The @ecoTrain magazine! May 1st 2018. Topics include child welfare, self improvement, art, poetry, classical music, vegan cooking, minnow support, story telling, dealing with depression and more!

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

Welcome back to a very special collection of posts from our @ecotrain passengers. The ecotrain is here to support and promote excellent posts that are based on the theme of

"Things that make the world a better place".

We have a very diverse group of amazing people writing about all sorts of things. If you find it hard to discover good new posts then this is your lucky day! This weeks topics include, child welfare, self improvement, art, poetry, classical music, vegan cooking, minnow support, story telling, dealing with depression and more!


How Develop Perspective Taking in Kids

The perspective taking indicates the ability of kids to understand thoughts, feelings and their own prospects and those of others and parents/ educators can promote its development.

The role of parents/ educators takes on particular importance in the development of interpersonal skills, since they are the first identification figures and the first models of empathic response. There are inevitably individual differences in the development of perspective taking that depend on the lived experiences and, in particular, on the relationship between parents / educators and the child .

Perspective taking implies being able to distinguish what individuals know about themselves in a given situation (how they think, feel and behave) and what others know about that situation.


Travel time to one of my dream Destination - IRAN

It's Holiday time.........I am so so excited and looking forward to my next 2 weeks ahead.
At the airport and ready to hop on the flight to Iran.....

Iran has been one of my long awaited destination and now is the time finally. This destination is important for me as it takes me back to my roots. I am a Zoroastrian by religion and the roots of my religion emerge from this country, though our forefathers left this place centuries ago to save the Religion from Islamic dominance.

Breaking off from Repeating Patterns

We are all learning lessons in this so called journey of Life. There are times we notice that we keep going through similar lessons in life through different situations, Life keeps bringing us the same lessons again and again, and why does this happen. Universe has its own ways and means to teach what is required for our soul growth and until we learn what is required in that pattern we keep coming across these situations again and again till we learn them..

There are times we observe disturbances in certain area of our life and we term it as Bad luck, but that's a repeated pattern that we need to identify and rectify.
People observe repeating patterns in life; Like failure in job, Troubled Relationships, Lack of Finances, Failure in projects and can be end number of them including behavioral patterns like constantly getting angry, always worried about money, the nature of self doubting and so on. There are certain disastrous patterns that can almost ruin your life like the lack of faith in relationships. Things may happen in different ways but the end result is always the same.

Wall of Love and Peace

This place is Meherabad in Ahmednagar, India, The shrine of the spiritual master Meher Baba. He was also recognized as a Perfect Master.
His messages were of Divine Love and Grace to Humanity. He believed that what words cannot teach silence can and he went into complete silence for a period of 43 years which was until he passed away. He taught the importance of Love, Humility, Oneness, Respect for all. Meher Baba who was tenderness personified expected nothing but complete obedience and surrender.


One of the tricky things about working at Recyclistas is determining the quality of used parts. Do they go into the second-hand bin for sale? Do we put them on a bike we're going to sell or rent? Does it go into the Africa box? Or maybe it's even too shoddy for that? In that case there is a bucket destined for the foundry. But sometimes, a piece just looks too cool to be melted down. Well, many times it doesn't need to be tossed. There are still alternatives.

Bikes that Became Art

Bike-art is a major component of bicycle recycling, and since it has become so ubiquitous in my surroundings, I barely notice it any more. That is, until I was inspired to address these sometimes functional, sometimes decorational cases of bicycle up-cycling, by a post by @robmolecule, of a fellow bike enthusiast, where he showed me something similar in one of his comments.

Murals in Canada – The Painted Walls of Chinatown

In my previous post about vacationing in Vancouver and Victoria, I mentioned the lovingly preserved Chinatowns of both cities. What I did not mention, were the beautiful murals I saw. They are part of a revitalization effort, started in the 1970's, to make the Chinese quarter in downtown Victoria more appealing, preserving its cultural heritage. At that time inner cities all over North America were losing residents, commerce, and overall appeal, to which even Victoria was not immune. So over the subsequent decades the community decided to give their Chinatown the distinct character, which it's known for today. These murals played their part in this effort.

Family Comes First


Why is classical music so numb?

Music you can hear

Classical music is said to be relaxing, thoughtful, but also made to be enjoyed in quiet places with much care. It has become the land of the "elites", of the ones who have "higher education" and know how to appreciate the true high quality music.

I'm tired of that shit. In my view, classical music is just music like any other music, anybody can listen in any way they want, and guess what... There is good classical music and bad classical music! And the reason why most classical music we can hear today is actually "good quality" is because it has survived the trial of times and there are still some people that see beauty, virtuosism, innovation, and many other impressive qualities on it. Although...

My delicious first attempt on a vegetarian francesinha!

France-what? What kind of disease is that?

Driving in Porto, I'm sometimes surprised when in the middle of the urbanized places, I can still find a small street with kids playing football and a small jungle of wild trees growing like nothing has ever happened. Rally in prices are driving these people away, and we will soon loose much of this "true life" that is so charming for tourists. The way people talk and behave is something really unique, usually swearing a lot and using funny over-complicated phrases to say simple things, while showing a lot of compassion and humbleness towards everyone.


💚 Fresh Fusion Oriental + Mediterranean Salad 🥗 w/ Greens from the 'Garden' 🌱

I'm growing oriental salad leaves of different kinds in one container...

And I generously sowed the seeds and now they are getting a bit over crowed, so I had to thin quite a lot out all in one go, that means I was able to make this delicious salad today!
Some of the leaves are a bit mustardy, hot and spicy, they are really fantastic!
They are not available in the shop so it really makes me happy to be able to grow these so easily, even for a novice grower like myself, who has had a bad track record with growing my own! I really encourage anyone to grow fresh greens, now is a good time to start planting!


Food For Surviving the Present Day Apocalypse

I am surviving in this world. I am experiencing a catastrophe. Its slow, subtle and elusive. It brings on diseases and death.

I am talking about the hyper domestication of humans and the under nourishment of our over fed society.

In order to survive this catastrophe I am moving my body and nourishing myself. This is the only way I will survive.


Our One True Home-100 Days of Poetry Challenge: Day Fifty One

Our One True Home

Wrap me up in your greenery,
let me feel the wind blow through
your blades,
The sweet scent of life,
running through your veins.
Childhood dreams of being small,
exploring caverns and ancient halls,
of minuscule lifeforms
beneath the surface,
creating worlds
seeing whole universes taking form.

Come On Lets Welcome Some New Steemians To This Great Community

Steemit is such an amazing platform that has created a huge global community.
Bringing together so many different people from all over the world.
It really is a true representative of the great diversity we have on this planet.
Everyday I continue to learn so much from everyone's blogs and to be truly inspired.
It has connected me with so many amazing people and I wish to continue to see it grow.

Our Own Masters-100 Days of Poetry Challenge: Day Fifty Three

Our Own Masters

Creating anew,
Distant healing felt by the few,
If knowledge is power
then no need to rewind,
Each step leads to words
that create different kinds,
of choices that bring
new ideas to life
living with what we've achieved
to help us unite
these visions of darkness
that light up our way,
and bring us through night
and into the day,

🔥 Steemit Vision Quest - Week 13: "Star Medicine"

I usually document my vision through poetry, it is one of my favourite ways to express myself and I always enjoy the creative process because at times I really do not know where it will lead me, it is a journey in itself that always surprises and excites me. I just put my pen to paper and let it all flow out.

But this time it is not through poetry that my expression comes. It is through my understanding of the world and our relationship with the earth that calls out to me, it is walking barefoot and making contact with the earth. It is seeing and feeling the connection between all things. We are made up of energy, we all transmit vibrations that we spread out into the world.


Ecotrain QOTW: If 50% of the defence budgets of the 10 biggest nations was given to philanthropic causes, would we see more or less war and violence in the world?

As anyone who is in the position of giving money away knows.. it can be very difficult to do it successfully! Sometimes just throwing money at a problem just doesn't work, and ends up causing even more problems! Would it be any different if we gave half our the military budgets away? Let's see what the ecotrain have to say on the matter! This week we have a round up of our ecotrain passengers posts on this intriguing question! Thanks to everyone who wrote on the QOTW this week!


UTOPIA - Part 4 - Echoes of the Internet

Contrary to what most historians nowadays believe, the Internet didn't die all at once. It's been almost two centuries since the Great Meltdown, and while the most dramatic events have been passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth, lesser events such as the ones I'm about to describe have been all but erased from public memory. Of course, everyone knows about the solar flare and the devastation it caused to the world's computer systems, but the Internet itself had been showing signs of malfunction even in the years leading up to the famous series of catastrophic events which brought an abrupt end to civilisation.


I've been pretty open lately about my current situation in life and my desire to improve it. I'm going to be 25 very soon yet I still feel like I'm in the same position as a high school teen. I want to get my life back on track by the time I turn 30 so I plan on making a 5 year plan with your help, advice, and valuable input. It will be an ever-evolving plan of course since I still don't know exactly what I want from life, but I'm starting here and I'm starting now.

Keeping Up With Kiara - April 2018 Newsletter


Grafting Made Easy | Complete Tutorial of What It Is, How To, Tools You Need! (PHOTOS)

Grafting Made Easy!

Grafting really is quite easy, there's just a learning curve in the beginning. After reading this post, we hope you feel more confident and knowledgable trying a graft out yourself. In this post, we share the basics of grafting: tools you need, why to do it, what it entails, what can be grafting and then how to graft: different types and when to use them.


How to Give Your Steem Substance...

By Doing Something Good with it...

Dear @Tarekadam (and an open letter to all generous hearts)

I know you have been made aware of the YouAreHOPE. Foundation, but I'd like to write something up recommending them for your generous offer of a 300 STEEM donation for a worthy cause, as they have an amazing knack for making every morsel of a STEEM count.

What If Pigeons Are on Crack? A Poem by Hope Huggs

What If Pigeons Are on Crack?

There was a pigeon called Jack
Who pecked upon a lump of crack
His sight grew fuzzy
And his beak was buzzy
His feathers were ruffled
His little feet shuffled.

Noise was extra loud
A pigeon unbowed
On the window ledge
Looking over the edge
The world megaphone blaring
Crazy orange eyes glaring.

Let's Spread the Seeds of Love with STEEM

This is How to Make a Difference on STEEM...

Today is the day that @pennsif's one dollar a day initiative starts again. I joined him at the end of last year and gave some SBDs out to good causes supported by Steemit, but this time I had a good idea on how to do it a little differently...

I was listening in to @sircork one lazy Sunday afternoon on Steem Star Network and it amazed me how much 1 SBD, or an upvote could help someone in a country that is politically devastated. I mean here in the UK, an hour's wage is £7.83 and that is more than a month's salary in Venezuela.


Zero Waste Project: EcoDesigns nurtures young girls to transfrom textile trash to Treasure


"nurturing fashion designers and wastepreneurs"
EcoDesigns is the textile recycling and fashion designing corner of The Greens (@thegreens) Waste Business Hub Project.

Waste Business Hub is a startup incubator of The Greens that strives to educate, empower and engage young and underprivileged youths to exploit the business opportunities in waste, hence nurture a generation of waste business entrepreneurs (Wastepreneurs) who will make profits while helping people and the planet.


Speaking My Truth for Mental Health Monday

I'm so grateful to @kiaraantonoviche for coming up with#mentalhealthmonday and also for speaking her own truth. I am inspired to also further this conversation and bring mental health issues more into the light and invite more conversation. Hopefully this serves a dual purpose of educating those who don't have to deal with mental illness personally and also as an encouragement to others who are dealing with it to feel comfortable to speak up when they are ready.

I deal with depression. For me it is sort of hard to say how long it has been going on to at least some degree. However, it took a pretty intense turn when I got pregnant with my fourth child. My relationship was not particularly stable. I had a 14 yo, an 11 yo, and a 10 month old, and I was 39. I had my own business which was in that crucial state of needing to grow to survive. So, there were a lot of external circumstances contributing for sure. That said, I've been through harder times. Those of you who have dealt with depression know that circumstances aren't really the crucial piece. It hit hard, and because I had never spiraled that far, I didn't really realize what was happening until it was very deep.


Forgiveness- Not Easy to Practice but so Liberating when You Do..

I was at a social meet-up a few days back where the topic of discussion was forgiveness. I knew of the theme on my way to the venue and was thinking of something. During the meetup, I elaborated on those thoughts and wrote a poem of sorts as I always have my journal on me. I couldn't complete it then so I'll complete it right now while writing this post.

To forgive or not to forgive, that is the question...

So I went with the second option and chose not to forgive...

I felt ecstatic at first...


Supporting People Who Help
Make The World A Better Place

Discover previous ecotrain magazines at @ecotrain





If you are new to Steemit, love to write, and would like to join the ecotrain community as an official passenger please email me on [email protected]

** Click Here For More Information on the ecotrain **

A Call For Help

Delegate to the @ecotrain voting bot to support creating sustainable communities

In the last 12 years I have spent my entire savings of over $350,000 on eco-building, subsidised workshops and outreach. I have always performed my work as service, and even today have no ownership over any of the buildings I have created. My income since 2001 has been entirely through web development work, however, for reasons beyond my control that job has now ended. Therefore, I am unable to fund or initiate any further projects without support. I hope that by seeing the achievements I have made so far, you can be inspired to support me with your delegation so that I really can continue to make a difference in the world!

You will receive 65% of your share of the bids made with the @ecotrain voting bot.


Thank You For Supporting @ecotrain and a better world!

Your delegation will go a long way with @ecotrain. Thank you for even a very small delegation, because every bit really does count.

You can delegate in 2 minutes using this simple tool. You can also remove your delegation at any time. Many thanks to @yabapmatt for all his incredible tools and services!

If you can't delegate, I hope you will support us by using our bot voting service.
You can find us at:

Please find me on Discord: eco-alex#6971






Thanks a lot for this your poetry...

I appreciate your post..actually you are great one in this steemit..
I am always follow your post..
Cause I like your post always..
And your every post is mind blowing ..
Thanks for sharing your valuable post..
My support will for your every .
I wish you overcome in this steemit by your post.
Carry on your activity ..
Best of luck..

sir i think you found your real love and follower right now ???

HA ha ha ha

thank you dear!

love all of the new life that is joining the #ecotrain community :) makes me very happy!!! found a few articles i'd missed that i want to check out. thanks awesome souls!! xx

yay.. you are part of the awesomeness!

You forgot an e in @stortebeker, so that that link leads to nowhere.
I would have thought you living closer to Germany now would help raise your level of conscientiousness, but apparently not. 😘

well spotted! i am just 40 minutes from the German border now .. but my soul is still in India!

I love how this train just keeps on getting more and more diverse, there really is something for everyone and all in an positive and inspiring way. So happy to be part of this great community xx

This post has received a 9.48 % upvote from @boomerang.

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This time I will check all the passenger, I will enjoy it for sure @eco-alex. and re-steem it. I need more people read this great post

Congratulations to the winners. Sorry I'm a bit late.

You got a 1.39% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @eco-alex!

Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to support the development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please vote for @yabapmatt for witness!

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