The Satchmo P.I. - Living Amongst Monsters - Chapter 18steemCreated with Sketch.

in #story7 years ago


Chapter 18: Fighting The Impossible Fight

Catherine saw what was happening yet she felt completely helpless. She saw how Stella was almost knocked from the pipe when the man hurtled a large rock into her side. She knew she was too far away. Besides, even if she had made it there, The Faceless Man was to close by. She would have risked herself being captured by his control.

“Come on Cameron, wake up” Catherine thought.

He has been out for a few hours already, his body covered in sweat. Catherine tried to keep him cool with some damp cloths which she used to pat his body down. He seemed to be more restful than earlier though and could wake up at any moment. The body shakes have completely dissipated and his breathing, though heavy, was steady.

Catherine ,on the other hand, was becoming increasingly uneasy. She paced up and down alongside Cameron and couldn’t shake the feeling that something terrible was going to happen. “Something is wrong” she thought ,but she couldn’t quite place it. “Is it Cameron? Is it Stella? Is it just everything that’s been happening lately?” She eventually brushed the thought off, changing her focus towards the more immediate matters at hand.

“He’s going to wake up now Catherine” the voice said.

She looked down at Cameron and at that moment he sat up, gasping for air. He started coughing and spluttering until his breathing eventually started easing. He looked up at Catherine and before she could say a word he said “I know where Stella is. We need to go, now!” Catherine nodded in agreement.

Cameron stepped of the table and looked down at Catherine. Somehow he appeared taller, stronger and more focused.

“Let’s go” Cameron said. “They’ll catch up with her soon.”

Cameron’s sixth sense was tuned in on Stella. Although he didn’t have the visions Catherine did he knew something was going to happen. He could feel it.

They prepared quickly, Cameron now seemingly completely recovered, and started making their way back to the downtown parts of Satchmo.

Stella, on the other hand, was struggling to move through the massive pipeline. She could hardly move her left leg. Hobbling along she was trying to find an exit. Her breathing was heavy and she repeatedly had to stop to catch her breath. Her lips started changing colour from pink to a pale blue as she struggled to get oxygen into her lungs. She could feel how her body was becoming weaker and weaker with each step she took.

“Don’t give up” she thought to herself however she knew she can’t go much further. Every now and then she would try in vain to call for help however it made her lose more strength, more valuable oxygen.

Stella saw what looked like a smaller pipe just a few steps ahead. The first glimmer of hope she’s had.

She forced herself to push forward until she reached the pipe. She looked up and saw a small ladder leading up to a manhole cover at the end. Stella stretched her hands up but then the pain in her ribcage caused her to shrink back. “It’s too high” she thought “I’ll have to jump up but I can’t.”

She remembered seeing a wooden pallet a few steps back. Stella turned around, forcing herself to head back and retrieve the pallet. As she picked it up she heard some vague noises in the distance. She couldn’t quite make out the sounds until she heard something more familiar. A sound that sent her heart racing. It was a loud, shrill scream that immediately made her think of where she’d been for the past few days.

“No, no!” Stella thought. “They’re coming.”

Previous chapters:

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