The Great Work (Pt.3) - The Importance of Care

in #care8 years ago

The Great Work is to Care

Truth is "Love". "Love" is Truth. Truth unites. Lies divide. Embrace Truth. Care for Truth.

Please read the previous posts Care for Truth - The Great Work (Pt.1) and Apathy for Truth - The Great Work (Pt.2) to gain a prerequisite understanding on the topic of "The Great Work".

It all comes down to Care for Truth to initiate ourselves, and more specifically Moral Truth. To Care for Moral Truth/Law/"Love", and recognize the ultimate importance of Moral Truth in life to improve our condition and quality of life. Moral Truth is the real capital and currency to pay attention to and spend in life. This is to understand that speaking Truth, although it may hurt some, is not a negative act, but a positive act to help them let go of falsity and better themselves and all our way of life, because Truth is "Love", and "Love" is Truth.

Living this way, in the service and sacrifice to Moral Truth, will create division and conflict, because most people are very attached to their currently conditioned false worldview of reality, and they are very attached to their currently conditioned self-view and self-image that forms their sense of self, their ego-personality-identity construct.

They will see the speaking of truth that contradicts the falsity in how they live their life, as an attack on themselves, because they are very attacked to their subjective self-image/self-view, and this self-view, their sense of self is linked to their worldview. If you speak about their false perception of the world, or themselves, in a negative way, the ego-defenses and cognitive biases will be stirred up and attempt to ignore, deny, reject, deflect and dismiss the truth that contradicts to their attachment to falsity.

Objective detachment needs to be learned and employed so that people get over their attachment to themselves and be able to face and recognize the truth.

Truth is secondary for many, and they don’t stand in Truth. They choose to stand in the maintenance and sustenance of falsity, appearances and illusions, through their ego attachment to themselves, their way of life, and with other people that they don’t want to “offend”, “hurt” or lose a “connection” with. They choose to blindly “ally” or “unite” in falsity, for the sake of attachment and “feeling”. We all know how uncomfortable a conflict can be, and certainly if we get involved and go against someone’s delusions of being “right” when they are wrong, things can get even more inconvenient, uncomfortable and not “feel-good” to us.

We either Stand In Truth, Unite in Truth, together, or we are divided in falsity among each other. Only truth can unite. But many of us are left standing alone when there is a conflict. Many people don’t Care for Truth to unite in truth. Many people simply want to "get along" by ignoring the responsibility we have to unite, stand for and uphold what is right, good and true.


Once we let go of our attachment to ourselves, our erroneous sense of self, self-views, self-images and worldviews, then we can objectively discern what Moral Truth actually is. This allows us to break free from the cycles of attachment to falsity that keeps us locked into perpetuating our problematic current condition and self-created suffering as a species on this planet.

We can end the creation of evil, and escape from the hamster wheel of self-inflicted suffering to create True Freedom and Peace. The choice is ours. The Great Work is a term to refer to the responsibility of standing for and serving truth in life, and most importantly the Moral Truth.

The Great Work requires 1) caring for truth, 2) seeking truth, 3) embracing truth, 4) embodying the truth to exemplify and live it, and then 4) to share and speak it to others.


That is the only way things are going to change for the better.

Truth is not a thing in itself. Truth can't speak. Truth can only be recognized by consciousness through objective discernment of reality. Those who have gained truth, can help truth disseminate and pervade into other people's consciousness. This the responsibility and burden to bear the truth, to stand up for truth, to sacrifice for truth by not compromising truth.

We have to want to be better, and help others be better. It's not about letting everyone go on their own "journey" and letting all of this continue for decades and generations to come. That's not standing and serving what is right, good or true. That is serving excuses and false choices to let falsity and evil persist in the world. That is the apathetic, cowardly, foolish and fearful way to ignore our personal responsibility to the importance of Moral Truth in our lives.

The Great Work is the real task, job and work in all our lives, but few want to engage it, because it demands higher personal responsibility and investment in time, energy, effort, dedication, determination and persistence.

Truth is "Love". "Love" is Truth. Truth unites. Lies divide. Embrace Truth. Care for Truth.

Truth is "Love" – Care for Truth – Embrace Truth – Live Truth.
Integrate with Truth & Morality.
Live integrated & connected.
Truth is one way – go all the way.

Thank you for reading! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.

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Author: Kris Nelson / @krnel
Contact: [email protected]
Date: 2016-09-12


The Great Work requires 1) caring for truth, 2) seeking truth, 3) embracing truth, 4) embodying the truth to exemplify and live it, and then 4) to share and speak it to others.

I have always been a truth seeker, it's in my blood I think. I share and speak it to those who express curiosity and an open mind. I strive to improve my ability to embody truth and relate it to others.

Did you or Kris Nelson create these graphics or did you pull them from Mark Passio's materials? Either way, they are excellent and fit perfectly with your article.

Good job man!

I learned from Mark Passio's material. He doesn't have these infographics. I made them from my own understanding of Moral Truth/Law. He also does not express it like I have, as these 4 steps. I take information and add to it my own understanding. Thanks for the feedback. Take care. Peace.

some nice stuff

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