📷 Steemit Photo Challenge #15 - Winners + New Theme - Guest Judge @randyclemens

in #steemitphotochallenge8 years ago (edited)

The theme was “Spider Webs” and @randyclemens was the Guest Judge.

[The new theme is below the winners in this post]

@jamtaylor’s Picks [5SBD Each]

Submitted by @sharker

Submitted by @dmilash

Submitted by @movievertigo

Submitted by @gidlark

Submitted by @elewarne

@randyclemens Guest Judge

Honourable Mentions - 5 SBD Each

Submitted by @movievertigo

Submitted by @mctiller

Submitted by @knight-angel

Submitted by @fooblic

Submitted by @echoesinthemind

Third Place - 15 SBD

Submitted by @runrudy

Second Place - 25 SBD

Submitted by @okkiedot

First Place - 35 SBD

Submitted by @yetaras

The $50usd Amazon Gift card is still up for grabs!

Nobody gave meaningful feedback on the winning photos (1st, 2nd or 3rd) and so this prize will roll foward to the next challenge!

Leave a comment letting the photographer know what you think about the entry, and a bit of critique. “Wow nice photo” won’t work but “I really like how you placed the x beside the y, it works to balance out the z” will be fine!

A commenter on what ends up being a winning photo will win the prize, so give your thoughts on all the good stuff :)

What do you think of the picks this week?

If you don't see your images here, don't be discouraged! There's just so many amazing images to choose from.

Make sure you go and vote for the entries that you liked!

Thanks to our sponsors, @berniesanders, and Steemimg.com the first dedicated Steemit Image hosting website, created by @blueorgy.

This week’s theme will be:


Making food look really appetizing is a skill on its own, flat or bland images of food can actually do the opposite.

Here are lots of examples of some good food photography

Generally I’d like to see finished meals, served, but assorted ingredients would work also.

Use steemitphotochallenge as your first tag, as this helps with the filtering for @blueorgy's statistic gathering.

PLEASE suggest a theme!

I’m running out of ideas :)

What would you like to see from the Steemit Photography community??

Week 1 - Animal Portrait
Week 2 - Shadows
Week 3 - Desolation
Week 4 - Nature Macro/Closeup
Week 5 - Emotive Human Portrait
Week 6 - Landscapes
Week 7 - Architecture
Week 8 - Long Exposure
Week 9 - Action - High Shutter Speed
Week 10 - Minimalism
Week 11 - Glamour / Fashion
Week 12 - Soul of the City
Week 13 - Hands
Week 14 - Autumn Foliage



Congratulations Winners!!

Fooooooood! This is an awesome challenge theme and should yield some amazing photographers! Look forward to seeing the entires & may get a few in myself!

SPC #15 By The Numbers

Click the link above to check out this weeks SPC #15 BTN ;)

Thank you for the honourable mentions, and congratulations all! My favourite picks this week were @elewarne and @sharker

These were all fantastic!

My Theme Suggestions:

  1. Urban Exploration (Abandoned Houses/Warehouses/Places, etc)
  2. Boudoir (Don't know if this is appropriate).
  3. Creative Portraiture
  4. Composite Imagery
  5. Farm Life (Photos of Farm animals or Farms/Farmers)
  6. Astrophotography
  7. Self Portraiture
  8. Avant Garde Portraiture
  9. (Seasonal/Holiday) Photos. Christmas/Thanksgiving etc.
  10. Water
  11. Sunrise/Sunset
  12. Male Portraiture
  13. Emotions. These could each be a theme. Happy Portraiture, Sad, Pensive, etc.

nicoledphoto, your second suggestion, boudoir, must not necessarily include humans within the photo. Therefore, I believe the theme can certainly be appropriate. I understand and appreciate your concern, though. Maybe jamtaylor can place restrictions upon entries to ensure each is tasteful.

Hey @jamtaylor, here are some theme suggestions:

  1. Contemporary issues
  2. Current affairs/news
  3. A day in the life
  4. Faith/Religion
  5. Environmental/sustainability

I am no photographer, but I believe nicoledphoto has some great ideas. May I also suggest the following:

  1. clouds
  2. antiques
  3. down to earth
  4. urban life
  5. rural life
  6. suburban life
  7. textiles
  8. rainbows
  9. technology
  10. next generation
  11. old and new
  12. to have and to hold (not including weddings)
  13. determination
  14. hope
  15. charity
  16. the “good ole days”
  17. Aerial photography

Some good suggestions, will keep 'em in mind!

Thank you. I look forward to the photos.

Thank you so much for picking my photo @jamtaylor. Really appreciate it.
What about a mystery challenge?

Wow, I am glad I did not enter this past competition.... I am also glad I was not the judge. The quality was bloody awesome !!!!!

Congratulations to all the winner and entrants thank you @jamtaylor and guest judge @randyclemens fantastic range of sider webs ranging from the big scary one s to fine delicate silken threads
and I'm most special excited that i finally got a honorary mention for my entry "spider line" @knight-angel
the next challenge "food " wow now thats a large range interesting subject!
may I suggest "Shadows " for a future challenge.

Thanks every one and good luck in this coming challenge food!

Nice photos, Sorry I hadn't noticed the 2nd one, we were not on Steemit then!

Suggestions for more themes:
Historical buildings
Iconic /historical monuments
Spiritual places

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