Shatter, Destroy and Stop the Falsity

in #evil8 years ago (edited)

A central component in life that many people ignore, is the importance of facing the negative.

There is negative, falsity, wrong, immorality and evil in our world. If not perceivable directly in our immediate personal lives, there are negative manifestations in our society and the world. Seeing reality with rosy-colored glasses and a positivity mask is to live in denial of reality as a falser, unrealer and inauthentic self. If everything was positive, then we could be truly content where we were and optionally progress towards more positive. But that's now our current reality.

The negative and falsity holds the key to change our reality towards a more positive and truthful outcome.

The negative, wrong, falsity and immorality is so powerful in our lives. One drop of poison can lead to corruption of a biological life. If it persists, drop after drop, it will lead to sickness and death. Individuals and society are corrupted away from optimal potential ways of living because of the persistence of false wrong-actions that harm others.

The negative and falsity weighs us all down in the end because we are all in this together. No man/woman is an island. The negatives, falsity and wrongs that persist prevent us from actualizing the fullest potential of a positive, true, right, moral and good life and way of living for us all. The illusion of "good", a false mask that blinds us to reality, through ignorance of evil, keeps us or permits others into perpetuating evil.

The ignorance of falsity keep us chained and bound in falsity. Only the sword of truth can shatter, break and destroy the chains of falsity that bind us to a falser, unrealer, lower inauthentic way of living.


We must understand the difference between right vs. wrong, true vs. false, and the difference of moral vs. immoral, good vs. evil, in our actions and behaviors.

To demonstrate the power of the negative in life, we can look at what is called a Truth Table, or Conjunction of Propositions. This demonstrates that if any of our premises are false, our conclusion will automatically be false as a result. This also applies in real life, because this is how True Unity works.


A proposed aspect of reality, a piece of knowledge, can be true (1), false (0) or probable (.n), whether a fact or a possibility. Conjunctions, or unity, of propositions/premises form true conclusions if all premises are true (Rule 1). The unity of a propositions forming a conclusion is false and negated if any one of the premises is false (Rule 2). Probable conclusions are also negated and false if any premise is false, otherwise their probabilities compound (Rule 3).

The only time you get a true result is if all constituent parts are true. This is the power of falsity and the negative. You could have 99 true premises, and if you have 1 false premise it will create a false conclusion. Falsity taken into a conclusion will corrupt that conclusion.

A way of life is only truly right, good and true if it does not have any wrong, evil and falsity being created. Any way of life that engages in creating falsity, wrong, negative, immoral or evil, means that the way of life is contradicting living in truth, right, positive, moral or good. Guess what? Our overall way of life is not a good, moral, right and true way of life. It needs to be changed. We are all in this together.

We have a lot of work to do as a society, yet people want to deny this personal responsibility we have to help ourselves and others change for the better. Many people view this as "intrusive", "meddlesome", creating "hassles" in their lives. They just want the "easy" ignorant path to "get along", not "rock the boat", "enjoy" themselves, "have fun", and so they avoid the inherent friction, tension and conflict of truth that divides itself from falsity and can never unite together. Attempts to unite in ignorance is false "unity".

If there is poison in the water, only by not taking in the poison (removing the negative) can our bodies repair and heal itself.

Only by facing the negatives, wrongs, falsity, immorality and evils in life, can we remove them, and truly heal our way of life.

When we take away the negative modalities of life, what remains is neutral, or even good.

That is why destroying, shattering, negating and stopping to do a negative creative act of active harm, a wrong-action or evil-action, is MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than creating, starting and affirming a positive creative act of active benefit, a right-action or good-action.

If you stop all the wrong-actions, then all that is left are neutral-actions, and right-actions. This is also known as wei wu wei, action through non-action.

We create positive outcomes in the realm of neutrality by no longer acting in negative, false and wrong ways of living. We simply don't act to create negative -1 actions, and that is itself a positive act of balancing back to the neutral 0. Then we can progress to positive +1 actions. If we ignore the -1, leave it, and then we try to create +1, it ends up back at 0 with a wasted effort in the sum total. We try to go forward 1, 2 or 3 steps, then we get held back a step because we never deal with the -1 that remains. It's more effective to deal with the -1 and properly move forward in a way that actually lasts.

Ignorance and denial is not our friend, but our enemy. We are our own worst enemies at times. We fool ourselves.

This is the apophatic divorcing and negation of falsity in our lives. It applies to our actions, and to our false perception of reality.

Shattering, Destroying and Negating False Perceptions to See Reality Honestly

First, deconstruct and destroy the positive mask, illusion of "good" and rosy-colored glasses of false perception of reality.

Shattering, Destroying and Negating Falsity in Life to Create Lasting, Effective Good

Second, face the the negative, falsity, wrong, shadow, demon, darkness and evil in the world and ourselves. Then divorce ourselves from creating it, negate and deconstruct it, in order to create a better, truer, realer, more authentic and good way of life.

Seek to know and understand the falsity, negative and evil in our lives and in the world. It's the only way to overcome it, by understanding it at the root causal foundation and then be in an empowered position to do something about it. Fear, ignorance, avoidance, denial, dismissal and deflection of the negative, wrong, immorality, evil, darkness, demon and shadow we or others create into the world, is the path to perpetuating evil by our own hands.

A final analogy:

If we don't stop drinking the poison water, then no matter what else we do, we will still be poisoning ourselves and no lasting health or goodness will come about.

If we don't fix the bleeding artery in the body, then no matter how many bandages we apply (positivity mask, illusions of "good", rosy-colored glasses), no amount of creating good, will give us the lasting life we want.

Stopping to create evil is the most effective good we can do.

The water that feeds our tree of life, needs to be purified. If we leave the toxic poison, it will poison the fruits of our labor. If we leave seeds of falsity planted in life, it grows to fruits of corrupted, rotten falsity in our actions and behaviors.


We need to target the root causal factors, not the symptoms. This is how we effectively change things for the better. Ignoring, denying and dismissing the negative, falsity, wrong, immorality and evil in the world will get us nowhere except running around in circles. If we want real, effective, lasting change for the better, of freedom, prosperity, peace and anarchy in life, it will not be achieved if falsity persists in our lives.

Develop the personal responsibility to know right from wrong, truth from falsity. Have the care and courage to face ourselves and reality in honesty and truth, or be an apathetic coward in fear of facing hard uncomfortable truths.


Thank you for reading! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.

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Author: Kris Nelson / @krnel
Contact: [email protected]
Date: 2016-09-19, 7:15am EST


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When I read your posts, I sigh in relief that there's someone out there that 'gets it'...and who is working for the changes he wishes to see in the world.

The part about the sword of truth...have you read any Terry Goodkind?

Thanks for the feedback. I try to get people aware of things that matter that most people don't think of too much.

No I have not heard of them. The sword of truth analogy comes from the Bible:

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn " 'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law-- a man's enemies will be the members of his own household.' Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives the one who sent me. "
- Mat 10:34-40

Truth is "Love". "Love" is Truth. Truth unites. Lies divide. Embrace Truth. Care for Truth.

Alright, thanks for the clarification. The books are called "The Sword of Truth Series" fantasy, my favourite, so much truth in fantasy books, and the metaphors, especially in book 6 are outstanding. Your biblical quote reminded me of an OSHO quote, and my favourite of his:

"For the criminals I am a sword, and for the victims I am a lotus. I am both together. In one hand I have a sword, in the other hand I have a lotus flower. - OSHO"

Its just a matter of acceptance and transformation. Accept negativity and falsity in this world and transform it to be useful in a positive way. But I agree with you @krnel, it can be risky because a simple mistake can corrupt the mind of person which will then swallow him into the darkness.

To take full control in accepting negativity and falsify and transform it, a person must have high morale, a good quality and high spirited individual.

Yup, that's alchemy, to transform, transmute and sublimate the darkness into light. Care for truth is required.

How did I miss these posts... @krnel is preaching truth!

LOL, thanks for the feedback ;) Take care. Peace.

I think that trying to fight and destroy negativity may end up to nourish it. In my opinion, the best way to face negativity is to become aware of it, embrace it and transcend it (integrating it and transforming it).

No, that is part of the "New Age" deception. What you allow to exist, will persist. The saying "what you resist persists" applies to the acceptance of the existence of the negative. If you deny it's exists, resits it's existence, then it persists. This is not to be taken to deny the need to stop the negative and evil.

Please learn to discern this difference. It's crucial if anything is to change. "New Age" mantras are infectious and make us "feel-good" with all their woowoo nonsense like this. When you accept the BS that you don't need to do anything to deal with evil, hey! That's great! I can just not do anything, no effort, no work, nothing to worry about... just keep going on with my life... wo0ot!

You don't simply "integrate" and bring the negative or evil into your life. That's how you get wrecked and destroyed. Maybe your metaphors don't mean this. But take some time to understand how evil works and how to remove it from our existence. Otherwise, if we don't destroy it, it will continue.

And btw, I am not talking about "negative" emotions at all anywhere here, in case you mistakenly understood that and this is why you are saying to "integrate" it, and how it "nourishes" it. The issue of the negative as I have described it above, and other aspects of negative like emotions, are different and are dealt with differently. Negative emotions are not evil.

I totally agree about the New Age approach and how it could be misleading.
In fact I'm not following this kind of "philosophy" at all.
I don't think there is "nothing to do" against evil, and everything will be ok (new age approach).
I think we need to

  • become aware of a dark side in ourselves as outside of us
  • embrace it and transform it, not ignoring it

This is also said in many different traditions, eastern philosophies and martial arts (see Judo in particular).

About negative emotions, I also agree with you.

Thank you for your feedback, I think we have not so different views on this topic, maybe just a different way to explain it.

Another great post, thanks for this. Regarding the influence of "New Age" thought, I see it as a form of reality denial.

There are quite a few practitioners of New Age philosophy of one type or another around here, and their main refrain is "if you acknowledge or focus on negative things, you give them 'energy' and raise their 'frequency' [a very misunderstood concept in New Age thinking], and that will cause them to dominate your life". I cry BS to that and respond to them saying, "Then why are our bodies built with a pain mechanism?" Not only physical but also mental pain. It is a feedback mechanism to let us know something is not right (i.e. healthy) and needs our attention so we can take corrective action. What usually happens when you ignore pain? Doesn't it usually get worse rather than better?

On the other hand, many new age practitioners embrace technologies such as Radionics (often without the slightest understanding of it), and as one who has studied that domain of research (and other examples of knowledge suppression) I find there is a fuzzy zone of knowledge which is difficult to qualify as "truth" or fiction. To say that unless a concept is scientifically proven to be true it must be false is indeed true by definition, but often such statements are made as never changing, absolute statements of truth from arrogance and that rubs me the wrong way. Perhaps that's a reflection of being very open minded. Since no human possesses 100% of all knowledge absolute statements are a bit of a problem to me. We all know of things once thought to be impossible which are now common place, such as human flight, instantaneous communication over vast distances without wires, etc etc. That said, it is practical and useful to label things as "true" or "impossible", tho the strength of such general statements are superficial. Definitions do matter. How do you define reality and acknowledge your knowledge is finite?

As for the radionics example, I've noticed that most of the frequencies used by the majority of radionics machines lie within the audio range of the electromagnetic spectrum. It would take a tremendous amount of effort to devise experiments in a proper scientific manor to isolate the large number of variables involved with how human vocalizations might affect our bodies similarly to how a radionics machine does.

I've written elsewhere about this "fuzzy zone", the frontier of knowledge, that lies between scientifically provable truth and theoretical, speculative concepts that (as yet) remain unproven. That is the realm research is done in. It should be noted that many discoveries occur as a by product of looking into some other facet of a problem, and the discovery is serendipitous. To conduct research randomly, ignoring evidence is hardly an efficient way to learn. Efficiency of the investigation and analysis of experimental results is far easier and more coherent if the context is grounded in evidence, is grounded in what we refer to as "reality". Being too grounded in reality as opposed to possibilities is how I define stubbornness or close-mindedness.

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