The Veil of Good that Evil Hides WithinsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)


The only thing evil needs to do in order to get good to help the evil, is for the evil to appear "good", to pretend it is "good", to veil itself in the illusion of being "good".

If someone can create the image of "good" or "order" by doing something evil, people will accept the evil as "good" or "ordered".

We have people who created a belief in the need for government as "good" and "ordered" no mater what it does, and people have accepted democide as a result.


The automatic position of moral causal agents or beings, is of neutrality, defaulted to non-evil, with positive active good and negative active evil being created additionally at will. Everyone assumes a default position of neutral, or good if there is no evidence to conclude evil action.

Evil will not be detected, until it is manifested into being by a causal agent that creates it.


The deception of evil looking innocent is especially effective when presenting the appearance of needing help, of being injured, then the good does want to help. A malicious person can pretend to be hurt to gain the trust of a decent person and use them for their own nefarious purposes.

Believing the sob story or sad story will engender empathy in the vulnerability of the situation they are in. Beliefs create trust, loyalty and faith in the belief or image of a victim. Vulnerability engenders trust. Trust engenders loyalty and faith. Appearances can deceive.

Evil can appear as a victim to gain your trust, to gain your good support and help evil in its ways without you knowing it. There is the image of an innocent victim, and therefore the image of good, by being at the very least a neutral innocent victim, not evil, hence good.


Evil actions can be veiled in the appearance of good all too easily. Appearances can fool us. Looking deeper to the substance of reality, rather than superficial appearances, is a wise methodology to apply towards everything in life. Discern truth from falsity, right from wrong, good from evil.

[Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4]

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2016-12-02, 11:33am


Evil is often cloaked in benign sounding names or terminology. For example, Black Lives Matter sounds almost noble but cloaks something nefarious, violence. ALL lives matter, or no lives matter, no one group has right to live supercede any other. I'm not attempting to open the abortion debate, but to those who support life, it is murder. However, when given benign sounding terms such as "the removal of unwanted extra-uterine tissue," it sounds just fine. Like in the issue of "fake news" (which you did an outstanding piece on) whoever controls the narrative controls the world, or so to speak. It's how Hitler got the German people to endorse the evil that was Nazism.

Absolutely, euphemisms mask and cloud understanding too, I can do a post on that too :P Words matter, definitions matter, I have a lot of work on that too :D Thanks for the feedback.

Thank you, I enjoy your work.

You're welcome, thank you :)

A common tactic of the narcissist is gas lighting. (from the movie Gas Light) Where the narcissist convinces their target that they are going crazy.

The normal person thinks that most people are rational and honest. They cannot conceive of someone lying about the state of things. So, with repeated exposure to the narcissist they start to lose their grasp on reality. As the narcissist continues to push (and they won't ever stop, even on your death bed) the normal person will go insane, have mental and emotional breakdowns, or commit suicide.

Could you imagine destroying someone's grasp of reality? Maybe for a lark, over the course of one party. But a narcissist, once on this path, will continue it until you or they die.

You may say, this can't really happen. Anyone can see through such ploys. But I can tell you that there are a lot of people destroyed from being in a relationship with these people. The narcissist is very good at making it all sound plausible to you. Their lies (well practised) are tailored for you to believe them.

The democrons: We HAVE TO help the poor
The republicrats: We have to be able to afford to help the poor.
Both of these are lies. They are just tailored that one group of people to believe them. The other group of course, knows that the other is false.

Nice, good point, gas lighting, you create a new reality for someone that is false and have them accept it as real. I'm familiar with it, I know what you mean ;) Thanks for the feedback.

Nice post! It got me thinking. To me good and evil are just labels that we use for convenience. All action is made manifest through love when you consider things at a systemic level, however as individuals we can certain hate some of the outcomes. Some of us have learned that our love of certain short termed gratuitous pleasures often have long term negative effects so we tailor our love for these things accordingly.

In order for others to see the wisdom of these epiphanies some people label such detrimental actions as ‘evil’ so as to help their own moral convictions. Others take the, “Do as I say not as I do”, course and label actions such actions as evil in order to maximize their own pleasure seeking hedonistic ways. Still others even use the “It’s for your own good” rational as they purge the evil out of individuals with many indescribable historically and unfortunately currently used practices.

This can be helpful as an individual to a degree but not necessarily beneficial to do as a society. There are so many cultural differences that we need to accept with more open minded toleration. Labeling too many things as evil at this level is really spreading the evil more than promoting good imho.

For example, “Greedy money grubbing is the root of all evil”. Could be a truth for some at an individual level but the real issue is more systemic in nature. It is not that there is some evil person or persons hiding behind a veil of goodness tying to deceive us. Most people directly involved in money are just trying their best to do what is considered correct for the shareholders or maximize corporate profits. The system needs to be changed if we desire a different outcome and labeling a systemic process as evil is like kicking your computer trying to make it calculate better. ;)

Yes, there is false subjective morality, and there is real objective morality. I wasn't talking about everyone's personal whims and desires of characterizing things through a word called "evil" as being such in a subjective capacity. Money isn't the root of all evil, a focus on it at the expense of others things can motive one to actions that are evil. There are other motivators in life that can lead to wrong actions as well.

Great post with challenging insight - I would be interested what your thoughts would be around the son of an unconvicted serial killer whose neutral position included the torment of victims in the cellar. When they are subsequently convicted for the neutral position into which he was raised. A bit Hannibal Lechter but a moral/ethical dilemma!

I was saying a neutral position is what we have by default. Then we create good or evil. If there evil present, you may not create it, you are not guilty of that, but it still exists, and it needs to be stopped. If you're a helpless kid, not sure much blame can be put on that person. They "let" it happen? Don't we as a society let warmongering profiteers instigate wars and murder of innocents and we let it happens? Hehe.

"...for there's nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." says Hamlet to Rosencrantz.

Claim to ultimately know whats good and bad and you are already trapped.
You can sometimes categorize certain actions by the effect is has on all beings involved, but even that can be utterly shortsighted and misguiding.

Your assumption appears to be that something ultimately evil exists.
What makes you thinks so? One of the theist religions?

There are enormous levels of confusion and neurotic patterns that make people do things generally considered "evil". Usually, these persons have learned a normality that foresees no consequences of their deeds. Be it a generallly humanist upbringing, a humanist christan approach or the concept of karma.

Looking deeper to the substance of reality?
Thats quite an ambitious approach.
First thing may be to drop the word "evil" and replace it with "profoundly confused".

No, evil doesn't exist as a thing itself. Nowhere do I imply that. It's a word to symbolize a reference to an aspect of reality: our actions. certain actions can be categorized as evil, wrong, harmful, immoral, etc.

Yep. But without a comprehensive definition or at least a framework of categorization (ethics), the whole point of good or evil is a relative aspect within a cloudy topic.
Good or evil are such subjective terms, see any heated political debate for examples.

To make it a little harder, you may try considering some of history's worst monsters having nothing but a wretched and perverted perception of what is "good" and "evil".
Take stalinists for starters. And their secret police., the Cheka. Or any other war mongering bunch of torturers and killers. Many of them were probably convinced to do good for the sake of their country. With the means having to adapt to the noble purpose of course.
You know better? Thats what THEY said.

The term immoral makes me laugh.
Morality (by the meanung of consented rules of what is good or bad) is needed when ethics (reflections on values) have already failed or got perverted.

Nice. Or to summarize... good and evil are completely subjective and often not actually useful as the labels they claim to be??? :)

Partially why I am not a fan of the majority rules type of thing either. There is nothing stopping the majority from opting to kill off the minority. Good and Evil as labels seem to be very much tied to what the majority interprets those things to be. Yet there is also how we each personally interpret those labels.

Words can be defined. People can misuse accurate representations of definition like the words good, evil, true, false, or anything else. Just because someone says something is true, yet isn't, doesn't meant there is no "truth".

It also doesn't mean how people interpret those words is not subjective. ;)

EDIT: I wrote quite a number of blogs about Word Hijacking. I tend to like definitions. I'm not a fan of when they get repurposed for something they didn't actually mean.

100% correct. That's the point indeed, is that people are subjectively defining things themselves as they wish, according to their whims, wants or desires, and not assigning meaning or definition from an objective basis where things are accurately understood. Thanks for the feedback. We swung back onto the same page ;) lol

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