!!SPECIAL!!❓Answering Common Questions: What questions do YOU have?❓!!SPECIAL!!

in #ama7 years ago (edited)

I've still got a rather full "to-do" list of topics, but I wanted to see what questions YOU all had!

After this last weekend at the meetup I'm still playing some catchup on here between posts, replying to comments, direct messages, needed sleep, not to mention being back at work this morning. While I do have a still full list of guides on my "to-do" list...

This seemed like the perfect opportunity to ask all of YOU what questions you might have!

Don't worry if it's been in or will be a guide. It really also can be something more personal to me rather than Steemit if you want. This is a simple chance to ask ANYTHING YOU WANT! This post went up right before I left for work but I'll be back this evening and get through anything you all leave in the comments.

[UPDATE: I have to step out to go to work. Keep asking questions. I'll get back to answering this evening when I'm back home.]

Remember that ALL of my guide posts are eligible to be added as entries to the Steem Center Wiki or Operation Translation.

Click here to find out how these can earn you Steem!!

Feel free to ask me anything. I'm here to Help!

I've had slow response times lately, but I try to get a response to every question.

Previous Helpful Posts for Newbies

❓Answering Common Questions: What Tags should I use? 📛

🎮 Attention Gamers!! How To Embed Your Live Gaming Stream directly into Your Steemit Post! 🎮

❓Answering Common Questions: How do people align things? How do I get those fancy designs between paragraphs? 🎭

❓Answering Common Questions: Wow! Why did my payouts go WAY up? What's this hardfork I keep hearing about? 🍴

❓Answering Common Questions: How NOT to gain Meaningful Votes or Good Followers! 💩

❓Answering Common Questions: Can you explain how Powering Down works to me? 🔌

❓Answering Common Questions: How do I get a Video I have on Fakebook, err Facebook, onto Steemit? 🎥

❓Answering Common Questions: What's this Promoted tab? Should I use it? ⏫

❓Answering Common Questions: How do I know if I got Flagged? 🚩

❓Answering Common Questions: Can I voice chat with Steemians? Learn how and where to Discord! 🎤

❓Answering Common Questions: What is STP (Steemit Talk Podcast)? 🎧

❓Answering Common Questions: I've heard Steemit is Censorship Resistant, What does that mean? 🚫

❓Answering Common Questions: What is @Randowhale? 🐳

❓Answering Common Questions: How do I spend money from my Steemit wallet? 💲

❓Answering Common Questions: What are flags and downvotes? When should they be used? 🚩

❓Answering Common Questions: How can I see who last Resteemed, Followed me or How much my Pending Payouts are?

❓Answering Common Questions: What is SteemTrail? 🐳

❓Answering Common Questions: What happens when you Vote on a Post that's Past Payout? ☑️

❓SPECIAL Answering Common Questions: How can I get 1 on 1 Mentoring Help?👩‍🏫

❓Answering Common Questions: How do I use Steemit.Chat? What does it do for me? 💬

❓Answering Common Questions: What's the Difference between Steemit and the Steem Blockchain? ♨️

❓Answering Common Questions: Since I'm making money, What Images can I Safely Use? ©️

❓Answering Common Questions: How do I Visually Spiff up my Steemit Posts? Are there any Templates available? 🎀

❓Answering Common Questions: What are all these keys in my wallet? Why so many? 🔑

❓Answering Common Questions: What should I write about? ✏️

❓Answering Common Questions: I'm getting frustrated...Are my Expectations too high? 🙍

❓Answering Common Questions: Why am I not getting votes? What can I do about it? 📷

❓Answering Common Questions: Where does the money come from? 💵

❓Answering Common Questions: Should I use 100% Steem Power or 50%/50% Payouts for my Post❓

❓Answering Common Questions: Reputation and Flags! What's this Number by my Name? #️⃣️

❓Answering Common Questions: Steem, Steem Power, Steem Dollars and What Should I do with them? 💲

What's this Slider Bar and Vote Power Percentage? What's the Difference?

Why Newbies Should be Excited about the next Hardfork

Answering Common Questions about Voting and Curation

Don't Miss the Show! Follow the Steemit Talk Podcast (STP) Account

New STP Website!!

Are you new to Steemit and Looking for Answers? - Try https://www.steemithelp.net.

Image Sources:
Question Quote


It might be really useful to have a link to something like this when any user opens an account rather than having to waste time and ask around in the first few weeks of their STEEMIT 'adventure' :-)

I can ask about getting it on the pages brand new people see..I'm definitely not against the idea. :)

I've been thinking of running a similar AMA style post periodically to let new questions be asked...we'll see on this though. :)

What is the STEEMIT TALK PODCAST and why should people listen to it? :-)

Stp is just a fun time to highlight great people and posts. Hehe, cause they can hear my Muppet mode.

That sounds like a fun time. Everyone should come listen this weekend because their content fuels the podcasts content. :-)

Hell yea!! :D
This weekend we're planning on doing a 'newbie' cast :)
and next week is timcliff! :D

Oh hell yeah...I'm def. gonna be on for timcliff!!!

I know payout for a post is a 7 days, what's happens when a post is upvoted after payout?

After the 7 day period, a vote does NOT add anything to rewards (since the payout is closed.) However the vote IS incremented in the vote total, reputation IS still earned, and the voter DOES still have their vote power decremented. :)

Thank you. You are a vault of steemit knowledge!

Thanks for the info! :)

How do I convert my steem dollars to steem power? I was using the default 50/50 because I didn't know better. Thank you for caring about others.

50/50 actually gets you more $ right now with the Steem Dollar being worth more than $1 usd. So you're actually doing good there.

There are a few ways, but the easiest is to just use the 'convert' to Steem option which you find by clicking the little down arrow next to Steem Dollars in your wallet. This takes 3.5 days to complete and uses the avg Steem/SD prices over this period. Then you just power it up by clicking the little down arrow next to the Steem in your wallet.

You can also sell the SD in the internal market or sell it for BTC/ETH/etc on an external market like blocktrades.us, poloniex, bittrex, kraken etc and then buy steem...which you'd send back here to power up.

I can make a more full on guide for this one. But I wanted to at least get you some answer now.

Thank you , I' m a little slow getting this, But is steem dollars a middleman or go between steem and steem power. You just can't go from steem dollars to steem power. So why have steem dollars when there is a steem coin?

Steem dollars are their own unit of currency which is supposed to be with one usd. Steem is the only currency that can be powered up.

So the sd isn't really a middleman, just different with it meant to be more stable at holding it's value.

I'll try to expound more when I'm home from work. 😀

Thank you @sykochica .Sorry another question, So what are steem dollars good for or what can you buy with them besides steem? Other to confuse me, lol

There have been a few businesses around the world that accept steem dollars, but not many..yet. 😀 However there are people on here that accept or pay in steem dollars for goods and services. #steemgigs tag shows some of these.

The idea for the steem dollar is to have a currency with a stable value (even though it's been fluctuating more lately, it's supposed to be better 90 cents and $1.10.

These make it easier for businesses (or individuals) to price things. It would be rough to keep up with changes in steem price.

Having something with stable value is appealing for many that trade goods and services. It also gives users a way to hold their steemit earnings in a more stable way. 😀

You explained very well. Thank you.. Were Steem is the crypto that can change in value. Got it.

Exactly. Using slightly more official terms steem is the currency and steem dollars is an asset. The currency is controlled by the market and this asset has mechanisms in place to try keeping pegged to one Us dollar.

That's a good question.

@sykochica, just one question- how to be you? Lol.

Serious question though, I've seen some contests that you've supported in the past, say if one is running a new contest, do you advise to actively seek for support, or just like upvotes/resteem, you dont approach whales on this, but rather let them find you?

I'll answer this is full after I'm off work. But feel free to message me in steemit. Chat or discord with your contest. I'll see what I can do to help on this one in particular. 😀

It's hard to give an extremely solid answer on this since each whale, dolphin, etc are different with what they respond favorably to.

I do want to mention that contest for newer/smaller users can be difficult to get off the ground. Many have seemed to fall through the cracks unfortunately.

Now specifically to your question:
Having that little bit of backing for prizes and/or exposure does often help a lot to get you seen as well as viewed as more legitimate. So, it can't hurt to ask for some support..just make sure it doesn't come across as spammy. There will be some that don't respond at all..so don't let that bother you should it occur.

There are many very giving mid/large users on here that are willing to help with things like this.

Thanks for what you do. I'll message you on discord :)

Thank you! Just took a little time and read your helpful older posts. So many questions are now answered, I feel like a superhero. :-)
Thank you for all you are doing for the community.

Oh nice!! I'm glad they were helpful! That's what makes them worth writing. :)
Awww, thank you!

Thanks for helping us :-)

I understand if I post a new post and leave it as default it will be rewarded 50/50% SBD and Steem Power. For sake of example say I comment and my comment shows $10 worth of up-votes. Questions:

1 - will I get (I understand it will fluctuate) around 10 SBD?
2 - or I will get 5 SBD and 5$ worth of Steem power?
3 - do I get any Steem power from commenting at all?
4 - do I get any steem power from upvoting?

(The reason I'm asking is, because I got 3-4 SBD but I don't see any Steem power increase and I was only commenting)

Happy to help! :D

The short answer...

comments do NOT have any curation cut taken out (like posts do) so if you had a comment at $10 payout..you'd receive that $10 as half Steem Power (at the average market rate) and half Steem Dollars.

So you'd get about 2.5 SP (if steem = $2) and 5 SBD.

I double checked in my author rewards and can absolutely verify it's split.

0.117 SBD, and 0.066 STEEM POWER for sykochica/re-ace108-re-sykochica-answering-common-questions-how-do-people-align-things-how-do-i-get-those-fancy-designs-between-paragraphs-20170622t023553438z

Thank you very much! I may come back later with screen shoot and another question, but I will do some reading first :-)

I want to change my current password that I forgot where I saved but I still access my hfh777 account.. Anybody can help?

Hope you'll solve your problem soon mate!

Thank you for your support..😀

HRM, as far as I know you have to have your password to reset it. I don't know of a way to do this without it. But you might ask in the #help channel on steemit.chat in case I've missed something.

Thanks ☺

I'm newly joined this community this month. I wonder whether the new comers like me should invest all the steem dollars to power up the steem power? :)

I have that question on my mind too.

Umm, this really ends up being a personal decision. If you need the money, you need it. However I chose to power up my earnings for months when I started. I like having my vote mean more and get better curation rewards.

I'm always careful telling others how to spend their money.

what's your favorite food? No seriously, what is the upvote length of time before resetting. I get 3 cents and it is down to 2 cents.. now my voting power is around like 50%. So what happens when it runs out. I have zero? When does it reset.. I think you can tell where I am going with this. Hope so ..haha :)

You can always vote as much as you want. There is no hard limit where you'd get a message like 'You've ran out of votes.' The vote power % is what creates more of a 'soft limit.'

So specifically to your question.

  • Every 24 hours we regenerate 20% vote power % (this is continuous vs being at a specific time...so roughly 1% an hour.)
  • Each full, 100% vote (from the slider bar) we cast since the latest hard fork reduces out vote power % by 2%. (before the HF it deducted 0.5%.
  • So to keep you vote % up there...we can cast 10 - 100% votes, 20-50% votes, or a 1000-1% votes and still have the regen rate keep up. Vote more than this and it will drop over time.

Your vote power % is what determines how much of the MAX $ you give when upvoting a post (as well as curation rewards you would earn.) So if you gave 10 cents at 100% vote power %, you'd give 5 cents at 50% and 1 cent at 10%.

OMG lol.. I will have to reread this after 100 cups of coffee .. what?? ok.. I will think on this one .. so quit voting for 24 hours and it goes back to 100%?

Let me see if I can help with this @rebeccabe.

Steemd.com/(insert username with @) is a good site to check your VOTING POWER.

Every 24 hours 20% of your power is restored.

Say you're at 60% voting power now, it would take 48 hours of zero votes to get back to 100%

Why would we want 100% voting power? It gives maximum $ value to upvoted post.
Mine is (ahem) at $0.20 at 100%, but if im at 20%voting power it is only about $0.02

Before June 20th, every upvote deducts 0.5% from your voting power. After the changes with hardfork 19 though, it now decreases by 2% per vote. So recommended is 10 votes per day (which will take 20% off your voting power, and will allow it to be at 100% again after 24hours)

But again as @sykochica said, no hard rule about it.

If you're at 80 percent or higher when you stop voting yes. If you're at zero, it'll take five days to fully Regen.

thanks :) you are the best

Hehe, np. And I'm a huge fan of a good chicken parmegian.

It only goes up by 20% every 24 hours. So you need to post 10 or less posts every 24 hours (i.e, 10 x 2% = 20%. That will top you back up to 100%. I've found the maths very confusing too! More coffee needed!

Good to know.

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