in #spirituality7 years ago

This is DAY THIRTY SIX of the daily devotional.

I am releasing a 50 day daily devotional about the end-times as revealed in Scripture. Along with the text, I will be providing a video where I cover the text of the day, and @verbal-d will be providing an audio version of it. That way, whether you want to read, watch, or listen, you'll be able to enjoy this study as you wish.

The plan is to release this devotional over the next 50 consecutive days, but life may "get in the way." We will do our best, but please be patient with me if I fall behind.

The SoundCloud Audio from @verbal-d

The YouTube Video from @papa-pepper

The Text I Originally Shared on the @narrowminded Account


A principle that we see laid forth in Scripture is the importance of establishing a matter by the mouth of two or three witnesses.

“At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death; but at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death.” (Deuteronomy 17:6)

“One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.” (Deuteronomy 19:15)

“This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.” (2 Corinthians 13:1)

“Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses.” (1 Timothy 5:19)

One thing to remember when applying this principle is that this preventative measure was instituted to get to the truth of a matter when dealing with fallible humans. Since people can lie, or be wrong, or be deceived, this safeguard was instituted by God to ensure that honesty and justice would prevail. Though establishing a matter by the mouth of two or three witnesses is important when dealing with mankind, it is not necessary when dealing with God, for His Word is truth and He cannot lie. However, as an example to us, God often repeats Himself in the Bible, and frequently has different books verifying the same claim or giving the same message.
I believe that this is one reason why we have four gospels. Though two or three witnesses are only required when dealing with man and though God is infallible, yet He still gave us four “witnesses” in the gospels. Though one single verse in the Bible can stand as long as the interpretation of it is not in conflict with any other scripture, finding multiple verses that state the same thing can give us confidence that we are reasoning accurately. I believe that this is one area where the reasoning on eschatology presented in this book is much stronger than the pretribulational view.

When we use phrases that God uses in ways that He uses them and find multiple verses that actually say something tangible, it is easier to see what God is trying to reveal. As an opportunity to review what we have covered thus far, in light of this multiple witness principle, I will share some of the verses already cited.

“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

“Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.” (Acts 14:22)

These two witnesses confirm that believers will have “tribulation” in the world.

Point #1: Confirming a matter by two or three witnesses is important when dealing with people.

Point #2: We do not need to apply this principle when dealing with God, but we can.

Point #3: Two witnesses confirm that believers will have tribulation on earth.


If anyone is really interested, I did post the entire volume through an alt account over a year ago. I did so as an experiment to see how hard it would be for a new user to get noticed on steemit, so I didn't let anyone know that I was doing it. You can click here to a post that has links to the entire 50 days of this devotional if you really want to read ahead. That information has always been available there since I first posted it. It is not the purpose of this series to just copy all of my previous work, but instead to transform it into some new outlets by releasing it in an audio and video format, to broaden the reach that this work has.

Again, though I will certainly never claim to know it all, I do believe that many are being lead astray by some popular beliefs. I hope that this project will be able to help many others understand the end-times more accurately. Thanks!


Just in case you are new to this series and wanted to check out the previous audio or videos, here are links to the posts from each day of this series.

Also - A special thanks to @allforthegood for helping design my cover image!

Until next time…

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GIF provided by @orelmely



Thank you for your time snd efford that you put into these posts . I really appreciate it. love reading them.

Thank you for doing these <3 It's not always easy to get to church or even open the Bible at times, but this awesome!

Thanks for the encouragement!

It is not easy cos they devil will want it to be like that, but Pls try hard to make it a point of duty to always read the Bible daily and to attend church

Papa Pepper @papa-pepper

I publicly ask you to comment on my post

I love your videos but sadly you and I and a couple others are the only ones who even bother to watch your work?

How can this be?

Are most of the comments here and the upvotes nothing but bots

Easy enough to build a steemit and create an army of bots to make it look real.

But from your engagement with youtube from steemit I think you are proof this is the land of bots.

So read my words, then publicly answer me.

I really thought STEEMIT was a real community and not just another NSA bot project.

A few innocent are tricked into the bot scams, and they are pumped to make it look real so the hands behinds the code that moves the bots can then do a play on the markets.

I just cannot believe all these worshipers you have and none of them bother to watch the videos they proclaim they are watching.

Bravo thanks for sharing

thanks for sharing this post

I couldn't help thinking of the "17 intelligence agencies" when I read that.

Thanks.. I love this. It awakens our spiritual life

Thanks you share

Thank you for doing this. It's not always easy to go to church or even open a Bible sometimes, but it's awesome! Not to mention we can all learn one or five of these stories! The message is always so good one of the motivations for everything

Thank you very much! Glad that you enjoy these posts!

I've been reading, watching, or listening, I can enjoy this lesson. I have many lessons to take.

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