You are My Funny Valentine <3

in #ecotrain7 years ago (edited)

Today is the 14th of February and one of the most awaited days of the year by a lot of people all across the globe. Yes, it is Valentine's Day and a day when the roads will be massively blocked today especially in the evening and at night beause of all the people rushing to restaurants and florists and stores to have Valentine's dinner and buy presents for their loved ones. It is nice, but not something I enjoy much.

Well, I did celebrate it briefly when I started dating my now-husband. He would gift me nice presents on Valentine's Day and we'd go out for a lunch because I couldn't meet him after college hours so we settled for a Valentine's Lunch instead of a candlelight dinner. After 2 years of doing that and dating each other, we became used to seeing and loving each other haha so Valentine's Day stopped becoming a big day for us. Not just that, quite often, we'd end up fighting on all the days we wanted to be special like our birthdays, anniversaries, Eid and even the esteemed Valentine's Day. Somehow whenever we'd plan for something on a special day or occasion, it wouldn't turn out that way and we'd end up feeling glum and dismayed and lose temper quickly and have a huge fight for basically no major reason at all.

So then I decided to stop making a big deal out of birthdays and other occasions and just do nice things for each other whenever we feel like doing so. Now we have lovely date nights and long drives just when we really want to go for them and not because of a certain occasion demands us to love each other more that day. I just find that silly now. But yeah, there is one ritual I try abiding by every year on 13th of August which is my birthday- I try not to work at all and just enjoy doing things I love. That is fair right? And yeah I do wish my husband and son a Happy Birthday right at 12 on their birthdays (if my son is awake by that time) cos that puts a big smile on their faces but other than that we have fun and dinners and special things whenever we want to.

This is why when someone asks me 'What are your plans for Valentine's Day?', I'm like 'Erm, nothing really. I hate that day.' However, yesterday something happened and I started feeling less hateful towards this day. I was driving back home after dropping Faateh to school and saw a huge bunch of red and purple colored heart shaped balloons in front of me. Two guys on a motorbike were taking those balloons off to somewhere. I quickly took a photograph of that while driving. You can see it below.


When I saw so many heart shaped balloons, I started smiling and the fact that soeone is putting in so much effort to please another person just put a big smile on my face. I kept smiling for quite some time and felt quite happy for no reason at all. It was then that I realized that if a bunch of balloons made me feel happy, how happy they'd make that person who would get all these balloons so if a single day did manage to cheer someone up and make them feel special, it is not so bad after all. I mean, don't get me wrong, I am still not going to celebrate it as per say but I am not going to nurture so much hate towards it. It is alright if some people celebrate it and find it a nice day. If what works for them doesn't work for me, that doesn't mean it is not good.

That little instance just taught me once again to be more open to stuff and not put labels on things. We are all different and react/ respond differently to things so if I don't feel as giddy and excited about Valentine's Day, it doesn't make it a useless day because someone somewhere is happy today and that is a wonderful thing. I am again smiling now and feeling quite relaxed. I have also realized that a single smile has enough power to put me in good spirits quite instantly. So I'll be smiling for a few more minutes and you do let me know what you think of this piece. :) And oh before I forgot, 'Happy Valentine's Day to all those who celebrate this day and enjoy it!' <3

While I am on this page, I'd like to share this awesome video @zord189 made for all of us in particular the @steemitbloggers community to wish everyone a happy valentine's day. He is one talented and generous guy!

Love and light,


P.S. A big shout out to @ashleykalila and @humansofsteemit for interviewing me and featuring my interview. You can read it here:

#35 Humans Of Steemit : @sharoonyasir (A Woman With A Pure Heart Filled With Goodness And Humour)

Here are some of my article that may interest you:

To Sleep or Not to Sleep, that is the Question....

Parents- Guiding Lights or Dictators?

Who am I??

One Smile and a Deep Breath to Quickly Fight Stress

Why I am Grateful for My Hardships...

Why Do We Attach Unnecessary Meaning to Everything??

Why is it Okay to Be a Little Selfish, Focus on Your Needs and Communicate them to Loved Ones

Batman & Jesus: Why do we fear debate?

My Scar Stories- Reminders of Many Different Memories

I am a part of the wonderful @ecotrain that aims to make this world a better place so do join it if that's your aim too..




I so get where you are coming from.

In my opinion, Valentines Day is for single people who don't want to be single any more! It's their chance to drop a hint to their would-be loved one. But, of course, I am not the king of the world, so Valentines Day can be whatever someone wants it to be!

Now, as agreed, my wife and I weren't going to bother marking the day, but I have just got up and found that she has bought me a card! That means it's first thing in the morning (here), and I already have some making up to do!

Really well written blog - I hope to see more of your stuff.

In my opinion, Valentines Day is for single people who don't want to be single any more! It's their chance to drop a hint to their would-be loved one. But, of course, I am not the king of the world, so Valentines Day can be whatever someone wants it to be!

Hahaha what you said above does make sense.

Oh she did something really sweet for you but now the pressure is on you haha :P So happy to have you here. Glad you enjoyed it <3

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I to am not a big fan of Valentine’s Day I feel it is too commercial and false
I try to avoid all the commercial type ones and for my wife I would like to think I show my love and her for me everyday and through random special gifts and moments through the year that we don’t need one commercialized day to celebrate our love for each other


Yeah the commercialization part has grown way too big and that's what has ruined it.

Yes Indeed, and sadly to many make a big deal on this day of some show of love but for the rest of the year dont show it enough at alll

Yeah there should be frequent displays of love for loved ones. One day full of commercialized stuff isn't good enough.

Well that’s what I believe and do 😎

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i understand what you are saying! why should we just celebrate each other when the commercial system says so?! we will do it when it comes naturally..

but, as you say.. IF you do get into it, of course, it can be really beautiful!!!


Yes we have all the days of the year to celebrate our love for one another but yeah it can be beautiful too if you get into it. You don't know how much happy you made me by being here Alex :D <3 HVD to you toooo!!

The sentiment is something I can appreciate, but commercialising that intent has ruined it a lot these days. Make a day of your own choosing a Valentines day (or many of them). Date nights, like you say. And yes, ones birthday is special. That deserves a day off if possible.

Yes my birthday is my favorite but the last one got so hectic. As much as I thought I'd take a day off, the more guests came and I had to work my ass off then :P

You need another day off in lieu of your birthday. A week perhaps?

Hahaha yeah maybe this year I'll take a week off

Well caught slice of life there! Understand exactly where you are coming from! Every day should be special. we often put so many false expectations on holidays, so we end up dismayed because life is not perfect! We always avoid eating out on the holidays, and opt for the days before or after. Tonight though, our church is providing us with dinner from Maggiano's and desserts from Costco - a gift to us all from the church. Looking forward to a stress free evening. Happy Valentine's Day! Used up all my voting power on newbies today, so please enjoy the tip!

Wow, that's such a sweet initiative by your Church. Hope you had a good Valentine's and a lovely dinner. Your comment has made me way happier than an upvote. Of course, upvotes and tips are great, but meaningful comments just make my day just like yours did. xo

I agree that it's over commercialized, but my favorite part of this post is your acceptance that everyone can feel differently. The world would be so much better if more people didn't need everyone to agree with them.

This is really cute. Nice job 😉

Thank u so much. Good to see u here :)

a special day for everyone who understands the love and love that everyone is hoping for that day and everyone is waiting for his coming hopefully the coming year we will be in the group of people who can make that day

Good luck! Hope you find all the love and happiness you desire to have and thanks for stopping by :)

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