Answering Common Questions: Vote Slider Bar and Vote Power Percentage, What's the Difference?

in #steem-help7 years ago (edited)

I've seen a lot of people not quite understanding how the voting slider bar and their vote power percentage effect things, so I wanted to break it down a bit in a clear way. I'll flat out admit that the naming conventions alone make it somewhat confusing.

Vote Power Percentage

Where to I see this?

This is something we don't actually see on Steemit (though is a really nice feature provided on @good-karma's esteem app) itself right now, but instead can be seen on other sites like Steemstats, SteemD or SteemDB.

  • On steemstats you'll have to add your user into it (you can add more than one)
  • To find it on SteemD, just change the 'it' in steemit to 'd' when looking at your blog. For example, my blog is, so my SteemD is
  • SteemDB is just like above but adding a 'db' instead of the 'it' in steemit. Mine for example is

Ok, I see it..So what does that vote power percentage do?

As you vote, your vote power percentage goes down. As it goes down, it makes your full (100%) votes have less impact, giving less to authors and receiving less in curation rewards. Over time, your voting power regenerates, approximately 20% a day or a full refill after 5 days.

Right now, if we vote 40 times or less in 24 hours, the regeneration rate keeps up. So if you started at 100% vote power, cast 40 100% votes all at once, you'd go down to about 80% power. After 24 hours with no additional votes, you'd be back up to 100% vote power.

[NOTE: The proposed hardfork 0.19 will change this to allow you 10, instead of 40, full votes while letting the regeneration rate keep up. I wrote a bit on this here.]

Voting Slider Bar

Once a user reaches 1 MilliVest (which right now equates to 482.398 Steem Power), they will gain access to the vote slider bar. This lets you determine how much of a vote you want to give a person. Since we have a limited number of full (100%) votes a days without it effecting our voting power, sometimes we want to give a partial votes to more people.

For example, we could give out:
40 - 100% votes
80 - 50% votes
400 - 10% votes
or however you want. They don't all have to be the same percentage.

Or we may determine that a long, though out post that looks like it took hours to put together is worth more of a vote than a meme. The slider bar lets you control things to a finer degree.

An Example Putting it all Together

So, let's put this all into a single example so you can see how they come together in the end.
Say your full upvote at 100% vote power give $2.
You cast a 25% vote (using the slider) on a post, while your vote power is at 50% (because you've been voting A LOT over the last few days.)
First, your vote power: $2 * 50% = $1
Next, your 25% vote from the slider bar: $1 * 25% = $0.25

So your $2 full vote at max power, give 25 cents when giving a 25% vote at 50% power.

Feel free to ask any questions on this or any topic.

Previous Helpful Posts for Newbies

Why Newbies Should be Excited about the next Hardfork

Answering Common Questions about Voting and Curation

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wow! another great clarification here :)
I was really confused about the voting power and I haven't seen a slider yet cauz I don't own 1m vests
I will be happy to try this on my own once I get that much steem power !!
I also have confusion about steem power delegation, but let's discuss that tomorrow.. it's already late night here ;)
And, thank you so much for this post :)

Thank you!

The user Acidyo went into depth on the SP delegation in this post for a more full on explanation.

But in brief...Steemit users can choose to delegate portions of their Steem Power to others. The person receiving this gets the benefit of the delegated SP to give more $ on their upvotes as well as reaping all the curation reward benefits as if they actually owned it. However, the delegated SP is still owned by the person that gave it, and can cancel the delegation anytime after 7 days.

Think of it as one user letting another make use of their SP without actually transferring ownership.

Sleep well! :D

yes! I have checked that, and I have some understanding,
but I just don't know how it's done ?

Right now there isn't an easy way through the website to do this unfortunately. I'm sure that will change in the future though.

All those who are delegating their Steem Power right now are actually doing it directly through the code, versus hitting buttons. It's not something for the general user to do just yet.

Thank you very much for this explanation. When the slider bar showed up for me, I understood it only to mean that I could vary the strength of my vote (i.e., how much I liked the content or how valuable I judged it to be). Your explanation about how this ties in to the "behind the scenes" voting power we have was very enlightening. Greatly appreciated!

I'm very happy to help!
You're thinking of the slider use to judge value on a post is still correct. But yea, nice to have some underlying details along with it. :)

Feel free to ask questions anytime. I'm here to help. :)

I was just wondering how this exactly worked! Thank you for this post! :)

Absolutely! Happy to help! :D

Thank you for your post. I am finally reading and learning, instead of just doing the regular and normal newbie thing.
Your work and post helps those of us who will finally take a little time to learn.
Thank you

Happy to help out!
Feel free to ask any questions as they come to mind.

This is a great explanation @sykochica :)

Thank you much! Reiki Hugs <3

Thank you! I like being useful. :)
Hugs! <3

Follow me and upvote my post.

Can we buy steem and use that to increase our voting power quicker.

Buying steem and powering that up will increase your steem power, which means your max vote would give more. However, this wouldn't actually cause you're vote power % to refill any faster...that will always happen at the same rate of regenerating roughly 20% over 24 hours. There isn't a way to make this regeneration rate increase.

Thanks so much for your answer. I am trying to give back to the steemit community and finding ways to get people to interact with my blog is paramount. I am trying to help people get a civilized education and that is always a struggle as it goes against our programing. LOL

Ohh, I was looking for this! Thank you for your explanation ;)

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