西游记(七):洱海环游第二天 Journey to the West (7): The second day of the Erhai Tour
第一天见洱海,天空的云层很厚,夜间的洱海只是漆黑一片,没有看到风花雪月的“月”。我们本打算从众入住双廊,开到时却看到一片工地。不喜即无缘,便入住到 挖色镇 。挖色名气远不如 双廊 的大,在洱 海东 侧双廊 的南部。相比双廊,双廊酒店性价比要高一些。我们当天入住的民宿叫“白舍”,是个设计和服务都还算不错的地方。酒店和洱海隔了条马路,第二天醒来,拉开窗帘时,还真小小惊艳了一把。
On the first day in Erhai, The clouds were thick. The night sea was very dark . We had planned to stay in the Shuanglang, but when we arrived, we saw a construction site. If you don't like it, you will stay in the town of Dig. The color of the excavation is far less than that of the double corridor, in the south of the double corridor on the east side of the Bohai Sea. Compared to the double gallery, the hotel price is higher. The hotel we stayed in that day was called "White House", which is a good design and service. The hotel and the Erhai were separated by a road. When I woke up the next day, when I opened the curtains, I was really surprised.
There is a viewing room on the roof of the B&B. It has its own swimming pool (the water is dirty, and the boss is afraid of safety hazards and does not give it to the water). It can only be used as a landscape. The room on the roof of the day was not occupied, so the boss allowed us to come and see.
民宿离挖色水路 以及 悬崖浅滩景点都比较近。我们离店后先去了挖色水路。还在这里遇上了杭州摩托车俱乐部的伙伴,之后 丽江 /玉湖村我们都结伴旅行。
The B&B is close to the Wase waterways and cliff shoals. After we left the store, we went to the Wase waterway. I also met the partner of Hangzhou Motorcycle Club here, and then we traveled together in Lijiang/Yuhu Village.
这是一个悲伤的故事,哈哈哈。This is a sad story,hahahaha.
几个当地的孩子在不停的玩跳水。Several local children are constantly diving.
悬崖浅滩。Cliff shoal.
阳光太刺眼,此时只肯小胖手出镜了。The sun is too glaring.
After lunch at noon, the enlarged Westward Journey team began to leave for Lijiang. This is the scenery on Huanhai East Road.
告别 大理 ,奔往 丽江 !
Say goodbye to Dali and leave for Lijiang!
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