The Satchmo P.I. - Living Amongst Monsters - Chapter 5steemCreated with Sketch.

in #story7 years ago (edited)


Chapter 5 – A New Awakening!

Warning: Strong language!

Cameron was in and out of a coma like state. His body was aching, his heart was racing and he had a sky high fever. He noticed what looked like a drip before passing out again. He thought he was hearing voices “He’ll be ok” it sounded like Catherine “He’s burning up!” he heard Stella saying. “Dreaming, was he dreaming?” Cameron thought. His dreams were different though, not dreams, rather nightmares. He heard the young men screaming, he saw them burning and then he got shot!

Cameron woke up gasping and then he vomited all over the sheets. “Cammy, are you ok?” Stella ran up to him and she looked visibly concerned. “He’ll be ok. He just needs to rest.” It was Catherine. “What’s going on? Where am I?” Cameron was still confused and dazed. “Lie down Cameron, you need to rest” Catherine demanded. “But the boys, where are..” “They’re fine” Catherine interjected “Please Cameron, you have to rest.” He closed his eyes and before fading away again he thought “I’ve never heard Catherine say please before.”

Cameron woke up again by mid-afternoon the following day. His fever has broken however he still felt weak. He slowly opened his eyes and noticed that he was in his apartment “What the hell happened” he whispered “How did I get here?” he thought. That was when he saw Catherine “How are you feeling? It’s been three days since it happened” she said. “I think I’m ok” he said “I just feel really tired.” “You will be after what has happened Cameron. It takes its toll on your body, especially in the beginning.” Cameron remembered hearing the gunshots “So I did get shot” he said. “No Cameron, no one shot you. It was me that fired off the shots. You experienced the effect of the steemcells spreading through your body.” Cameron seemed puzzled “I’ll explain it to you later but it worked well. I knew it would. I’ve seen it many times.” Cameron wanted to ask her what she was talking about however he was still so tired. “Here, drink this. It will help you regain your strength quicker.” Catherine handed him a mixture. “Where’s Stella?” he asked. She’ll be back later. Don’t worry, she’s fine. She was very concerned about you but I assured her you’ll be ok.” Cameron closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Five hours later he woke up. He felt much better now. Catherine decided to explain now what she mentioned to him earlier. At first he was confused, then he became angry and finally he seemed to understand.

“It’s in me. It’s in you. It’s in that boxer. It’s in the Faceless Man. You teleported over that distance when you smashed into that guy.” These were some of the words that stuck in Cameron’s mind. Catherine explained to him that the grey matter was in his body and had spread, mutated. She saw it would happen in her visions. Her strongest ability was to see things through the eyes of others that had mutated.

“I understand now Catherine. So if you try to kill the Faceless Man you will die?” he asked. “Yes, that’s right. Only you can and you will. He is powerful however I’ve seen that you will beat him” Catherine said. “And these visions of yours Catherine, they’re always right.” “Yes” Catherine said. “We will continue the training tomorrow. You’ll be fine now.”

Catherine wasn’t being completely honest though. She told Cameron that he will be fine however she doesn’t know what mutations his body will go through. All she knew was that the Faceless Man can’t control his mind, unlike hers and so many others.

Stella opened the door and walked into the apartment “Cameron! You’re awake!” she was smiling from ear to ear. “I’m so sorry for being gone for so long. The police and the lab..” “What happened to your head? Are you ok?” he asked. “It’s just a few stiches.” Cameron knew it was more than that. He could see the bruising around the plaster. “I told you to stay inside” he said, rolling his eyes. “It’s nothing, Cammy, really.” Stella got hit with a stick when she tried to reach Cameron. She was begging them to stop and that’s when someone decided to shut her up before she could even see where Cameron was.

“Stella, the poison has worked out of his system now” Catherine said and then looked Cameron dead in the eye. “She’s lying to Stella. It’s probably better that way though” he thought. “I can see he’s looking much better” Stella said. “It’s late, come let’s eat.”
Stella knew Catherine was lying. She wasn’t stupid. “Poison, hah. I’ll have the result from the blood sample tomorrow” she thought. Stella was the one who helped Catherine put the drip in his arm and she managed to get a sample on a swab without Catherine noticing. When Catherine insisted they take him home she knew something wasn't right.

Over the next hour they ate and spoke about the lab, the police, what a hero Cameron was and how stupid he was. They were all exhausted though. Catherine left only to return early the next morning. Stella decided to stay over and sleep on the spare bed.


Doodle by @atopy

I appreciate any comments, likes and resteems :):)

Since this is my first attempt at creating a story please feel free to let me know where I can improve.

Next Chapter:

Chapter 6 – The Faceless Man

Thank you for your support!! You are all Rock & Rollers!!!

Cheers :):)

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