Can we handle the full freedom and responsibility of anarchy? Not yet... but we can learn to!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

If you just take people who are conditioned into a certain way of living, and expect them to change and function a different way, without teaching them and helping them "unlearn what they have learned", as Yoda says, then it's not going to work too well.


Giving people complete freedom, without the knowledge and responsibility developed... does not produce a successful outcomes in the short term. We can learn from failures and eventually "get it right". Chaos is a teacher.

Maybe after many generations people would figure out how to live in freedom, responsibility, with rules and moral law... "organically" without actively trying to figure it out... But just sticking people into a new environment that they don't understand, and expecting them to "learn" how to do things properly, quickly, in this new way, is unrealistic. They are conditioned with another way of living. Truth takes time, and unconditioning ourselves does as well.

Children need to be raised into awareness to become free thinkers and responsible in life. We don't just drop a newborn or growing child and kick them out to go live their own life... they need to be raised. Those who have knowledge, and understand things, can teach those who don't so that everyone can have the same understanding.

An anarchistic model can only succeed if people create within the philosophy of that model, which can't be done right now since many people don't even understand what anarchy is: freedom, responsibility, law, truth. You can;t create something you don't know how to create. The world at large doesn't understand anarchy much, but many on Steemit do. We have a leg up to make it work better! But it's a long, tedious, tiresome process to learn about things in reality and arrive on a common grounded basis of understanding together. It doesn't help with personal motivations that lead people into denial and ignorance.

Setting kids up in a new area with no rules, and having them try to figure things out... It's like ignoring all the trials and tribulations of the people in the past, who have taught us lessons not to repeat. Rather than reinvent the wheel, to have people learn in a causal relationship with reality over and over, and not teach the successive generations and keep learning, which can take years, or never happen... we can instead actively teach about a way of living so that people understand how to live that way.

Until such a time, rules of conduct need to be established by those who have the knowledge to direct the education of the community. This is what humanity has been doing, but getting lost, and taking a long long time... But, we are working towards more moral ways of living, although slowly, over centuries, going back and forth on certain things.

Anarchy will happen in society, once, and only once, people learn how to live in an anarchistic way. This can be done through trials and tribulations of each person learning for themselves, or through an effort to learn and educate ourselves, without making all the mistakes and learning the hard way.

Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.

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2016-12-30, 6:15pm


This is why I was happy to get behind the Libertarian Party this election even though Johnson was not much of a libertarian.

  1. I'm an incrementalist
  2. Johnson was better than the other parties' choices
  3. A libertarian government is not libertarianism (or Anarchism). Libertarian government is a system of government that uses the power of the State to protect the individual rights of the people. Because we the people are not ready to do that for ourselves. We look at rules more as something to break than the fair result of reason and a desire to prosper. Until that changes, with education, we can't govern ourselves.

I agree. I can't bring myself to support any form of government, but I understand we aren't ready. I don't fight against it, because we aren't ready to create something else. Much education is required, such as recognizing the problem, but we need more people to change the situation, since we can't get people to stop without having them learn and change their ways... Hence, the work I do :D Thanks for the feedback :)

Thank you both , Cheers and Best Regards!
, from a fan of free thinking individuals across the globe


Great way of explaining it, thanks.

I disagree entirely. Everywhere you said -'people', swap that for 'plantation slaves' and see how patronising and paternalistic it sounds.
Nobody wanted to abolish plantations.
Any slave who was comfortable in their life was free to stay on as a volunteer.
We don't want to destroy anyone's safety blanket, we just want people free to opt out.
Anarchism isn't about destroying institutions, it's about each individual getting to choose their level of association, if any, with those institutions.

The poster has built a belief system that includes an absolute Moral Truth and The Path leading there, and he seems to arrogantly present himself as the sole judicator of who has a grasp of true reality, or a true grasp of reality, I'm not sure which. How dare you infidel disagree 8-)?

Its difficult to solve the collective subconscious fear of assuming the dichotomy freedom-responsability
"Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility."
Sigmund Freud
An the unconscious fear of experiencing new things, that normally makes the massified man associate chaos with anarchy
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones." - John Cage

Thanks for the feedback. Yes, there is a fear of the unknown. What is known, is comfortable, "Static" in a way. Unknown invites change, not static of the current condition that is known. The unknown is chaos, uncharted territory. I have done work on this as well.

Yes, we fear the responsibility of true freedom. That's why we have abdication of personal responsibility in our society through "representative government" hehe. You don't represent yourself in life, someone else does and decides what happens to so much of your life. It;s a good way to keep people dumbed down and not think more.

Agree with much of this, but ultimately "we" does not matter in the sense that what is right is right, right now, and the individual is the source of this order.

Interesting times indeed.

What the fuck are you talking about?

With some of what you say, I resonate, but for much of it.... what?

Chaos can be a teacher, but do not expect coherent order from chaos. That is satanic. Literally. Mark Passio explains it, I think, in this video.

And Government Is Chaos, Anarchy Is Order by Kal Molinet, the basic idea of which being that the taking of things regardless of the consent of the owner, is theft... and that's what government does via taxation.

Taxation is theft.

The government is unaccountable because this theft is defended by everyone.

Unaccountability creates chaos.
Order does not spring from chaos, but order.

The world and people are fundamentally orderly. They are acting disorderly in a small way that, collectively, creates a monster of daily, deadly, destructive chaos.

But y'know, people aren't ready for not being slaves. You have to do it incrementally (never), like how the Marxists implemented communism. So, these human beings of today are just slaves, but maybe their children will learn the ways and habits of being a better pig. Maybe. If they try hard.

You got some issues. Nice attempt at trying to understand something lol. Wow. Chaos is a teacher, but it's not required. Simply saying "chaos is a teacher" is 100% right. It is always a teacher, listen to it or it gets worse until you do listen.

You seem to have trapped yourself into a false understanding and the projected some straw man as an attack. Good luck to you. Bye.

Yeah that YouTube bits and pieces of a picture I was talking about myself. :

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