Pizzagate Is The First Domino In A Series Of Many Soon To Come- Here's What Follows.....steemCreated with Sketch.

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

Of course this is an opinion piece BUT it is based upon hundreds of hours of research from what I consider to be legitimate sources that are reporting accurately from their perspective.

First of course we will have the initial wave of #pizzagate / #pedogate indictments and arrests executed- hopefully this week and numbering at about 70 (according to alleged FBI insider reports).

These arrests and the resulting plea deals will result in hundreds of more investigations/ indictments / arrests until the scandal takes on global proportions involving tens of thousands in virtually every institution of power from royalty to the Vatican.

These arrests, trials, and convictions will reveal truly horrifying and shocking realities that will force the awakening of the population as whole- cognitive dissonance will no longer be an option and many more horrific crimes will be revealed in this process- everything from torture, murder, slave trading of humans to financial fraud, food and environmental poisoning, and the history of bankster/cabal engineered wars that have cost millions their lives.

Although this process will be painful for those who have chosen to remain ignorant, it will be the first step required in order to awaken/expand the collective consciousness of humanity and the planet as a whole.

The following will then occur but not necessarily in the order stated...........

-The old financial system based upon fiat currency/ central fractional banking will experience an engineered collapse. Central banks are out. Fiat currencies are done. All debt is forgiven- a complete financial reset with a more equitable system for all.

-The disclosure of one, lower level. secret space program (SSP)- the program I believe will be exposed is what we will call the MIC (military industrial complex) SSP. Members of this program are unaware of other SSPs and think they are at the top of the food chain. This program is run by the NSA, DIA, and USAF. The MIC program has two large space stations that are approximately 50 years or so more technologically advanced than NASA's ISS. These space stations are serviced and supplied by triangular shaped, zero gravity propulsion craft known as the TR-3B

photo from

photo from

Under the cabal controlled 'partial' disclosure scenario this will be the only SSP disclosed at this time- at least that's their plan but plenty of us have far more ambitious SSP disclosures plans. Our rationale is that once people see that this space program, which we as a group discussed prior to it's official disclosure, they will be far more open minded to examining the evidence that will reveal several other human based SSPs exist that are far more advanced than the MIC program. Such as.......

-US Navy Solar Warden- launched in approximately 1980- primary mission to act as the policeman of the solar system - craft include everything from fighter type to large cruisers, research vessels, as well as support craft- similar to a regular USN fleet. These craft have propulsion technology that enables travel to other stars but this fleet generally remains within our solar system. They also have many other Star Trek like technologies.

-Dark Fleet. The Germans were the first modern humans to travel into space- they were doing so as early as the 1930s including colonization of Mars. The Germans were assisted by a malevolent ET species in developing this space travel technology. After trial and error colonies were established on Mars as well as bases elsewhere including the moon. The Dark fleet operated with the malevolent ETs that had assisted them in space travel in conquering other solar systems. Very similar to the way in which 'The Empire' is depicted in Star Wars.

-CCI is a corporate conglomerate space program whose primary focus is trade- they have colonies/manufacturing facilities throughout the solar system and trade regularly with 40 or so ET species and occasionally with hundreds of different species. Many humans in their manufacturing facilities are essentially slaves who are led to believe that due to a nuclear war that the Earth is no longer inhabitable. This space program also has some very nefarious dealings including trading humans to ETs for everything from sex slavery to being a food source. Apparently humans are know as very talented engineers and builders of things and human products are highly sought after by many other species who do not have the creative talents that humans do.

Here's a video by Solar Warden SSP whistleblower Corey Goode and Researcher David Wilcock outlining the various SSPs......

-The disclosure of the true history of our planet, which is NOTHING like what we've been taught in school, will be disclosed as I believe part of a huge data dump- this will include the disclosure of ruins from a technologically advanced species found in Antarctica that are 1.8 BILLION years old- in addition to that 30 mile wide spacecraft believed to have originated on a super Earth like planet that now makes up the asteroid belt outside of Mars- it is estimated they landed on Earth approximately 50,000 and have essentially integrated into the human species. You can read more about this here........

and here..........

  • Beings that live within our Earth will be revealed to us- they will help to assist humanity in our spiritual evolution. They have for a very long time dismissed surface humans as barbaric and dangerous but now realize that it is their obligation to assist us and key to their advancement as well. These beings are more technologically advanced and will be sharing some of that technology with humanity.

  • advanced technologies will be revealed and mass production and distribution of these technologies will occur including but not limited to 'free' energy technology. Advanced healing technology based on light and frequency. Zero gravity propulsion technology. Food replication technology as well as others. Although money will not be completely phased out for a decade or so these technologies will allow abundance for everyone and eventually eliminate the need or desire for currency.

  • Mixed in here somewhere and I think depending upon the awakening of the collective consciousness of humanity we will experience a quantum leap in our energetic/vibrational existence - this will be triggered by a solar even that is a natural occurrence in a star and is dependent upon where in it's galaxy it is traveling at that particular time. Galaxies have various energetic zones that sol systems pass through and we are currently entering a higher energetic frequency zone that will transform life as we know it here on Earth in both physical and spiritual terms. I think some of the astrophysics behind these sort of solar events were revealed in the work of Arizona State astrophysicist William Tift and the discoveries he made regarding the onion like layered energies of galaxies while he was debunking the Reshot method of determining the distances of heavenly bodies.

  • We will also eventually meet our star cousins, some very human like, others not so much but as the energy frequencies of our planet increase they will then be able to comfortably manifest themselves and their vessels here on Earth and in our atmosphere which is not an easy task under our current 3-d energetic frequencies. We have however seen more and more of these star cousins and their vessels over the past several years as our energetic frequency here on Earth increases they became easier and more frequently seen. For reasons unknown to me what is occurring here on Earth at this time apparently has a profound impact on the rest of our galaxy and hence has drawn a large number of ET observers whose ships are said to number in the millions.

So that's a very general synapsis of my understanding of how events swill be unfolding- as I stated before I'm sure there may be some rearranging of the order of things but assuming the partial disclosure agenda fails and in reality leads to FULL disclosure (which we should fully demand) this gives you an idea of how events will unfold. Pizzagate arrests are very exciting to me because I have always believed the mass arrests would be the first domino to fall- I just didn't think it would be for child trafficking, raping, and murder but as soon as that revealed itself I knew that this was the game changer!

So all you pizzagators out there keep up the good work- we'll soon be pushing that first domino over together and then you better strap yourself in because we're in for one exciting ride.

Don't be shy about asking questions- I'll answer them the best I can. Feel free to resteem and I hope you follow TheLightReports for future posts that will cover these events unfolding and attempt to provide insight as to what we can expect.


LOL! The video you included was hilarious!

A couple of frames jumped out at me ..

MOONBASE ALPHA, from the great 70s sci-fi series, Space: 1999

And this next one. I really hope people take a look at this, take a good loooong look, and wonder.

The Nazi-Reptilian Space Conquest Alliance

The folks creating this stuff -must- be having a laugh - at your expense.

yes so they borrowed some graphics like that space base- of course they did not state that this was a pic of an actual base on the moon but alas I know you are a government 'attempt to discredit troll'- although there are many actual bases on and within the moon- as a matter of fact the entire moon is/was a base. Or perhaps you have some other explanation as to why our moon defies the physical behavior it should exhibit if it were a natural satellite. As far as the Nazis and Reptilians go you need to brush up on William Tompkins testiomy- you can find it here under the 'videos of interest' and -disclosure' section- good luck debunking him a a credible witness-

Actually .. a short time before this image appears there is another very bad mock up, presumably an image taken from orbit .. the interviewer says something like, "this is an artists rendition .." or something to that effect, and the other says, "No this is .. " something something ... I really do feel bad for anyone who takes this whacked shit seriously.

DO YOU honestly believe, there is a secret base on the moon, where nazis worked hand-in-hand with reptilian aliens? I mean seriously man.

Something something, No this is, or something to that effect, Dude, you are watched, we can see every comment you make and every transaction, you have been lied if they told you that this was going to be easy, every comment you make is going to be brought into awareness for the benefit of those who don't question, I will continue to make intrepid acussations and you will continue to disregard them and ignore them and I will continue to call you out and point out exactly what you wants us to think "I really do feel bad for anyone who takes this whacked shit seriously"
"DO YOU honestly believe, there is NOT a secret base on the moon, where nazis worked hand-in-hand with reptilian aliens? I mean seriously man."
(don't look at the evidence, don't discuss the evidence, speak about the "something to that effect", thank you for telling us what to think, have a nice day assholes who are in a 105 network amongst each other, how does one acquire exactly the same followers and is followed by the same people...? Who are you steembriefing when you dismiss pizzagate as bullshit?

I directed you to a source that could give you details- do your research. Perhaps you'd be better off starting off by researching the Vrill and Thule esoteric societies of Bavaria- German breakaway society- base in Antarctica is where they started this breakaway endeavor - then they went into space in the 30s

Doing my research ..interviewing this insider later today ..

steembriefs- you're revealing yourself. You know the real deal and your purpose is distract and dissuade. You're better off playing in some other litter box. Seriously- move along- you're only showing you a**.

it's really quite something to see how dedicated people are to investigating this matter and finding out the truth

And I merely skimmed the surface

Great stuff man 👍Upvoted resteemed and followed!!!

Awesome- thanks!

Nice, thanks for sharing on steemit, I need this type of content!

great please follow- more to come!

@mes Look closer at this boy

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