西游记(十):惊心动魄的露营 Journey to the West (10): Thrilling campingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steempress6 years ago


When Dali met a friend, we decided to camp together for one night. Both cars ran for thousands of kilometers with camping equipment, but they have not been used once. The place was chosen on the shore of the fairy lake with beautiful scenery and water. The uncle and his handsome son took us to choose the campsite and greeted the locals who guarded this piece (there is a local circle on the shore of the fairy lake). It was developed as a beach buggy camp, and the open grass was also used as a racecourse, running for 30 yuan. These local businessmen brought some simplicity, and of course some indigenous people's wildness. This camping friend must be negotiable with them, not to be self-sufficient.)

离开村子三四公里,就看到仙女湖了,也就是玉湖。玉湖是木府建造的人工湖,湖畔有草场万顷。我们过去的时间正值初秋,草长莺飞,野花万点闪烁其中。我们傍晚过去的时候,当地的帅哥指着天上飞着的几只鸟,告诉我们那就是丹顶鹤 。遗憾的是,离得太远了,并没有看清楚。


After leaving the village for three or four kilometers, I saw the fairy lake, which is Yuhu. Yuhu is an artificial lake built by Mufu, and there are thousands of grasslands on the lakeside. Our past time is in the early autumn, the grass grows and the wildflowers flash in it. When we passed by in the evening, the local handsome guy pointed to the birds flying in the sky and told us that it was a red-crowned crane. Regrettably, it was too far away to see clearly.

We used two cars and several tripods as support points, set up the string lights, turned on the sound, and set up the gas stove to open the camping on the shore of our fairy lake in an extremely romantic and beautiful way.

人都说物极必反,太过美好连天都妒。夜间12点多,暴雨和狂雷开始肆虐。刚入睡的我们就被这突如其来的自然“礼物”给惊醒。怕草地上马群牛群被惊吓踩踏了我们的帐篷;怕雷电击中附近的湖面,我们也一起被电到;怕野兽;怕我们人数太少碰上了歹徒。。。等等。天亮前的几个小时,我们就在狂风暴雨 and 牛铃叮咚的蹂躏下艰难的度过,雨太大,帐篷地势低的那块积了很多水,一度还以为暴雨导致了湖面上涨,淹了我们的帐篷。。。


They all said that things must be reversed, too much to be beautiful. At 12 o'clock in the evening, heavy rain and mad thunder began to wreak havoc. When we first fell asleep, we were awakened by this sudden natural "gift." I was afraid that the horses and herds were scared on the grass and trampled on our tents; fearing that lightning would hit the nearby lake, we were also sent together; fearing the beasts; fearing that we were too few people to run into the gangsters. . . and many more. A few hours before dawn, we spent the hard times under the storm and the cow bells. The rain was too big. The tents with low grounds accumulated a lot of water. It was thought that the rainstorm caused the lake to rise and flooded. Our tent. . .

The sky is just bright, and the rain is gradually stopping. We can't wait to get out of the tent. The thick fog makes the grass look sultry, and the cows and horses eat the grass leisurely. The sun tries hard to open the clouds to find the sense of existence. The distant mountains are covered with thick clouds, with a kind of The beauty of oppression shocks our hearts.

在村里吃了个早餐后,就让当地的大叔找了几匹马带着我们去了趟后山( 玉龙雪山的一个侧峰),只是半道雨就开始加大 ,之后雨就没有停。上山的路几乎都是骡马踩出来的,到处都是一坨坨的粪便。驼着我的那头骡子当天一定是偷吃了不该吃的东西,走几步就要停下来一会儿,不是放个屁就是拉一泡,再或则放点水,坐在它的身上的我,表示深深的尴尬。

After eating a breakfast in the village, the local uncle found a few horses to take us to the back of the mountain (a side peak of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain), but the rain began to increase, and then the rain did not stop. The road up the mountain is almost all stepped out by the Hummer, and there are a lot of feces everywhere. The scorpion that was stalking me must have stolen something that should not be eaten. I have to stop for a while after a few steps, not to put a fart or pull a bubble, or pee, sitting on it. , expressing deep embarrassment.


The open space in front of the mountain has grown a lot of herbs! As we walked, we learned the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine with the uncle, and we were full of harvest.

本打算再留一日,拍尽兴了再离开玉湖村,却不想太阳公公早上刷了个存在感后就又偷懒了,中雨一直持续。我们在“玉湖人家”(强烈推荐,价格适中,味道极好)再次大快朵颐后,带着些许遗憾离开了玉湖村,离开了丽江 。和我们的小伙伴告别,单车奔向迪庆 。

We had planned to stay for another day, and then we left the Yuhu Village after we took a break, but we didn’t want to be lazy after the sun brushed a sense of existence in the morning. The rain continued. After the "Yuhu Family" (strongly recommended, the price is moderate, the taste is excellent), we once again succumbed to the Yuhu Village with a little regret and left Lijiang. Say goodbye to our little friends and drive to Diqing.



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西游记系列游记,点这里可以直接查看:Journey to the West series of travel notes, you can directly view here:

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Disclaimer: The photos of the travel photos are taken by us. If you need to use, please contact me! And indicate the source!

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