd like to achieve. I wanted to manage my basic expenses and save more.
  • Next, think of the ways you can bring about the change. For instance, in my case I instantly knew that I had to work harder and more than I was currently doing and I had to cut back on fulfilling my son's unnecessary demands so yeah I knew I have to be harder on myself and him. Now I just have to work on these things and slowly I'll move towards the dawn I want.
  • In addition, I also affirm positive suggestions to my mind. I keep telling myself that 'I am happy' and 'I am successful' and 'I can do this' constantly so I rewire my subconscious to think in that direction and bring great things my way. It is hard I know but definitely doable. Also chanting positive affirmations lifts up your mood a lot.
  • Moreover, I make sure to stay focused on my goal no matter what and work for it. If I want light, I need to work for it and not just wallow about the darkness I am in. If I want success, I must strive for it and not just whine about the mistakes I made or failure I experienced. You see YOU have to work towards what you want so if you dawn, work for it darling!

I hope this helps you in at least some way. Do share your thoughts on the topic and any tips you'd like to share to draw good things your way. Thank you for the support and love. :) It really keeps me going.

Love and light,


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Shary's Writing Prompt Contest #3 and Results of Contest #2

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I am a part of the wonderful @ecotrain that aims to make this world a better place so do join it if that's your aim too..


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I love that quote. It has a real sense of power around it. Darkness is welcomed in my life, it's a problem and a struggle which makes the path clear for good times. As long as you can hold your head up and walk tall, it'll work out alright. You just have to be real with yourself.

I'm not a believer in God but I can see some element to why people do. I believe in intuition and the law of attraction. If we think positively and project thoughts that push us forward and make us happy, we will usually be happy. Same goes in the opposite direction.
I've noticed that my journey on Steemit has changed ever since I opened up and I faced some of the darker parts of my life head on.

It's nice to break down your own walls of limitation.

I completely believe in the law of attraction too and I have seen great things happen to me because of that. Change is a constant in our lives so be it good times or bad, they will change but you gotta survive and for that, you gotta keep believing in that good things will come your way. Thank you for such a lovely and meaningful comment. Made me happy :)

All such great suggestions to help move forward :) I think the hardest is acknowledging our own emotions and seeing them for what they are. Realizing that they're real, but not reality. Just a passing thing, like you said :) And when it comes to suffering, it's all subjective. There is no absolute..a man can be happy in a sad situation, or sad in a happy situation. Hopefully I will be able to become more of a happy man in a sad situation, hehe. :)

Thanks a lot Mike :) Good to see you here. Acknowledging your emotions is just so frikkin hard man and yes suffering is subjective. I wish to be a happy woman in all sorts of sad times too so let's hope we be those people and let us also hope that we don't have to go through so many sad times frequently. :)

Ugh, yeah. Sad can be good sometimes as a reminder to that side of life...but it would be nice to have less of those times, hehe. Be well! :)

These are very good tips to stay firm in tough times.
However, the point that got my attention was the last one i.e Stay focused on goals.
Would you write something about it specifically some other time?
I'm sure that too gonna help a lot of people.
As for me, i find it hard to have same level of motivation and energy all the time. Sometimes I'm super-excited about something and at other times, i lack same level of interest.

Oh definitely, I love that topic and having written hundreds of e-books on goal setting as a ghost writer, I think I can offer some good advice on that topic. I too find it hard to stay motivated on certain goals too and the key to doing that is to find compelling reasons to stick to them. I'm planning to make an audio on the subject soon. :) Thanks for this lovely comment :) and also thank you for giving a great suggestion.

That's great. Looking forward to it.

I always switch between Depressed Mode and Normal Mode, it's hard to make me switch from one to the other and I stay in each one for weeks. (Though lately I'm more in my Normal mode.)

I learned that depression is just as phase as you said. It's hard to think of that when I'm in my depressed mode, but as soon as I return to normal I feel grateful even for those times. (Believing in God also helped a lot.)

This reminded me of one of my favorite quotes, think about it for few seconds:

The night Sky is the darkest before Dawn.
-- The Princess (Narcissu: Little Iris)

I'm glad I found this post, thanks @shadowspub & @sharoonyasir. I included it in my Daily Picks if you'd like to check them out.

Completelly agree @sharoonyasir i would say ups and down are part of life..and no period remain forever...every phase of life teaches be positive in life...and in whatever condition you are....stay blessed 👍

Yes there is something to learn from everything and the bad times are usually the best teachers of them all. Thanks for the lovely words. Means a lot to me :)

Wow deep and meaningful post, with a great explanation of why its important not to hold on to the feelings we go through that inhibit our true talent. Also great that you share your own personal experience about how you personally choose not to stay in the dark thank you for sharing this.

Thanks a lot. It means so much that you read the post and enjoyed it :)

Sharing personal experiences is hard, but I guess doing it is important because it feels liberating to talk about your life.

As always, you have such great tips and support to help us all through the daily experience of navigating life!

You flatter me and I love that ;) Love you!

Yes we must keep moving forward, but allow ourselves to feel sadness at the same time , hold it and then release it. Thank you @sharoonyasir for your words of wisdom xx

Yes acknowledging sadness is really important to let it subside in a healthy manner. Many of us feel more sad when we realize we are sad instead of just experiencing it and letting it flow out of our system. I do that now and it helps a lot. Thank you for being a constant support. Love and light xoxoxo

I love this quote! This reminded me a lot of my recent post on finding light in the dark. If we only focus our energies on the dark stormclouds, we forget that the sky above the clouds is still blue.

Focusing on /what/ we can do instead of /why/ the bad things happened is a great way to keep ourselves motivated on conquering the mountains ahead of us!
I really love taking apart quotes and analyzing them for deeper comprehension and utility in our lives.

Hi @sharoonyasir, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

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