📷 Steemit Photo Challenge #3 — Winners Announcement! 📷

Looks like the black & whites dominated! Sorta.

Thanks again to everyone who submitted photos to the contest, thanks to @berniesanders for his donations, and congratulations to the winners. If you didn't see your post highlighted, don't feel discouraged! There are so many good entries and I cannot fit / award all!

How did you like the extra time?

Is everyone sufficiently depressed now?

A few people have said that they’d like a more cheerful theme next time, and I am happy to oblige. Let’s see what happens this weekend!

Let’s get straight down to business.

Honourable Mentions - 10 Steem Each

Submitted by @photography

Submitted by @darkb4dawn [I apologise about splitting up the image but I couldn’t show all]

Submitted by @violino

Submitted by @freerubens

Submitted by @krassvs

Submitted by @rkpl

Drum Roll Please!

THIRD PLACE — 50 Steem

"Walked about 8km to see this abandoned plane in the middle of a black sand beach in Iceland. Was absolutely surreal.
The story behind it is in 1973 a United States Navy Douglas Super DC-3 airplane was forced to land here (Sólheimasandur) after experiencing some severe icing. Thankfully, all the crew members managed to survive, but his doesn't make the place any less chilling."

Submitted by @idonteven

SECOND PLACE — 100 Steem

”These trees never grow leaves and it is always so very swampy in this area. It seems so barren but beautiful. It reminded me of The Silver Chair from the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. Puddleglum is a froglike character in the book who lives alone and complains a lot. I could picture him living here.”

Submitted by @justicepirate

FIRST PLACE — 150 Steem

”I took this shot at Middle School Number 3 in the ghost town of Pripyat, Ukraine within the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. The town of Pripyat was established in 1970 to serve the Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor. It was evacuated after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster on 27 April 1986. The city remains deserted and desolate—a reminder of the incredible destructive power of nuclear energy.”

Submitted by @pkattera

That’s it for this week!

Look out for the theme for Steemit Photo Challenge #4 this weekend!

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Some seriously depressing images. And strangely beautiful at the same time.

The winner was well chosen, congratulations to the panel. Of course, big cheers for @pkattera , too. I f you are able to take photos inside the Chernobyl Forbidden Zone, then you have a huge head start in such a competition.

Congrats to every that took part. I couldn't. During the weekend all I saw was sun and nature and green and shiny and ... well, no dark place at all :)

During the weekend all I saw was sun and nature and green and shiny and ... well, no dark place at all :)

Not a bad thing at all! My weekend was full of green too

👍amazing post, really cool pictures @jamtaylor

Ha ha ha! About Chernobyl - good point! ;)

These images portray just how talented steemit users are. I agree a good amount of thought was taken to select a winner.

This theme is great congratulations to you @jamtaylor

Another fantastic selection of images. Well done everybody!

Congrats winners!
Great challenge @jamtaylor, got to see some amazing photos yet again. Theme was great too, always good to mix things up!

Yes, I agree! The theme was challenging, which encouraged creativity. I enjoyed it. Congrats to all of the winners!

Congratulations everyone! The winning photos are amazing. I am loving these challenges, it makes for a creative weekend - thank you Steemit!

I think it was an interesting and fun theme to participate in but it didn't really generate photography that is really fun to look at here in this winners post. If this is really going to be used to try to draw-in more members, we might look for some more light-hearted, fun, pleasurable style themes and topics. Just a thought.

Come to Steemit, where we have lots of fun, in dark, solemn, depression.

Thanks for the feedback. This one was a bit dark, but the first two were fairly light - "Animal Portrait" and "Shadows". Must have balance in life, it's not all roses and puppies :)

The challenges for me are mostly about highlighting photographers that are already using the platform but haven't gotten a lot of exposure, and generating more original content. I haven't really pushed the contest outside of Steemit at all.

Stay tuned for the next one, it won't be dark solemn and depressing :)

Amazing Job Everyone! I sadly was unable to submit my work, which I would have loved to share, due to almost getting arrested ;) but these would have been a real challenge to beat!

@idonteven your way of capturing this was very well done. I think most would have taken the photo from inside the plane, but doing so would have lost just how open and desolate the surroundings of these decaying airplane is.

@justicepirate I feel as though I am stuck in the mud trying to pull my way out of a terrible nightmare and escape what seems like a natural prison. I am also reminded of the Swamp Of Sadness from the Never Ending Story ;)

@pkattera great job on capturing the color of desolation, it gives this eerie feeling of disease and decay. I hope that you were in and out of that area quickly don't want anybody put in harms way!

Also @violino I really love this photo. Its gives great depth and life when simultaneously being very dark, flat, and incapsulating sadness. Keep up the good work!

And of course how could I forget @jamtaylor and @berniesanders! Thank you for your time, energy, and steem put into this great challenge!

My pleasure!

I'd like this comment voted to the top, because I'm seconding the comments!

I will add photography on my Skills List. :)

Thanks! Care to share how you nearly got arrested?

I was trespassing on a old U.S Airforce base trying to get to a spot I've seen before that had an amazing scene of old industrial machines and waste. Ofcourse as I'm approaching a perfect photo opportunity, the police show up , luckily he was an old friend of mine from high school and let me leave without any trouble (ofcourse without the photograph ) it was in the morning and the light was perfect as well. I was so focused on getting that shot that I hadn't taken any other photos.

Fight the sadness, Artax!!!

Not the turtle, Gmork the wolf

My bad. I was in a haze there. I have that movie memorized and am so sad now. G'mork in THAT scene in particular scared everyone.

Gmork scared the shit out of me.

"We are allergic to you" . . .his talking in third person would scare anyone especially since he was such a huge turtle. hehe.

Thanks! These days, the radiation levels around Chernobyl and Pripyat are actually less than the average radiation exposure you would get from flying in an airplane.

I'd like to submit entries for the next week's challenge but I'm lost. can anyone help?

Well it hasn't happened yet so it's reasonable that you're lost

So glad to see this contest still running and such AWESOME participation! Well done to everyone and congratulations to the winners!!

I'll keep it going as long as it keeps getting support!

Oh wow. I totally wasn't expecting that I'd be in one of the top placements. So cool!! All of these entries are really beautiful and amazing. I really love the first place winner's shot too. Good job! Thanks for having me become second place! What fun!

Thanks so much for holding this challenge again. I am already looking forward to the next one. I am happy to see I received an honorable mention, super cool. I do love being up in lights, I am also happily surprised as it didn't get a lot of public votes. It does always feels good to feel part of something awesome. Thanks @jamtaylor !

Wow! @jamtaylor – thanks for inspiring me to post. All the winning entries this week are really amazing! As @ervin-lemark said, as soon as I saw the theme of 'desolation', I knew I had a head start, with a bunch of pictures from Chernobyl.

Congrats all, great shots again, and thanks for the work organising and judging!

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