Care for Truth - The Great Work (Pt.1)
Care for Truth
The Great Work for the "Living" (Higher Consciousness Living)
What do we care about? Do we really care for truth? How important is truth in our lives? Do we compromise the truth about reality? Do we stand for moral truth? What path in life are we walking? Which way are we headed? What compass are we using in life? Does our compass lead us towards (or away from), what is better, realer, more just, and a more moral and truer way of life? Do we have our compass set on the compassion to act towards bearing the moral truth and the good?
Care is in green to symbolize the generative, creative principle, the waters of life, life in nature, fertility, birth, growth, evolution. What we care for motivates and drives us in certain directions and ways of living. We have free will choice to choose what we do to generate our actions.
In blue is Truth. I represented the polarities of truth as blue, and falsity as red. In frequencies of color, red is lower, and blue is higher, while the middle is green. Falsity is low, truth is high, and in the middle is us: consciousness, care, courage and free will-power to choose between the two.
What we care for in life that drives us to act, can be based in truth, but it can also be based in falsity. Caring for moral truth is extremely important. Truth is Love, Love is Truth.
2) Knowledge, Grammar, Input, Stimulus (Trivium Method - Step 1)
Truth Type 1 - What is the actual current condition?
Truth Type 1 is a grouping concept as a universal category to represent things as they are, what is. The "Truth" is a concept to symbolize reality, existence and the universe. Whatever is, is. Whatever was, was. Whatever will be, will be. Once something has happened as an effect in reality, it is, or was, and can't be undone. We can't change what has already happened. The present becomes the past as soon as it happened. Only the future holds the power to create new action and change that we manifest into the present. The future becomes the present, based on causal factors that lead to things happening. One of these causal factors is consciousness that can create, manifest and generate effects into existence.
"Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past."
-George Orwell
Seek Truth - The Great Work Level 1
We need to seek out, desire and care to learn the truth about our current condition, the truth as things are. Both positive and negative, beauty and horror, light and dark, moral and immoral. We must have the courage to face the darkness, demon, shadow, negative, immoral and evil in the world and within ourselves. This is the basic Truth Type 1, of all the right and wrong, truth and falsity, in the existing manifested, generated and created reality that is before us.
We have to doubt what we have been taught to accept about our way of life. We have to question how we live. We have to be curious enough to want to do these things and learn all our lives. Life is learning.
This is how we gain knowledge of existence and become empowered to do something about our current condition. If you don't actively seek to understand, then you only tacitly receive the information that is being presented to you.
3) Understanding, Logic, Processing, Thinking (Trivium Method - Step 2)
With all the information collected, we need to process, filter and sort it all out. To discern truth from falsity, and determine what information is accurate, correct and valid, and what is inaccurate, incorrect and invalid. This requires diagnosis, evaluation, discernment and judgment. We can return to gain more knowledge, correct our understanding, and keep learning more about reality in a feedback process between our consciousness and existence. From gaining understanding to gathering more knowledge and gaining more understanding, over and over. As long as we care for truth and seek to continue to learn, we will always be able to learn more and refine our thinking, refine our understanding, and refine ourselves.
Embrace & Accept Truth - The Great Work Level 2
Once we figure out what is true from false, right from wrong, good from evil, moral from immoral, we need to accept this truth about our reality, and not reject it. We can't be engaging in positivity-masks and wearing rosy-colored glasses to ignore, deny, reject, deflect or dismiss what is currently happening in our world, and in ourselves.
Acceptance is required. Truth Type 1, the actual truth of our current condition, is now understood. It's possible to input data about reality, process it, yet reject it because we don't want to accept it for what it is.
4) Wisdom, Rhetoric, Output, Response (Trivium Method - Step 3)
To Know-Thyself is part of philosophy, which is philo-sophia, the "love of wisdom". Wisdom is not simply knowledge or understanding, but acting on that understanding and living a certain way based on Moral Truth, the path and way of living as a truer, realer, higher version of yourself. Philosophy, the love of wisdom, is the love of right-action.
Truth Type 2 - What is the potential moral path & way we should be living?
Truth Type 2 is the Moral Truth/Law/"Love".
"Love", in a higher sense, not the romantic or other emotional sense, is the devotion and dedication to Moral Truth/Law because one realizes and recognizes the supreme value and importance of truth to determine and quality and condition of our lives. The Moral Truth/Law is an ideal that will determine what direction we should be heading in, what we should do and create into reality with our actions. If we Care for Truth, we can actualize, realize and individuate ourselves into living in truth.
As I have previously said: "Why do I say "Love"? Because LaW = LoVe in a philological sense with no vowels, since "W" can interchange with "V" in many languages, as is the case in old English. Law = "Love" = Moral Truth, not your standard "love", but the higher consciousness "Love" as Truth, and Truth as "Love". To Care for Moral Truth/Law, and be devoted and stand for Moral Truth/Law as the foundational most-important "capital" and currency to spend and pay with your time, attention, actions and behavior."
Truth is "Love". "Love" is Truth. Truth unites. Lies divide. Embrace Truth. Care for Truth.
Embody, Live and Be Truth - The Great Work Level 3
We have to want to choose to take in and absorb into into ourselves, our core being, "essence" or "spirit" (i.e. consciousness), the Moral Truth, and reject, negate an expel the falsity being lived. We need to change ourselves, to do some inner-work and transform our mindsets, to embody, live, exemplify and become the Way and Path of Moral Truth. The story of Jesus symbolized the Way and Path of Moral Truth/Law/"Love", the "light" and "life".
We create good or evil by our moral or immoral actions. The "spirit" in which we do things is based on what we care and desire to do. Caring for Moral Truth is important.
It's up to each of us to change our individual personal condition, and the overall aggregate condition in reality. This is part of our personal responsibility in life, and to truth. Truth contrasts to falsity. Truth divides itself from falsity. Truth is the "sword", just as the story of Jesus symbolizes in the parable of Matthew 10:34. If you follow and live by the truth, you will be divided from those who reject it and choose to continue to live by falsity.
If we only learn, and accept the current condition of reality, but don't embody within ourselves the path and way of Moral Truth and choose to live by it, then all that knowledge and understanding will not be used to produce action. What we do as we manifest our consciousness through action and behavior, is a part of who we are. Wisdom is doing something with what we know. "Actions speak louder than words." "You shall you know them by their action."
“To know and not to do, is not to know."
- Wang Yangming
This is living up to the potential of who we can be through our actions and behaviors, and creating a better potential reality for ourselves and everyone else. As each of us progresses in degrees of embodying and living up to principles of Moral Truth/Law/"Love", we become higher, realer and truer versions of ourselves.
This is part of answering and developing an understanding of the all-important question: “who am I?”/“who are you?”, to know-thyself.
Share, Speak and Preach Truth - The Great Work Level 4
Once you seek, learn and have knowledge of the truth of our current condition; understand what is true from false, right from wrong, moral from immoral, and accepted it; have chosen to live by truth and reject the falsity from our way of living; then we can help others do the same process of engaging in the hardest and most uncomfortable work in life - The Great Work.
This means we need to share, speak and preach the Moral Truth to others for them to be exposed to the truth, right, morality and good, in contrast to how the world, and possibly themselves, is failing to live up to these principles of Moral Truth. This inherently creates adversity, opposition, conflict and division. Truth is against falsity.
Doing this requires that we have even more care, courage and will-power, and not fear the hostility of others who can't face the mirror of reality and themselves. This is the hard part of having people face the inherent division between what is true from what is false, right from wrong, and seeing how they are supporting or participating in the negative.
There is no voice of truth inherent in existence. Truth does not exist in itself. The Moral Truth, what is moral, right and good, requires a voice to speak about it. Those who are currently living, embodying, exemplifying and being aspects of the negative, falsity, immorality or evil, are not likely going to want to face the mirror and see what they are doing. They are conditioned by the current condition of reality. They have been tacitly accepting their way of life as "good" through the illusion of "good", and all the manipulative mind control word-magic spells cast on their minds. They think what is evil is "good" and what is wrong is "right", because they don't objectively know the difference between the two.
Truth is "Love" – Care for Truth – Embrace Truth – Live Truth.
Integrate with Truth & Morality.
Live integrated & connected.
Truth is one way – go all the way.
Truth is "Love". "Love" is Truth. Truth unites. Lies divide. Embrace Truth. Care for Truth.
Follow my work and stay tuned for the concluding segments:
- Apathy for Truth - The Great Work (Pt.2)
- The Great Work (Pt.3)
EDIT: I shrunk the post due to the unfortunate "TL;DR" factor of our current society.... Parts 2 and 3 will be posted afterwards. Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for reading! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.
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Author: Kris Nelson / @krnel
Contact: [email protected]
Date: 2016-09-10
This is an excellent post. The value of the information contained here cannot be overstated. With that being said, I wonder if the format is going to be effective in reaching the masses? The post is quite long, for one thing, and I had to exercise some discipline to finish it, even though I already understand the importance of this content. The graphics are attractive but a bit daunting at a glance, and they take time to break down and understand -- time that many viewers may not give them.
Now some may contend that it is the responsibility of the individual to seek the Truth wherever it may be found, and that it is their responsibility to do the work to understand the information presented here, not the teacher's responsibility to make it palatable to them. While I agree with that in principle, I ask what is it we wish to accomplish? If our goal is merely to speak the Truth, then this is sufficient. But if we wish to waken the dead so that the living may create a better world, it should be first acknowledged that the dead have a very short attention span. :)
Note that I am not saying this post is misguided. This content needs to exist, and I'm glad it does, but this post is the first few rungs of the ladder. It's important to have this for those who have already decided to seek Truth, but what I'm asking is what we can make for those still on the checkerboard, who haven't yet realized that the ladder is there, or that they need it. What can we make that piques their interest, and then points them to this kind of content as their next step?
Yes, that's understandable. I was going to maybe split the Care and Apathy section into two parts... but I decided not to. This post is part of a rung on the ladder to understanding. I have many other posts about language, symbolism and reality that help to think better and therefore act better.
No one is required to read this in one sitting. They can read it over a week.
I could have made this into an audio, and video, and it would have delayed when I post for maximum views (weekends). And that work, who would want to spend a half hour or an hour on audio, if they aren't even willing to read this in periods of shorter time as they see fit?
If something is short, it get's read? What about the rest of the info? Wait for next article? Why not just read this one in parts?
I also figure for those that appreciate the work and effort, they can out 100% upvote, rather than a lesser upvote for less work, and get more attention for more people to read this content. Do I simply divide my posts into multiple posts that are shorter, so I can maximize my upvotes each time and get more revenue by doing 3 posts, instead of 1 post? That's a 3 day period of posting content, instead of 1. I have other work I can get out to more people in the meantime, instead of extending it for 3 days.
The images, and the highlighted BOLD text can peek their interest. Which would take 1 minute to skim and read the article. Then if interested, they can read certain section, or the whole thing. Bold does that.
Thanks for the feedback, appreciated.
P.S. Can you also help me Flag the post by "luminousvisions" which is irrelevant spam. Thanks.
I should re-emphasize that I'm not saying this post could've been done better. I should've been clearer about that (really, I should've rewritten my comment after I finished it and understood what I was actually saying, lol). This post is great as it is, but it's a Step Two kind of post. I'm wondering what Step One is, the post that hooks in the people for whom The Great Work is way, way off the radar, and prepares them for this post.
As to the luminousvisions comment, it's not strictly on-topic, but it's not exactly off-topic either. He wrote a pretty decent curation post, and he does indeed feature you and your content, so why the downvote? In my opinion, the post is not spam, and his comment here linking to it is not spam. If you don't appreciate it, don't upvote it, but he did real work to make real content which may be valuable to others, so in my opinion, it is decidedly not downvote material.
I try to make my other content shorter, but this one I felt needed to have all of the 3 sections together to emphasize the point in totality, rather than separate it. Do you think I should remove the 2 other sections and post them separately on different days? Would that help people read it?
As for the spam, it is spam. Go look at this copy/paste message being posted on a bunch of posts today.
His article is not about the content of this post, so it is irrelevant and seeks to gain an upvote by advertising it simply because he mentioned my name and another post I made earlier this week. Posts are about a subject. If you want to comment, then comment on the subject, not about how you mentioned my name and one of my other posts from earlier that week, just to get people to go read it and upvote it. It's irrelevant advertising and I don't appreciate that spam. When I comment, I speak about the content, and if I leave a link to one of my posts its because its relevant to the content.
@liberosist of Project Curie also understands this and flagged it at my request. You don't have to if you don't want. But the post is not relevant to the topic.
I've followed you, so I'll see more of your content going forward. I think I've only read one of your posts before this, so forgive me if my comment is inappropriate in the wider scope of your work.
As to luminous, I understand your viewpoint, and I don't regard your downvoting him as unreasonable. I personally don't think it deserves a downvote, but we can have differing opinions and that's a good thing. Luminous took a risk by advertising his post, and in your case he got downvoted. Hopefully he'll take that knowledge, develop understanding, and use it act with wisdom. :D
Personally though, I'd like to see more post ads that look like his rather than the usual tripe I get which is totally irrelevant and does not promote me or my content. At least with luminous, he's bringing in people from various topics and exposing them to your content, which could be good for all of us.
Thanks for the follow.
Do you think I should be splitting my post up into 3 parts? Would that help? Do people not upvote content, ignore it, because they can't take the responsibility to read something in phases if they have short attention spans?
Thanks for your feedback. And yes, your comment was relevant, you actually talked about the post's importance. Please don't think otherwise.
I have higher standards and expectations for what people should be commenting now. I am flagging inappropriate comments more, as I used to just ignore them before.
They could post on the actual post that they mention in their post, fine, it's a link-back, ok I get it. But their methodology to go onto fresh posts of the day, by authors they mentioned in their fresh post about their previous posts, is not altruistic "good" commenting like they want to believe themselves to be doing, and wants others to believe they are doing. It's about advertising their post of the day, on other posts of the day, that will get read, and get views, where people will read the comments, and they want to get upvotes for their post by advertising it on others people's content. I have issues with this behavior and way of thinking.
I could just think the same, that my content benefits everyone, so I'm going to go spam everyone's post just because I want to "help" everyone. The fact that this user made a post, mentions my name and previous post, is irrelevant to the matter of posting comments that relate to the actual work being posted. Link-backs are valid. But when you post a comment to someone's posts, that's not about that post, under a justification of linking it back to another one of that persons posts... it's not a link-back on the actual post that is talked about. It's not relevant to promote each others posts via linkback. You're trying to ride the popularity and visibility of someone's content that day, under the guide of "helping", being "good", etc. If you want to lin-back,t hen actually link back to the posts that you talk about, not the future posts the person makes just so you can advertise your post and get more upvotes.
That's not honest behavior in my book. It deserves a downvote, not a flag per-say, but we don't have downvotes here...
I would like to offer more proof that this person is not doing it for the "good". They are only interested in their own upvotes. How could I possibly do that? Well see here:
They did not upvote my actual post. Clearly, they don't really care about "helping" the content get to more people. They would have actually upvoted my post if their claims were honestly true.
Their friends came here to this post and upvoted their comment so as to advertise it and get more upvotes for their own post, while these people did not upvote my content either.
Clearly, luminous is less than genuine and honest in his efforts, and is only seeking to advertise their content on new posts so as to drive more views and upvotes to their own content.
This is trashy behavior. They use other people's new posts to try to advertise their own post. They don't care for the content at all, they don't upvote it, they are only using it to serve themselves selfishly to gain more upvotes on their own post by their advertising campaign that they get their friends to help them with as well. This person is not honest about their efforts. Evidence speaks of reality.
Thanks. Peace.
Well I cut the article down. Thank you for your input and feedback. It's greatly appreciated.
This is a great article. Up!!! :)
Hi, I would say 1000-1500 per post because of the generational short attention spans that plague us today. Great work!
Yeah normally I target around 900 to 1200.. but I wanted to get everything together and present it as one piece... next time I'll break it up even if it doesn't flow as well in individual pieces... hehe. Thanks for the feedback and support. Peace.
Really great work. i like ideas that you "bring" to people. They are not a new, but we often forget about it.
Differences in understanding of the Truth lead to conflicts and disputes, and often the Truth becomes the opinion of the winner. Can world have some common Truth? don't think so. But it's not a reason to don't try to make it by our forces.
Yes, for some people it's "old", and some people it's "new". However, the inforgraphics, are new to everyone, because I created it and no one has shown this in an inforgraphic like I have before. Some parts are known by some, and some parts are new. I doubt you have read all of this, in this way before, either.
Thanks. Peace.
Sorry for my english, i think i wrote not clear enough. Your post is unique, and work that you made. Your minds and your article are original. I mean you wrote about ideas and principles, which always concerned humanity. But we don't have enough time to think about it. Thanks to you other people, who read it, will think.
haha such a great article ! i followed you :) perhaps u have a look at my blog and see some graffiti u will like <3 kalipo
I wrote a cute little story about a baby dolphin and all the posts he read on steemit last week and your post is in it!
have a look, I hope you like it
strange ... I'm trying to do some good, yet I'm getting downvotes ...
did you even bother looking at my post?
I get nothing but compliments in the comments ...
No, it's not "good". You're spamming your post as advertisement on other people's content that is 100% irrelevant to the post content itself. That's trashy behavior. Don't do it.
@luminousvisions Rather than becoming defensive, remember that you are commenting on @krnel's post, which kinda means you're putting a sign in his front yard. Even if you think your sign is valuable, it's his yard, so it's his call. Your best bet may be to apologize and start a list of people whose posts you won't advertise on. Others may welcome your efforts, and your advertising can be effective there, but here it can only harm you.
Now to be fair, @krnel, just because it's an ad doesn't mean it's spam. If you don't like the ad, downvote it and ideally give a reason why so he can learn and do better next time (isn't that what the OP is all about?), but don't call it spam and trashy. There's plenty of real spam out there, and this is not that. I think @luminousvisions is honestly trying to create value here, so our goal should be to help him do that better, not discourage him.
Yeah, sure. But I have explained in another reply to you why it's not valid, and is spam advertising. Here is the definition of spamming:
This user was 1) sending unsolicited messages on my content that they don't even talk about in their post, so it's not a simple link-back, as I explained. 2) it's advertising. 3) they are sending the SAME copy/paste message on the same site.. Steemit... This does qualify as spam, albeit true that it's not as bad as other people's spam, granted. That's doesn't disqualify it as actual spam though.
Thanks. Peace.
I'm trying to bring the community together by listing authors from as many different tag's as possible, but all sorted together, in the hopes that people will find each other and vote some more for each other
and, yes, I need to 'spam' your post to let you know ... but it is relevant; I'm linking from my post to your post ... why are you making a problem out of it?
this will help you! this will help everybody! it's not just about your own posts, this is a community
and that you downvote the comment I posted under your post, ok, that's your good right, but to start downvoting a bunch of my comments ... that's just mean and childish!
You're spamming other people's work to advertise your post. You're not addressing the content of their post at all. It's irrelevant, it's spam. I removed my downvote flags after I did because I don't want to be using all my votes in one day just to teach you internet etiquette on posting relevant comments on people's content. "Mean" and "childish". You're the childish one that thinks its "good" to go spamming a copy/paste comment on people's posts that has nothing to do with their content, just so you can get upvotes for your post. Grow up.
With your attitude, I could just go around and spam my post link as a comment on other people's work because it "helps everybody" learn about truth.... right...