The Satchmo P.I. - Living Amongst Monsters – Chapter 12 plus recap Chapters 1 - 11steemCreated with Sketch.

in #story7 years ago (edited)


RECAP - Chapters 1 to 12 (If you'd like to continue reading please scroll past the recap to find Chapter 13 below)

The manmade island town of Satchmo, which is only accessible via a bridge, is described by many as the gateway to hell. High crime rates, unemployment and mass poverty are the norm here. It also appears as if no one gets off the island with massive cues of people trying to get out at The Bridge Crossing, seemingly in vain.

Cameron Bright is a P.I. that has recently returned to his hometown, Satchmo. In his thirties he is used to dealing with petty crimes and cases however what he finds here is out of his league. He still tries to make a difference since he loves his hometown. He met Catherine out of the blue one day and she has been assisting him with training since she knows he is the only one who can kill The Faceless Man.

Unbeknown to Cameron he was part of a mass experiment where a grey organic material, named steemcells, was planted in his brain. Catherine, who was also part of the experiment, is aware of this since she has visions of the past, present and future. This is a special ability she received, among others, after the steemcells activated in her body. Catherine also knows that Cameron will be the one to defeat The Faceless Man. He is an individual whose physical features have morphed from the steemcells reaction however he is very powerful.

The steemcells have different reactions on different people and it takes high stress situations to activate those cells whereby they will then spread throughout the human body in a tentacle like format, bonding to the human DNA. It can then further develop or grow and give varying special abilities to those people i.e. visions, strength, mind control, teleportation etc.

Cameron has given a small sample of the steemcells to Stella, a childhood friend of his, which he seemingly received from Catherine during a training session. Stella did some analysis on it at her lab and tied it to a video of a boxer with morphed physical features (enlarged hands, shoulders and neck) which she came across years before.

After Stella explained the lab analysis and the video to Cameron he was surprised and shocked however seemed to understand the message she was conveying to him.

Stella and Cameron heard young men banging at the door shouting for help. Cameron investigated and found that a mob wanted to kill these young men. He intervened and during the process the steemcells had activated and spread throughout his body, sending a shocking pain from his brain down into the rest of his body. Cameron passed out however Catherine was there to aid him and disperse of the crowd before he or the young men were injured.

After recovering Catherine explained to Cameron what had happened. Initially he was angry however later seemed to understand and they resumed with their training. Cameron was slowly becoming stronger, having the ability to teleport over a short distance as well as building more physical power and trying to figure out his other strength’s.

While they were training The Faceless Man had sent his troops, whom he controls with his mind, to kidnap Stella. Catherine saw this in her vision however they were too late. They reached the lab at the time the men were heading out and got into a fight with three of the men while the other two made off with Stella. Catherine killed the one man by ripping his throat out however she was sent a telepathic message by The Faceless Man to stop or he’ll have Stella killed. After that Cameron and Catherine had to run off since there were sirens approaching and they knew that there would have been people that witnessed the incident.

The Faceless Man had ordered a mass execution of vagrants in an old building. His goal was to destroy all humans since he saw them as being lesser beings. He was however smart and tactful therefore he took his time and built up his strength and army.

An investigation ensued since there were well over 100 people killed. Chief Barnes from the SIA (Satchmo Intelligence Agency) put Miss McKay in charge since he didn’t trust Captain Moss from the local SPD (Satchmo Police Department). Miss McKay potentially tied the incident to an earlier one where Cameron and Catherine got into a fight with The Faceless Man’s men. This led her to the lab and the steemcells sample.

After discussing her findings with Chief Barnes they sent out the composite sketches and physical statistics of the suspects to all the local SPI’s which led some officers to discover Cameron and Catherine in an old diner, while they were discussing how to save Stella and kill The Faceless Man.

Chapter 13: Miss McKay’s Investigation

Miss McKay took Chief Barnes’ advice seriously and was keeping a very close eye on Captain Moss. She also didn’t quite like him from when she first met him on the scene, the day of the massacre. Chief Barnes was being very reluctant and slow with assisting her over the next few days however that didn’t deter her at all. In fact, it increased her drive and she was even more determined to solve the case.

Miss McKay had gathered a significant amount of information within 3 days of starting the operation and decided to go to the SIA to report back to Chief Barnes.

“Yes sir, that’s correct. I understand that with the explosions from the canisters and collapsing of the building there would have been severe damage done to the bodies. Many of these still don’t quite add up though.”

“Alright Miss McKay. What are your findings so far?” the Chief asked.

“Well, let’s look at this particular photo here. I know it sounds strange but this arm couldn’t have been severed from the body by falling debris or shrapnel. There are no physical signs indicating lacerations or bruising. It’s as if the arm had simply been ripped off the body.”

“What do mean ripped off the body, Miss McKay?”

“Well Chief, before I carry on, here we have some others as well. Some of these limbs show clear signs of being burnt however no other indicators that they were severed due to what happened there.” The Chief could see that Miss McKay wasn’t done so he let her carry on.

“I did an investigation into another matter I had heard rumors about. There were reports relating to an incident up in 2nd Avenue, not too far from here a day before the building burnt down. It is said that there was a struggle between a few men and a woman. According to the report, which somehow seemed to vanish from the lower districts files, the woman had ripped out one man’s windpipe… as in clean out!” miss McKay was struggling to keep her composure now and could hardly contain herself.

“Chief, the thing is we checked out a laboratory right where the so called incident took place and we came across some strange organic material. We had it analyzed and it has somehow bonded with human DNA.” Chief Barnes was sitting at his desk, listening intently to Miss McKay.

“After we found the lab sample we decided to investigate the apparent crime scene and managed to find a little bit more of this organic material, however those cells were lifeless.” she said. “The sample we gathered from the lab though is still very much alive.”

“Alright Miss McKay, so what are you trying to get to here? Are you saying there is a link between this… organic material and the so called incident?”

“Well, yes sir. I believe there is” she replied. “We’ve all seen video clips and heard rumors relating to people with special abilities” Chief Barnes knew all too well about this. “So yes Chief, I believe there could definitely be a link.”

“Alright Miss McKay. Let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves here. Leave me a copy of the lab test results and get as much further testing done as possible. I want to know exactly what we’re dealing with here.”

“Yes Chief, of course” Miss McKay said. “Before I leave, I’ve also had some profiles drawn up of those involved in the incident outside the laboratory.”

“Certainly, let me have a look” Chief Barnes had his hand out as Miss McKay rummaged through her briefcase.

“Ah, here you go Chief. The descriptions were similar from various sources” she said as she handed the copies over.

Chief Barnes looked at the drawings. He stalled a little with the third one, got up and with his hands still on the desk said “I know this man. I’ve seen him before.” Chief Barnes picked the composite sketch up and walked over to his window, still looking intently at the sketch in front of him, seemingly trying to figure it out. “Miss McKay” he said. “This is Cameron Bright, a Private Investigator who visited me a little while back.”

“You know him Chief?”

“Well, I met him once and he was intent that there were mass murders happening” Chief Barnes stated. “Get all these sketches out to all our precincts and in light of the current situation, please ensure the potential suspects are approached with caution. We can’t say for sure yet however these suspects could be dangerous.”

“Certainly Chief” Miss McKay said beaming. With that she headed out of the office to start distributing the composite sketches and profile details.

Previous chapters:

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