【@liubao 新手学堂作业#27】我的steemit-2018

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)


  1. 【带六宝踏秋啦!】拍宝宝技巧和“影分身术”大传授!!!
  2. 我们一起牵手旅行——内蒙行(一)Hamsafar - Inner Mongolia (1)
  3. 我们一起牵手旅行——内蒙行(二)Hamsafar – Inner Mongolia (2)
  4. 我们一起牵手旅行——内蒙行(三)Hamsafar – Inner Mongolia (3)
  5. 又是一年赏枫时(一)Enjoy the Maple season(1)
  6. 又是一年赏枫时(二)Enjoy the Maple season(2)
  7. 雾境(一)Foggy Mountain Tour
  8. 赏云海之旅 Tour of the sea of clouds
  9. 穿越时空的村落——官浦垟 Villages crossing time and space - Guanpuyang
  10. 秋雨里的小山村 Small mountain village in autumn rain
  11. 穿越百年历史的廊桥 Through the centuries-old covered bridge
  12. 西游记(一)——镇远古城 Journey to the West (1) - Zhenyuan Ancient City
  13. 西游记(二):看贵州的苗寨 Journey to the West (2) :Miao Village, Guizhou
  14. 西游记(三):黄果树瀑布 Journey to the West (3): Huangguoshu Waterfall
  15. 西游记(四):进入彩云之南 Journey to the West (4): Enter the South of Choi Wan
  16. 西游记(五):美丽的大理 Journey to the West (5): Beautiful Dali
  17. 西游记(六):洱海西线游 Journey to the West (6): West side of Erhai
  18. 西游记(七):洱海环游第二天 Journey to the West (7): The second day of the Erhai Tour
  19. 海之旅 Sea of Clouds Tour 视频
  20. 西游记(八):美丽的丽江古城 Journey to the West (8): The beautiful city of Lijiang
  21. Anding mountain on a rainy day 雨天的安顶山
  22. 西游记(九):玉湖村 Journey to the West (9): Yuhu Village
  23. 西游记(十):惊心动魄的露营 Journey to the West (10): Thrilling camping
  24. 西游记(11):到达香格里拉 Journey to the West (11): Arriving at Shangri-La
  25. It was fun playing on the beach!沙滩上玩耍真开心!
  26. Beautiful sunset. Which color do you prefer?
  27. Travel with baby!
  28. Liubao baby to boracay(1) 六宝长滩行(1) 视频
  29. Liubao baby to boracay(2) |六宝长滩行(2) 视频
  30. 西游记(12):美丽又惊险的旅程 Journey to the West (12): Beautiful and thrilling journey
  31. 旅行归来!Return from the trip!
  32. 西游记(13):乡城桑披寺 | Journey to the West (13): xiangcheng Sangpi Temple
  33. 西游记(14):这一定是中国最美的无名公路 |Journey to the West (14): This must be China's most beautiful and unknown road
  34. 西游记(15):在木拉乡和淳朴的藏民交朋友 |Journey to the West (15):We made friends with the simple Tibetans inMula
  35. 西游记(16):一些藏族传闻 |Journey to the West (16):Some Tibetan rumors


  1. 村Long
  2. Happy Thanksgiving day!
  3. The Blocktrades Contest | 穿越时空的村落——官浦垟 Villages crossing time and space - Guanpuyang
  4. 遛六宝 | [Day 1]”Doing PLANK" 1 min PLANK challenge for 30 days [30天平板支撐挑戰]
  5. 六宝和爸爸的锻炼 Liubao and Dad's fitness| [Day 2]”Doing PLANK" 1 min PLANK challenge for 30 days [30天平板支撐挑戰]
  6. [Day 3]”Doing PLANK" 1 min PLANK challenge for 30 days [30天平板支撐挑戰]
  7. [Day 4]”Doing PLANK" 1 min PLANK challenge for 30 days [30天平板支撐挑戰]
  8. [Day 5]”Doing PLANK" 1 min PLANK challenge for 30 days [30天平板支撐挑戰]
  9. [Day 6]”Doing PLANK" 1 min PLANK challenge for 30 days [30天平板支撐挑戰]
  10. [Day 7]”Doing PLANK" 1 min PLANK challenge for 30 days [30天平板支撐挑戰]
  11. 【猜猜乐】祝大家冬至快乐! |【 Contest】Happy winter solstice!


  1. 【新手学堂作业#22】11.12-11.18作业周报@liubao
  2. 【新手学堂作业#23】11.19-11.25作业周报@liubao
  3. 【新手学堂作业#24】11.26-12.2作业周报@liubao
  4. 【新手学堂作业#25】12.3-12.9作业周报@liubao
  5. 【新手学堂作业#26】12.10-12.16作业周报 @liubao


  1. 秘制烤鸡翅,有做法哦!Chinese roast chicken wing!
  2. Healthy and delicious food: yam balls
  3. 自制婴儿辅食:婴儿磨牙棒 | Food supplement production:The practice of infant molar stick 视频


  1. Hi my fellow steemians,glad to join this huge community.


  1. 我们给女儿做了一个绘本!We made a picture book for our daughter!
  2. Cloud-wrapped peaks
  3. Pretty caterpillar
  4. Let's be together in the world of mortals,live natural and unrestrained
  5. Good night, sweet dreams!
  6. You may know by a handful the whole sack 一叶知秋
  7. 我也成了亿万富翁!
  8. 长滩岛旅行准备中。。。
  9. Did it snow there?
  10. 如果是你,你会怎样?
  11. 感冒发烧中。。。
  12. 六宝,你是要继承父业么?

Posted from Steem中文社区 : http://cnstm.org/blog/2018/12/23/%e3%80%90liubao-%e6%96%b0%e6%89%8b%e5%ad%a6%e5%a0%82%e4%bd%9c%e4%b8%9a%ef%bc%8327%e3%80%91%e6%88%91%e7%9a%84steemit%ef%bc%8d2018/


真的是高产 跟美女的美貌样优秀啊👍
看样子大家都没认真阅读村长的作业要求吗😁 因为这次是年终总结篇 要加标签cn-index以便村长好整理喔😊
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@kidsreturn 小兔子 迎着闪电 开着UFO给您送来

吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~



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You lose! 你输了!愿赌服输,请给我点赞~


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@team-cn 收作业
@teamcn-shop 送零食

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Do or do not. There is no try.

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