The Deadpost Initiative - Week 23 - WE HAVE A CHATROOM NOW (Post Rewards go to participants)

in #contest6 years ago (edited)


Some big changes are coming to the Deadpost Initiative. We have launched #steemitzombies, which is a similar initiative that aims to find readers and payouts for undervalued content, but instead through reposting the material. We are working out ways to merge the two initiatives as I think this weekly contest has been a great way to increase the engagement on undervalued posts and I'd like to keep it going in some shape or form.

We have three choices about how to move forward:

1 Keep the deadpost as is and run it parallel to #steemitzombies
2 Change the rules to encourage re-posting of old material which may increase the chances of decent payout. The only problem is how to preserve the engagement in the comments section (where it is easily seen by all in one place).
3 Another option is changing The Deadpost Initiative into a curation project for #steemitzombies

Please join us at The Steemit Zombies and Deadpost Initiative discord channel and help us grow this initiative into one that can does what it has been doing even better!

What is the Deadpost Intitiative?

The Deadpost Initiative is an attempt to give love to some posts that were overlooked during their short 7 day life span, a chance to bring your old posts back to life and maybe make some friends in the process. The goal is not only to share some love with SBD but also by engagement to generate discussion.

Last week

The payout on our Deadpost was quite small but @amariespeaks swooped in to save the day and donated $8 SBD to the cause! She's an awesome steemian who I would recommend following even without this kind of awesome behavior! Check her out!

A nice variety of posts, some art, some social issues, and some stories.

Last Week's Winner

@pathforger - $ 2 Steem prize

@pathforger, one of our most popular deadpost contributors has done it again. This time he invites us to reexamine how we think about the human body. When asked if I feel the body is something shameful or sinful, my initial response was "No of course not" and then I realized....why is nakedness so awkward? It seems there is a bit of shame in there, and if not, it's often something entirely sexualized when the body itself is a thing of beauty. Awesome post as usual from this guy!

[Reintroducing the Human Body


@artgirl - $ 2 Steem prize

@artgirl has some awesome artwork! Here she shares a mural she did for an alcohol brand. It's an awesome style and I like how she shared the whole process from even before it's conception.

That Kraken Wall Art


@twirble - $ 2 Steem prize

@twirble also shares some amazing artwork, 3 paintings, one completed and the other two still in production. I really love this style.

The Mangled Door


@armadilloman - $ 2 Steem prize

Sigmund was a champion of a cat! This is @armadilloman's ode to Sigmund. I love animals with so much personality like Sigmund. Thanks for this post.

Once In A LIfe Time Cat


@brightstar - $ 2 Steem prize

@brightstar offers some of her awesome insight into "inflammed personalities", compassion and becoming the best version of yourself. I always love her work, I am sure you will too!

How I Went From Being a Judgmental Mofo to Compassionate

Week 23

pexels-photo-116909 (1).jpg

Share your best Deadpost in the comments!

The best posts will be rewarded with the fluid payout from this post (split between winners) and will be featured in a future post.


•Please only submit 1 post.
•Posts must have a payout of less than $5.
•Posts must be at least one month old.
•I recommend you don't enter the same post twice in the same month if you didn't win the first time.
•Vote for 1-3 post by others. Please share WHY you liked their posts. If you don't vote for someone else's post by commenting you will not be eligible to win.
•Winners will be chosen based on how original, creative, informative and well written their posts are, as well as how well received they are in the comments. I will use the quality of comments as the main factor in judging who wins.
•There will be a slight bias towards smaller accounts but large accounts are welcome to join and compete or join just for fun and to share their old work.
•There may also be prizes for stellar comments and engagement.
•There will be 2 or more winners depending on how big the payout for this post is and depending on how many quality posts are entered into the contest.

Please upvote generously on your favorite post in the comments below, we'd like to generate a sense much support as possible for all participants and the prize pool is still growing.

Upvote and resteem to help us raise our reward pool! And remember to comment and upvote on comments in this post please to show support for deadposts! :-)
The prize pool will be the fluid rewards from the post plus any donation to the initiative.
I'm still looking for SP delegation to offer larger upvotes on all submissions. If you can help, please let me know :-)

This is not merely a contest, this is an opportunity to have your material read and an opportunity for us to really discuss each other's posts.

The Steemit Zombies and Deadpost Initiative discord channel


I have been working hard on content/networking and mentoring in a discord room and that busyness has made me forget so many of my old steemit habits. One of my favorite weekly routines was to visit the deadpost initiative and read the entries and drop a post. So here is one for this week. This is part one of a 5 part serialized crime fiction series set in London. Hope ya'll enjoy :-)

the start of a dirty story in a dirty city. rough and raw. perfect!

I have followed this ide. for a while. nice to see it in action.
here is my post maby not the best one on the technique but it describes my blog and who I am at Steemit how a working with/ on my dyslexia :

Thank you for taking your time to write the post. It's amazing to get to know you. I would like to encourage you to stay strong and continue to do what you like. People always talk whenever they can. Most of them don't care about what the other person is suffering from. Especially kids since they dont really understand the complexity of the situation until they suffer from it themselves. I hope you can forgive them and get over your trauma since a lot of us here would definitely like to read more of your posts.

I appreciate the time and effort that went into this. You have an interesting perceptive on things, because you see them differently - and that's what we need at the moment.

I hope some of your more recent posts get a bit more interest, because from the few that I've read tonight, you're sometimes very perceptive and can see right to the core of things.

thank you this was one my first post feel you have already gotten better in my English. :)
am going to the honest way here. it about and could inspire someone else and do the same. and on the dyslexia it's incredibly difficult theme now in all the Social Media times a lot of kid are in trouble over this.

I have seen your contest before but never participated... So this is going to be my first entry. Hope I am able to contribute to the spirit with which you are running this contest.

Here's my entry, it's a personal one hope you like it: A love story that survived the sub-continent - Two decades of togetherness

I loved this beautiful heart-wrenching poem. It's past payout, so I am upvoting the comment made by @emptyintentions here.

This is another post which deserves to be read which I supported.

It's nice when it's all falling in to the correct place. u are a nice couple.
love at first sight :)
and am not a fan of long post but this one of neat easy to read.

thanks for reading :) yeah I have been thinking about reducing my post length... It takes too much time and effort to write them and people often don't read them

I read all the posts you linked to and I loved every one of them. I'm especially happy for you since you and your lover can stay together and share your love with each other. 20 years is a huuge time span, after all. I am well aware of how big India is since I live there myself. And especially in the 90s when everyone didn't have access to internet, staying in touch was definitely not easy. I hope your life goes well and you and your lover can enjoy the rest of your time together.

thanks for reading... yes, 90s were a different time altogether... it's amazing how far we have come from those days

I really enjoyed reading about how your relationship developed with your wife, Deepsikha. She is persistent, that's for sure! It's a great story, and would probably be amazing if you dramatised it as a book or movie.

haha, that's a great idea... perhaps a Bollywood musical can come out of it... with a lot of singing and dancing and some melodrama, lolz

My vote is for you. I liked your story because it was heartfelt and wholesome. It really could be a movie!

perhaps someday someone will make a movie out of it :)

Thank you I'm glad you liked it.

Here's a dead post of mine it's some heartfelt original poetry and personal pictures. Thank you for running this awesome contest!

That's a beautiful poem. I'm very sorry for your loss. Pets are our family and it hurts a lot when they are gone. I've never had one before but I can surely feel you. I hope you are doing well with your life now and that you will slowly learn to live with it. Loss cannot be avoided but we can derive strength from it and grow stronger.

Thank you. I'll always remember how happy they made me. Without loss there would be no gain. Thanks for that. I'm doing better but some scars never fade ya know? I'll miss them til the day I die.

That's true. There's nothing bad in missing them. But don't let that slow you down. Memories are made to be treasured.

I loved your poem and was pained by your loss....

Thank you I like to write poetry to share my emotions, I'm glad you liked it! Don't be though, without suffering how would we know true happiness?

I teared up a bit reading this. The last pet I had pass away was a few years back when I lost the cat I'd had for 14 years to cancer. He was getting old, and I'd done my best to give him a good life. But he'd been the one constant and reliable thing in my world through my 20's and early 30's, so his absence was very hard for me.

I do hope you are feeling a bit better now though. Life is complicated, and painful. But there's some pain I wouldn't be without. If my life had less loss, it would also have had less love in it. Keep writing what you feel.

We do the best we can but life slips through the cracks in our hands like fleeting grains of sand. It's horrible loosing a pet after them being by your side for so long. But at least we know we did our best and that's all we could ever do. If love could save the ones we love they wouldn't die. I'm glad you liked my poem and could relate that makes it worth writing down.

animals are like people always ther for us. it is over 10 years ago Vesta the dog a grew up with died
a remember the funeral getting the whole family was there nice but very sad. nice poem
nice to remember them. :)

Yes sometimes in ways people can't be, true unconditional love. We will always have our memories, and be able to make new ones to cherish. I'm glad you enjoyed my poem.

I had to put my own dog down once. it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do, but unfortunately, it had to be done.The pain of losing your friend is like no other. The loss haunted me for months. If I think back on it , it will still tear me up. I loved your poem. Keep up the good work. keep on steemin!

I've got a range of dead-ish posts that I thought were pretty good, but most of them aren't quite a month old, so they'll have to wait for next time. What I do have for this week is:

Three Principles of Justice: Acquisition, Transfer and Rectification

In this post I try to shine a bit of light on some of the theoretical principles underpinning the political ideology of economic libertarianism that is so popular here on steemit.

I'm partially motivated by the fact that I thought the post deserved a little more love, but also because I think lots of people who are fans of this political philosophy don't have a great understanding of what they are supporting.

Good post. Your focus on rectification definitely shows the main difficulty in dealing with these issues - especially when different interpretations of history abound.

Oh my, I learned something new today!

very interesting post, I am a skeptic when it comes to political theory. Personal life experience and readings have led me to think that all systems have flaws. Minimal government looks great on paper but has it's own problems if proper checks and balances. A strong state also is not something we want... it's really a very tricky balance... something we have not been able to figure out even today

It's been a while since my last participation but here's a deadpost about lucid dreaming and how everyone can learn it:

I love lucid dreaming @celestal. It's something I practice with the aid of youtube guided meditations and it works for me about 6 times out of 10. I used to get the ubiquitous flying dreams all the time as a teenager but they have faded as I have got older. :-)

Nice! My lucid dreams are very irregular but usually flying is the first reflex of mine to do when I realize I'm in a dream.

I heard about lucid dreaming some years ago but never really learn it. Your post is really nice with some great tips. I guess I'll try it again. :)

Hey @ryunamist, I'm glad you find the post was helpful!

A large part of my dreams are lucid in that I know I am dreaming or during the dream are aware that I am changing things to different narrative. Those are the fun interactive movie types.

Regular lucid dreams sound like a dream to me, haha, that's awesome.

A large part of my dreams are lucid in that I know I am dreaming or during the dream are aware that I am changing things to different narrative. Those are the fun interactive movie types. I have some delightfully crazy dreams that way.

Thank you! :D

I wish I could join the Discord channel. Maybe when I make an acct there soon. For now I stay on Haha.

I wonder which old post I will post now. Hmmm...

Oh wait, maybe this one!

The Tale of Someone Who Keeps Losing Their Phone

I lost my phone last year and I couldn't get over it so I wrote about it. Hahaha. Ah my most terrible loss ever.

A cautionary tale about the dangers of meditation @artgirl ;-) You were too bliss-ed out, that was the problem lol

Huhu, is that what happened? I had no idea. :(

Ha ha. What a cheap-ass, stealing the dryer from you like that. Still, I guess anyone poor enough to be swapping their clothes out for other peoples in a launderette must be in dire straights. Nice story @fireawaymarmot

Oh fun! I haven’t been around as much lately so I hadn’t heard about this, but it’s a great idea. Thank you so much @amariespeaks for being a savior, as usual.

Here’s my entry. It was one of my earliest posts before I really had that many followers. It’s about how I built a makeshift darkroom in my bathroom as a teenager while I was kind of losing my mind:

The Darkroom

This is very familiar, I also had a difficult upbringing and a dark room in the bath room. had the red light and all 3 rinse vessels. was very calm and work in the dark room u are in a different world in there.
but I work only but black white. Ur pic are nice to.

I can relate. If not for a sympathetic journalism teacher that made me a photographer for the paper/yearbook I don't think I would have had enough English credits to graduate. I too went towards photography to deal with my depression although I didn't know what it was at the time. I was just always blah and only looked forward to journalism and taking pictures.

Unfortunately It has been 23 years since i processed film. I don't even know where to get chemicals anymore let alone equipment.

I vote for you! Because this was very well written and heartfelt. Also cool pictures and poetry. I'd love to see more from you, followed.

Very nice I always wanted to learn how to use a dark room. I am quite spoiled by digital photography. The process that a person goes through to develop their n film is very fascinating. Thank you for sharing and keep on steemin!

Here's my entry. I posted this butterfly art for #colorchallenge but it didn't do so well. Actually I drew 7 of these but I guess I'll save the others for future deadpost initiative.


Original post: Here

Very nice pic. It does hold a sense of realism. There is something so fascinating about nature that draws you in and mesmerizes you. Thank you for sharing and keep on steemin!

Thank you very much! And yes, nature is truly beautiful. ^^

Awww, well it looks ok. You can just post the rest of the butterflies in one post maybe. Hey it'd still be worth some Steem, SBD & SP.

I vote for you! Beautiful butterfly it's very realistic it's always nice to see creativity and talent.

Thank you <3

I already did that x3

Oh cool. Thought you haven't yet. Haha.

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