Steemit Photo Challenge #15 - Spider Webs and Opposite Personalities

in #steemitphotochallenge8 years ago (edited)

I am happy to participate this week. These were both taken in Japan. I just edited them this morning for the challenge today. I tried to give a unique composition as requested.

I have two images to share and if spiders had personalities, I think these two would be polar opposites.

This beautiful shiny gal made a very proportional web. Her colors are vibrant and beautiful. If she was a person, she would be like that smart, pretty, overachieving girl in high school. You remember, that perfect gal that was always stylishly dressed, had a perfect smile, was a cheerleader, the student body president, and led all the fundraisers at school. At 17, she had her entire life planned out from which college, major, career, how tall her future husband would be, how many kids, and all their names already picked out.
Japan-Shiny- Spider-Web-Fine-Art-Photography

Then you got this guy and his sloppy, wet web. This dude just doesn't give a f*ck. He's just chillin on his web couch in his underwear, eating potato chips and smoking the ditchweed out of a makeshift honey bottle bong. No care in the world because he is enjoying his $3 Steven Seagal DVD, that he just picked up at the grocery store while he was out restocking on BBQ Hot Pockets and Rocky Road ice cream supplies.

Both taken with a Sony A7RM2 with 90mm

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Thank you in advance,




All images © 2016 Rudy Gonzales. All rights reserved.
All Animated GIFs GIPHY


Excellent shots! They are my favorites for this time in challenge. Wish you to win with them!

beautiful photographs, congratulations Mr. @runrudy is a true professional, thanks for sharing these beautiful images

Thank you @jlufer for the kind comments. Cheers.

Haha! Your descriptions are spot on! 😂 Fantastic photos, both of them... I can't even choose a favorite!

I am happy to make you happy! It's a tie for me also. That first spider is so pretty and she is just sitting on her perfect web, perfectly in the center. The water drops on the other web came out pretty cool too. It's a toss up.

Creative writing, great captures, and it made me smile, nice post @runrudy!!!

Thanks for the wonderful comment. @cognoscere Cheers!

Amazing! The first one like made by a computer graphic.

Thank you @fooblic. Cool username also : )

@runrudy - saw this before I went to bed an clicked upvote because they're great shots, came back to check another post out - none so I read, I'm glad I read - the story you wrote to describe both webs gave me the laughs. Thank you and good luck!

Hey there @englishtchrivy! Thank you for the great comment and support. Sorry for the late reply. I have been taking the weekends off for the kiddos. I am happy to share and laugh with you also. Cheers!

Wait. How come the neat one is a girl, and the slob has to be a guy? lol

I guess it kinda subliminally represents my wife and I. I do love Rocky Road and Hot Pockets. : )

Well, who doesn't? hahaha! But maybe his web looks like that because he was too hung over to really organize it. Afterall, the Kings were on last night, and you can't expect him to spend time spinning a web, when he's downing brews and watching the game. lol

Word. Hey but we can't enable the poor guy. This dude needs to meet spider number one to either ruin or save his life.

Maybe he's already divorced from Spider number 1. Hey. At least he gets to see his 1000 kids on the weekends. But damn. That child support is murder.

Nice, that's hilarious.

That's quite a contrast - in spiders and stories! Each of those photos is stunning, all on their own, too.

Thank you! @haphazard-hstead I am happy that you liked them. They did come out pretty cool.

You're welcome. I hope you see more beautiful spiders! : )

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