KrNel's Main Work on Steemit

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Do you want a quick access to my main, central, more important original work I have put on Steemit? Don't want to be cluttered with newsy, tech, or other posts like resteems? Well here is the main work I put out!

This is not the total 450+ posts, but the ones I make about my main purpose on Steemit for teaching about self-knowledge, morality, consciousness, etc.

Today I tried to reach the bottom of my blog page, but to no avail. I imagine it's the same for you, as I tested on other long blog pages and didn't get to the bottom. I have since opened a github issue for this: Can't Reach Bottom of Blog Page.

This post will be handy at anytime instead of scrolling and trying to pick out my main work, but also now since you can't get to the bottom of my blog page.

These are sorted by date with the most recent first, like on the blog page.

Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.

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2017-02-06, 12:33pm


Hello @krnel,

Congratulations! Your post has been chosen by the communities of SteemTrail as one of our top picks today.

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Happy TRAIL!

Thank you.

Just an FYI for everyone, I didn't submit this post to the trail, so it was promoted and awarded outside of my influence. It wasn't even posted to the approved channel. Some people are mad that it got rewarded up to $32 and will be flagging it:

I do it once, for a selection of my main work people won't know among all my posts, and it's annoying to scroll through everything, even for me. So this is handy. I'm not the only person who does this, and this is my first time, to summarize my more important posts. sirwinchester does it every month, yet because he's not hated, it's fine... ;)

If it was only autobots who valued the post, it wouldn't have been in the $20s before steemtrail, but would be at $12 or so.

Krnel. Thank you for sharing this collection of your work. I'm always impressed by your flow, effort, and voice. I appreciate when I have the time to read a handful of Krnel Originals a week. Be well!

Very useful, bookmarked.

Mildly related, re: "not getting to the bottom"-- I know infinite scrolling is de-rigeur on the modern web, but pagination (maybe every 100 or 200 posts?) still does have a place for those who care about usability....

Indeed. I think it might be needed hehe. It takes a while to hold down the page down key and wait to get there. Not good lol.

@krnel- not sure if you caught this recent post of mine but looking at the titles of some of your past work I think you'll like it- IMHO Pizzagate is a lynchpin in the awakening of humanity- once they are forced to face that reality it will be the first in a series of many events that will be looked back upon as the liberation of humanity and this planet......

Pizzagate has some real world evidence, and past historical evidence in recent decades that made mainstream news. Aliens has some evidence for existence in terms of video for objects, at least for UFO's if non-alien and man made, etc. All the other accounts are unverifiable, although potentially true they can't be demonstrated by anyone as such. So whether its Alpha Draconis reptilians, Zeta Reticuli greys, nordics or pleaidians, or galactic federations and light beings, who knows, certainly not I not can others demonstrate its veracity in reality. I have looked into this early on when I first "woke up". I don't do work that isn't so grounded in reality for people to verify. I stick away from beliefs because they are not truth, until a possibility of a belief can be demonstrated as actual truth. I try to talk about what I do know and others can know and demonstrate in their own lives, for my main work.

You should check out my website under 'Disclosure' and "Videos of Interest' section check out William Tompkins testimony- I think you will find him credible and compelling- I feel the same about Corey Goode who claims to have been in the Soalr Warden program- I rely heavily on intuition and believe it's our most powerful sense if realized and used often- Goode also resonates with me- not to mention there was physical evidence at Roswell- actual bodies- too many eyewitnesses say so for me not to believe that. In regards to beings living within our planet- makes ALL THE SENSE IN THE WORLD to me. Also If you've ever studied Operation Highjump I also find that to be compelling in regards to ETs assisting Germans as Tompkins asserts was the case. Many UFOs are piloted by HUMANS- as was the case in Highjump.

Well thats a complete index if I ever saw one, nice compilation.

Nice and thanks.

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