The Satchmo P.I. - Living Amongst Monsters - Chapter 23

in #story6 years ago


Chapter 23: Inspecting the scene

Miss McKay arrived at the destination together with three other agents.

It took them about five minutes before they found The Ghost Shadow’s motorcycle, well hidden in plain sight. “I don’t know how you do it Joel” Miss McKay thought to herself. They were right at the location on the map, yet between the four of them it was a struggle to find the motorcycle.

Aside from the struggle to find it everything else seemed to be in order. She decided they should head out towards where the SPD’s vehicles were earlier that day, into the open field. There was about 2 hours of daylight left so that should leave them with plenty of time to conduct a proper search of the area.

Upon arrival they could clearly see visible disruptions in the grass, where the vehicles seemed to have sped off. The grass and soil also had various other signs that there seemed to be quite a few people in the area. Miss McKay was busy brushing away at some soil when Agent 207 called her over.

She made her way across, carefully scanning her footsteps in order not to disrupt the scene. She noticed what appeared to be footsteps, slide marks and various areas that seemed to have been swept and cleared of possible evidence. Then she noticed why the agent had called her over.

Miss McKay was staring straight down into a storm water pipe. What appeared strange though was the fact that the pipe leading up towards the open ground was completely destroyed. All that was left was a huge hole with some fragments of the pipe still visible. There was a manhole cover a few steps away that seemed to have covered the original pipe. There were still bits of debris that lay scattered about. It almost looked as though something had been ripped from the pipe below at a tremendous force, or exploded up and out from it.

Miss McKay and her agents, slightly puzzled, descended into the main pipe in hopes of finding some more evidence. Two of them headed off away from the cliff face, one remained stationed at the top and one escorted Miss McKay towards the cliffs.

They’ve walked about 100 paces when Miss McKay noticed a faint, blue, blinking light up ahead. She looked over at her colleague who clearly noticed it as well. They rushed towards the small light and as Miss McKay reached down and picked it up she immediately realized this was her best friend, Joel’s phone. Her heart sank and she started feeling ill to her stomach.

“Miss McKay” she faintly heard the agent say. “Miss McKay!”

“Yes, yes. Sorry. I recognize this phone. It belongs to agent 341. This is The Ghosts Shadow’s phone” Miss McKay hazily replied.

“Is it locked?” the agent asked.

“Yes, it is.” Miss McKay said, her hands trembling as she tried to unlock the phone.

“Alright, you head back to the agency” he could see she was visibly shaken. “They can override the password and gain access to the phone.” Agent 207 gently put his hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, well close off the entire area and comb the scene for further evidence. We will find Agent 341.”

Miss McKay was still staring down at the phone. She slowly looked up and handed the phone over to the agent. “No, I’ll stay here.” Miss McKay said with strength in her voice and fire in her eyes. She radioed the other agents and started giving orders.

You close off the entire perimeter above ground.
Agent 186, you’re coming with me. Hurry. I’m waiting. Over and out.

Miss McKay was not going anywhere. She’d gone from trembling into a completely controlled and focused state.

Agent 207 felt proud to be by her side. Even though his superior had seemingly lost a friend, she had quickly recovered and regained her composure. “I’ll send more men” he said. He gave Miss McKay a slight nod and smile, turned on his heels and headed back towards the exit.

Agent 186 soon joined her and they started making their way further down the pipe towards the cliffs.

Previous Chapters: -chapter-19 -chapter-20


Wow, love your writing... I'll have to go read your other chapters!

Cool. Thanks so much @janique :) There are some recap chapters as well, if you don't have the time to go through all the chapters. I've been enjoying writing the story and always appreciate feedback :)

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