Amazing Grace's Deeper MeaningsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

All of human history demonstrates an underlying battle between truth and falsity, good and evil, morality and immorality. Our higher, truer, and realer potential for living is through aspiring towards the ideal of good, not evil, and living under the grace afforded through creating good.


Amazing grace! How sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me.

I once was lost, but now am found,

Was blind but now I see.

If our free will chooses to go against what is right, good and true as a moral way of living, then we are violating moral principles of living by choosing our own self-deluded ego-centric lower will. A higher will is to seek higher, realer, and truer living through morality. You're will follows the "will" of morality, the rules and laws of moral law/truth, not a literal "will" of it's own. This is symbolism.

Your will is wrong if it violates the "higher will" of truth and morality. Your will is in ego attachment if it violates the higher will. Your will is corrupted against the good when it goes against the higher will.

All of history has been teaching us this. It’s the whole story of the bible, and reaping the consequences to actions. Natural Moral Law is encoded in history and our everyday lives. All we need are the eyes to see reality, to observe and think about what we see, rather than not think about it or think about other distractions in life.

In the world, not of it

The "spiritual" axiom of "being in the world, yet not of the world", is symbolism about having our feet on the ground, doing the work here on the ground, and being grounded in the reality we live in, things as they are, both good and evil conditions of reality, truth and falsity as they stand t this time. That is being in the world, where things are as they are, and you can't change something that already happened. The effect is done and can't be undone. You can't unshatter a shattered plate.


The aspect of not being "of this world", is symbolic of consciousness being "immaterial", nonphysical hence a so-called "spiritual" force. This is where the potential for causal change into reality exists. We are aware of the higher will and purpose in life to do the work necessary to change things for the better. To bring about true freedom and peace. Follow the higher and truer will of moral law/truth and reach higher potentials of being.

In my recent post on initiation, aspiration and inspiration, the words "spirit", breath, aspire, inspire, and grace are all related terms having to do with the idea of "god" and the good. "Spirit" is the unseen psyche and breath. Aspire is breathe on or towards. Inspire is breathe in. Grace I didn’t talk about. Again, we are talking about symbolism, not literal things that you can only imagine exist in the fantasy of your imagination factory. Learn the power of language, words, symbols and consciousness.


Grace is the favor or grace of some thing imagined, called "god". You can be grateful and feel grace from anything real or imagined. These are states of consciousness that can be induced by will power. We fool ourselves by our own powers in consciousness.

Grace is the virtue, mercy, pardon, pleasing and agreeable feedback from "God"? From the Most High"? From the "Higher Will"? Indeed, the higher, truer and realer will of what is good/"god", right, moral and true as a way of living. Grace is virtue, mercy, pardon, pleasing and agreeable rewards that are "fed back" to us and granted from living the Path and Way of Righteousness. This is our universal responsibility, duty and privilege to live under the "higher will" of morality and truth, rather than ignore morality, truth,, reality, and the ideal of good in favor of our ignorant self-deluded ego-maniacal focus on how to live.

The feedback between what we do and what we get (reaping what we sow, "karma", rewards/punishment), is the Natural Moral Law Reciprocal Feedback System. In this complex force/field/web of Natural Laws, the energy we put out is a from of what we get back.


How do you get the grace, acceptance, agreeable, pleasing, mercy of “god”, "higher will", "truth"? The "Grace of God" is the feedback of accepting reality and working under Moral Law/Truth.

Humble yourself, don't humiliate yourself

When a lower willed ego-self chooses to harmonize and humble itself under Natural Moral Law, it received the Grace of "God". Humbling ourselves to reality, truth, morality heals the humiliation of denial and arrogance of going against truth and morality. The lower ego-self lets go of it's falsity, and seeks to align with truth instead.


When a lower willed ego chooses to violate and overstep the Boundaries of Natural Moral Law Higher Will, then the "Grace of God/Good" is not received, but instead the "Wrath of God" is received. Makes sense right? If you reject the good, you won't get the good, you might get the opposite. If you reject one polarity of good, and deny that there is good or evil, then you deny discernment of reality/unreality, truth/falsity, moral/immoral and live as an amoral blind fool unable to detect what is going on.

If you want to reject good, and blindly adopt evil, then you will reap the consequences of your actions. You reject "good/god", so you reap the "wrath of god" through your own action. You created your own downfall, your own punishment. You judge, offend and insult yourself by your own actions. There is nothing actually doing something to you, out there. It all from within yourself, you chose to act a certain way, and the consequences of that action will reciprocate back onto you in a closed system we live in.

We humiliate ourselves, in the short or long term, individually or collectively in human progress, when we choose to go against what is right, good and true, against the good/god ideals. We won't receive the "grace of good/god" when we spit in the face of what is good, stomp on it's face, and mock it, as if good or evil isn't expressible in reality through our actions. How the blind remain blind! So many pseudo-intellectual pseudo-philosophers.


When people violate Moral Law, that creates friction between the 'ought' that should be, and the 'is' that we choose to manifest. It's a friction between the "Higher Will" and the "lower will".

Despite this conflict we create, there is an opportunity for change and betterment from this friction. Friction creates fire, and that leads to lessons learned. Igniting a fire under you, gets your moving, motivated you to act. The fire is the passion and desire to get something done, to change, after feeling the heat of the wrong-way burning you for long enough.


Do you keep doing the same thing? Or choose a different path to question your convictions? Do you learn from the heat of the friction, from the feedback of what you put out? Or, do you ignore it and keep doing the same things, never learning from your mistakes?

If you receive the "Grace of God", then you receive the "breathe of God".

You aspire towards the good/"god", then you get inspired with the good/"god", and receive the breath and grace of the good/"god".



If you want to generate good, then accept the idea of good in your consciousness, so that you can causally create that good into the world of effects in existence. What we do comes from consciousness where we think about what we are going to do.

Attaining aspects of the aspiration towards the good, you are attaining aspects of the "spirit", breath, psyche or consciousness of good/"god". You are bringing that breath/"spirit" into yourself, breathing as one, united and harmonized with the Higher Will of Natural Moral Law, receiving "Grace of Good/God".

Grace (virtue, mercy, pardon, pleasing and agreeable) from good/"god". Living and aligning with the ideal of good is the virtue of life leading the way for rewards from being humbled]( under truth and morality, rather than consequences as punishment from violating truth and morality.

Higher vs. lower

Here is another aspect to the Bible and how it illustrates what I am talking about.

The concept of lust is used often in the Bible to demonstrate a lower willed modality of living, of choosing lower consciousness carnal distractions that keep you focused on physical appearances, pleasures and gratifications, rather that the substance and essence that will raise you up to higher consciousness moral living and truth.

“But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert. And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul.” (Psa 106:14-15)

Bible Commentaries:

– Lusted – For flesh. (Wesley commentary)

– Souls – Into their bodies. So their inordinate desire of pampering their bodies, was the occasion of destroying them. (Wesley commentary)

– A second instance of Israel’s sin, in murmuring for flesh. (Cambridge commentary)

– They complained “Our soul is dried away” (Num_11:6), our vitality is exhausted; but the satisfaction of their self-willed lust brought sickness and death not life and vigour, and “the graves of lust” marked the scene of their sin and its punishment. (Cambridge commentary)

My elaboration/explanation of the above:


Lust for pleasure seeking, carnality, hedonism, etc. is all the superficial appearances that hold no significance to living a life of substantive truth and morality, but actually works to impede it. When we demand and lust to have the distracting modalities in our lives of lower base natures, we devolve the "leanness" of our "souls" (consciousness) into the physical-focused carnal fleshly state of animalistic instinct. We progressively diminish our connection to our "higher" potential selves be can become, the more authentic, substantive, essence of the truer, higher and realer self in harmony and unity with truth and morality.


Amazing Grace. It is amazing indeed.

If you want to live in "grace", in the breath of good/"god", inspired and aspiring to it more, then you need to harmonize with the "Higher Will of Natural Moral Law", in the greatest capacity that you can through observation, thinking, contemplating, evaluating and reflecting about your actions in conscious awareness.

Many people get the "grace of god" through finally breaking down their barriers of consciousness that keep them in self-delusion, creating wrong-doings. They feel the friction, and learn from it. They admit wrong, and change from a falser path and way of living.

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me.

I once was lost, but now am found,

Was blind but now I see.

That song, Amazing Grace, was made by a slave ship captain who saw the evil of his ways, and turned from the lower will ego of man’s corrupted condition, towards redemption in the "Higher Will" of Good/"God". He saw this aspect of his life that was so incredibly false and vile in nature, and changed. There were still other violations of Moral Law/Truth going on, that are still going on, that people are still involved in, but slavery is a big one to turn away from.

Still today, society is built on the death-dealing of the predator mind-virus of exploitation, enslavement, harm, violence or murder of other innocent beings.

When will we choose to lift the veil from our false ways of living and choose the grace of the "Higher Will of Natural Moral Law" again, to take us to even greater heights and raise us above our current failures and wrong-doings?

The choice is ours. It is all up to each one of us, whether we create the True Freedom and Peace we want. Truth is ONE way, go ALL the way (ALL, ONE, breath, “Spirit”, “God”, get it yet how the Truth is Love is Good is Right is Morality is etc?).

How to Change the World for the Better?

It starts with you!

There is a basic duality, a dichotomy for life paths and ways of living:

Positive Path: (Care for Truth, Truth/"Love" force, Syntropic Force of Higher Will)

  1. Face reality
  2. Accept and embrace what ‘is’
  3. Learn and Live in the Path and Way of Truth, "Love", Good, Right that 'ought' to be

Negative Path: (Apathy for Truth, Fear force, Entropic Force of Lower Will)

  1. Ignore reality (ex: don’t look into the moral/immoral issues)
  2. Deny and reject what ‘is’ (ex: deny that we are doing evil against others)
  3. Continue to live in the false paths and ways of deception invented by man's confusion and delusion (ex: keep doing evil)

"I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see."

That is about being blind to evil and your evil ways, but then finally seeing the Truth so that you can turn away from that path and change for the better. Only through the vision of truth and morality in higher consciousness awareness can we find ourselves, our truer, higher, realer potential selves. The vision of moral syneidesis and synderesis.

Who is saving us? We save ourselves. We grant ourselves grace by our own choice to follow, align, harmonize, unite and embody the "higher will" to live by what is right, good and true. We humble ourselves under moral law/truth and become higher, truer, realer better potential versions of ourselves.

Truth is “Love” – Care for Truth – Embrace Truth – Live Truth.
Integrate with Truth & Morality.
Live integrated & connected.
Truth is one way – go all the way.

Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.

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2016-12-25, 9:30am


Well constructed and deeply thought-provoking article. Thanks.

Welcome. Glad you read and appreciated. I might be doing less and less of them though. Seems posts about dead celebrities matter more to the community. This post was only supported by autovoting / bots. No whales actually manually read the post to like it and upvote it.

Prolific and quality writing as always
There no Truth, but the just a path to know yourself, a tunnel with a light in the end that you will shine more as you walk
You will never reach the end, but its the only safe way to the truth
After reading this text I remembered Ronald Laing again, who helped me to find the way to Truth with his dialectic of Liberation

" as the real self becomes more precarious and embattled, the "false self" becomes an almost autonomous entity, so polished, automatic and alien to what the schizoid person experiences inwardly that it threatens to overwhelm or annihilate the "real self" unless desperate (psychotic) measures are taken. Eventually, the intense self-loathing occasioned by years of accommodating and/or deceiving others demands and expectations then leads to the total repudiation of the "false self".

And as Schopenhauer said the World is just a representation of our will , but the force of that will to build the World depends on how much you know yourself

Thanks again for good feedback. I'll have to look into Ronald Laing.

Laing, Ronald D. and Cooper, David G. anti-psychiatrists
They belonged to the movement of "Dialectic of Liberation"
Reading the "Grammar of Living" from Cooper and Laing, R.D. (1960) The Divided Self: An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness. are powerful tools for life changing

I actually agree with most of what you wrote, we need to act as we will face the consequence of our actions(it does not happen that often, though) . it should be in our conscience as if we do something evil we are going to do a lot of damages to ourselves and others. But I don't think religion should be the motivation for being good in this case, as you see we have a lot of types of religions and good deed is defined differently in each of them which have brought a lot of complexity around the world. what you do as a good thing I consider a bad action and what I do as a a way to get closer to God you consider it bizarre. religion can be a motivation when everyone is following the same rule , till then lets be moral just for humanity

It has nothing to do with religion. Words in a book aren't literal, they are symbolically representing truths about reality. And some if it is bullshit too ;) Notice I put "quotes" around religious words andmeanings, because they aren't to be taken literally. Thanks for the feedback.

Maybe I found it related to religion because I my self am somehow religious , and you are welcome :)

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