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RE: The Deadpost Initiative - Week 23 - WE HAVE A CHATROOM NOW (Post Rewards go to participants)

in #contest7 years ago

Here's a dead post of mine it's some heartfelt original poetry and personal pictures. Thank you for running this awesome contest!


That's a beautiful poem. I'm very sorry for your loss. Pets are our family and it hurts a lot when they are gone. I've never had one before but I can surely feel you. I hope you are doing well with your life now and that you will slowly learn to live with it. Loss cannot be avoided but we can derive strength from it and grow stronger.

Thank you. I'll always remember how happy they made me. Without loss there would be no gain. Thanks for that. I'm doing better but some scars never fade ya know? I'll miss them til the day I die.

That's true. There's nothing bad in missing them. But don't let that slow you down. Memories are made to be treasured.

I loved your poem and was pained by your loss....

Thank you I like to write poetry to share my emotions, I'm glad you liked it! Don't be though, without suffering how would we know true happiness?

I teared up a bit reading this. The last pet I had pass away was a few years back when I lost the cat I'd had for 14 years to cancer. He was getting old, and I'd done my best to give him a good life. But he'd been the one constant and reliable thing in my world through my 20's and early 30's, so his absence was very hard for me.

I do hope you are feeling a bit better now though. Life is complicated, and painful. But there's some pain I wouldn't be without. If my life had less loss, it would also have had less love in it. Keep writing what you feel.

We do the best we can but life slips through the cracks in our hands like fleeting grains of sand. It's horrible loosing a pet after them being by your side for so long. But at least we know we did our best and that's all we could ever do. If love could save the ones we love they wouldn't die. I'm glad you liked my poem and could relate that makes it worth writing down.

animals are like people always ther for us. it is over 10 years ago Vesta the dog a grew up with died
a remember the funeral getting the whole family was there nice but very sad. nice poem
nice to remember them. :)

Yes sometimes in ways people can't be, true unconditional love. We will always have our memories, and be able to make new ones to cherish. I'm glad you enjoyed my poem.

I had to put my own dog down once. it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do, but unfortunately, it had to be done.The pain of losing your friend is like no other. The loss haunted me for months. If I think back on it , it will still tear me up. I loved your poem. Keep up the good work. keep on steemin!

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