System of Control - Constructed to Perpetuate Problems

in #authority8 years ago (edited)


Being born into this way of life we currently have, we are forced into a co-dependent system that never let's us go.

We require employment for monetary compensation to survive and pay for the land we think we own, but never do. Money is required to start and money is required to persist to exist. There is nothing not owned and available to be worked for, to obtain freely at first, for us to build a new way of life separated from the mechanisms of control. Everything has already been claimed by a government that extorts and coerces fees or taxes to allow us to exist.

Many problems arise from failure to harmonize with Moral Law/Truth. Extra "laws" are invented to deal with such violations, and then more of man's "laws" are created to combat the violations of previous "laws", that deluded men created to externally control others.

"Laws" are created that violate the Natural Moral Law itself, and we are coerced to comply and be obedient to them. And so the story continues to unfold.

Jobs are created as a means to provide temporary relief from the problems and symptoms of breaking these "laws", such as lawyers, clerks, judges, etc. Now these people have a newly created niche that provides them economic survivability for them to exist in this system.

These problems, these symptoms of a "diseased" defective system, are required to remain existing, in order to provide the economic survivability for those affecting temporary band-aid relief to the issues/problems that arise from the breaking of these "laws". If everyone manages to comply 100% with all the "laws", those who provide services to relieve the symptoms, but never cure them, will be out of work, as there will be no demand for there employment any longer. This is how the cancer industry operates to silence cures such as cannabis.

Our whole systemic way of life with government, lawyers, politicians, etc., is a cancer on us, that keeps growing and growing because that's how it is designed. It's designed to not resolve the problems/effects we have at the root causal source. The source is consciousness. No one is being raised in consciousness by learning the depths of Moral Law/Truth. We are all children, unraised, ignorant of how morality functions because we are kept that way by the system, education, and our parents who never learned it themselves. And even if they did teach us some degree of moral knowledge, they were forced to comply and accept the systemic way of life and perpetuate it's corrupted existence.

Do you see? Each year, each decade, new problems arise, new markets develop, new niches are occupied, the economy grows and "progress" continues -- in our delusional mindset anyways. Problems arise, and people find "solutions" to address these problems within the confines and restrictions of the system that restricts proper resolution from a moral baseline. But they aren't real solution, they only treat the symptoms, the effects, and they never get down to the root of the system and way of life itself to correct the causes of the effects.

Cause and effect and the Natural Moral Law of our behavior is not understood.

These sectors of employment are only created due to the problems that exist. If you solve the problem, and take away the need for the relief of the symptoms, then you no longer have the need for the particular employment providing a good or service that once had a use/purpose. This is how it is for the medical establishment to cure us because we keep created sickness all around, politics to rule us because we don't rule ourselves, police to control us for violating the "laws" politicians invent, and the military to invade and murder others for the will of those in power.

We cannot solve any problems really, because whole sectors of economic growth and stability depend on the problem existing that ensures people work to provide relief for the symptoms that manifest. If you remove a problem, let's say we educate people on nutrition and eating plants, most health issues would disappear, hence, most doctors would be out of work. The same for other sectors.

The more we develop personal responsibility in our lives, become self-sufficient, and solve our own problems by not creating them, the more the system will lose economic power over people's lives. The system depends on us being dependent on it, needing it. It's a loop, a catch 22. People need to work and need their jobs, so they need the problems to be there to be half fixed, and that continues to feed the system that requires this to continue.

Do you see why we are going nowhere? If you remove problems from society, the need for temporary relief from problem also vanishes along with the employment that was providing the service or good. People will fight to preserve their survival and the system of co-dependence, even if they are doing wrong, while thinking they are doing good. Companies, scientists and bureaucrats block cures from coming out so that the can continue to survive in their positions within this degenerate system.

If people actually Cared for Truth, the cures to our problems would already be created shortly after the problem was recognized. But this doesn't occur, because people do not really Care for Truth, and care more for their own survival in a corrupt devolved system that keeps them dependent upon it and enslaved.

This methodology of living will ensure the perpetuation of symptomatic relief-jobs, as well as useless jobs that only fulfill the needs to occupy a niche in the market for economic survivability, because people outsource their tasks of living more and more. There is less personal responsibility, independence and self-sufficiency, and more dependence and outsourcing of daily tasks.

If you remove dependence in favor of more independence and sustainability, you remove jobs and survivability. If you remove problems, then you remove jobs and survivability.

As the population increases, so does the requirement for jobs to be created in order to ensure survivability. Notice how politicians always focus on jobs and the economy to get elected. Economic survivability, and the fear of not surviving, is a mechanism of control. They make us dependent and prevent us from being able to live freely, constantly coercing us to pay this or that fee, permit, etc.

The web/network of interconnected dependence grows stronger all the time. More and more people become less independent and more co-dependent on the system's machinations for survival. If problems stop, whole sectors of employment would disappear and the appearance of stability and safety provided by the government and system of control over their lives would come into question.

Growing food ourselves on our lawns is becoming illegal, personal seed vaults are becoming illegal, the military police state is increasing, so that when things collapse, as all bubbles do, they will have constructed even greater dependence and control over our survivability that people will continue to beg for help and be dependent once more.

We are letting it happen because "this is how things are done". We allowed more and more central authority to restrict independence while we still had the methods of providing for ourselves.

But when the shit hits the fan, we won't be able to just go buy food, because we probably won't have a job anymore. We will need to beg daddy/mommy/nanny state for the food stamps to eat, for the clean water to drink, for every basic need we took for granted.

Now, we will be even more of a slave than we were before, but we still won't see it. We will be thankful to the state for providing for us yet again, because that is what we have become accustomed to, the normalized acceptability of our lives where we abdicate personal responsibility and outsource self-sufficiency in favor of comfort, convenience and security.

We have a lot to look forward to...


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Thank you for reading! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.

Author: Kris Nelson / @krnel
Contact: [email protected]
Date: 2016-08-30


My dream is to grow my own food & tobacco, build my own house on a small plot of land, and use solar & wind to generate my energy. But then they will still get you somehow. :D

In Ontario, it's illegal to use solar power for your home. They foster dependence and won't let us be free, keeping us enslaved. It's madness and no one cares!

Yes, in many places in the USA, it is illegal to camp on your own land! Which is how they keep people from being able to be in "Off-grid" homes by requiring them to have an expensive house so they end up having to pay 1000-3000$ a year in property taxes, requiring much more work to get the money!

I can't find any information on solar power being illegal in Ontario. Did you mean it's illegal to disconnect from the hydro power grid? We all know these regulations are a farce anyway. We must stop being so compliant! Get off grid anyway. Live in a stealth RV right under their bloody noses!

I read an article last year. It may just be "threats" of "legality" from bureaucratic henchmen and the like and not an actual "statute" or "act"

Look up Costilla County, Colorado on Youtube. They will regulate you out of their town if you do.

I was with you until the bit about cancer and canibas.

It is true about Cancer, scientifically verified CBD & THC can reduce chances of cancer.

Guess someone needs to do more research... have fun learning more about it. The information is all out there. Even science journals have data to prove it. But that's if you actually want to learn. Seek and you will find. Peace.

can, may, might, could....sometimes.
sometimes it does,
sometimes it don't.
the same thing can be said for coffee

MASSIVE intake of Coffee MAY reduce the risk of cancer.

Yes so true article, great work!

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