"Six of the Best" MAP26 Minnow Contest [Vote Now - Win Upvotes]

in #minnowsupport7 years ago

This is the next contest in the Minnows Accelerator Project's "Six of the Best".

Each of the six authors below gets a share of this post's rewards

And one (or two) of them will win 200 SP delegated for 7 days

Please read this Signup article for how MAP works. If you are a minnow, you can also sign up at that page to see if you will be added to one of the future Six of the Best competitions.


The Minnows Accelerator Project will now be run from the new @accelerator account, but will still be managed by @rycharde.

What Do the Content Creators Need to Do Now?

If you are one of Six listed below, then this is your chance to show everybody your best work - and to get votes.

= Firstly, please write a comment with links to some of your best recent articles. I would say perhaps 2-4 articles from the last 2-4 weeks.

= Then, please resteem this post to your followers so that they may come and vote for you.

= You should also announce this on your current posts. This contest will last for 7 days, so you have time to spread the word. I have also found that appropriate comments with a linkback also work very well. Please don't spam Steemit, as that can easily be seen.

= And then, I have created a new Discord chatroom for all the people who make it to Six of the Best. Feel free to come and chat with current and past participants, and promote your blog. Go to M-A-P Discord chatroom now. Note, this is ONLY for participants.

How to Vote for Your Favourite Steemian Author [UPDATED! PLEASE READ]

This part has changed from MAP21 onwards. The Minnows Accelerator Project has grown to some 120+ members and it is time to put their collective experience into helping to select the winner of each MAP Contest. I have stopped using external polling websites so that the whole voting process stays internally within the Steemit community.

= Firstly, make sure you read all the six blogs - you may discover something new and an author you had not noticed before.

= Also, you are free to add comments and interact with each author.

= But most importantly, vote for your favourite author or authors in the comment that they create showcasing their recent articles. You may EITHER upvote their comment OR reply to their comment using the word VOTE"; you may, of course, also make a comment to show support. You may vote for more than one author. Any bot votes will not be counted, and if you use one of the vote-following bots then that participant will be disqualified. [NEW!]

= What will you get? Apart from the warm glow of satisfaction at having helped a fellow Steemian, I shall upvote any interesting comments.

= At the end, the combined votes from comment upvotes plus MAP member votes will decide the winner (or winners, if the scores are tied).

What Are The Prizes?

= The main prize is of 200 SP delegated for 7 days. (This will increase as we get more sponsorship!)

= However, every participant listed below will also receive 10% of the rewards generated for this article. This is possible using the Reward Distribution feature for articles.

= Also, every participant is invited to join a new Discord chatroom dedicated exclusively to MAP members.

= Every MAP Member may also be featured in our "Tales from the MAP Room" magazine.

= [NEW!] Every MAP Member will be able to participate in out new Binary Stars: Collaborative Contest - Round 1 just started!

= [NEW!] Every MAP Member is also eligible to be included in our new Quality Curated Content posts.

The Six of the Best for MAP26

Six of the Best today are (in no particular order):







Now it is entirely up to you! Please upvote and resteem this post. But most importantly, cast your upvote in the content creator's comment - please be patient, because of time-zone differences some participants may take a few hours to come online and post their comment.

Also, take this as an opportunity to network with each other; you are free to comment and discuss your experiences as authors and readers.

Let the Accelerator begin!

Sponsorship News

The Minnows Accelerator Project has received its first sponsor! Many thanks to @eturnerx for donating a further 1000 SP to add to the already delegated 1000 SP towards the project. This new donation is earmarked for the new Collaborative Contest that will be starting soon.

Thanks also to existing members of MAP who have expressed an interest in supporting @accelerator by increasing its voting power. Deep thanks to those MAP members who have recently delegated SP to the community: @heart-to-heart. This is especially generous as these are not large whale accounts bur minnows themselves who are helping the whole MAP community grow organically and steadily.

MAP donors: @heart-to-heart - @kerlund74 - @macchiata - @spaingaroo - @inquiringtimes

The plan is to make the winning prize more significant, eventually reaching 200 SP delegated for 4 weeks, rather than the current 1 week. Assuming a peak of one winner per day (remembering that there could be more than one winner per contest) for 4 weeks, plus the 7-day cooling period when delegated SP is returned to the owner but cannot be used, then I am looking at 35 days times 200 SP, giving a total needed of 7,000 SP. We already have 2,220 SP so just under 5,000 SP more to go! To delegate SP to this project, or to donate funds, please leave a comment or come chat to @rycharde on Discord.

If you would like to be considered for the next round, then please sign up at Minnows Accelerator Project [September 2017 Signups].

Six of the Best contests currently running:

"Six of the Best" MAP25 Minnow Contest [Vote Now - Win Upvotes]

"Six of the Best" MAP24 Minnows Contest [Vote Now - Win Upvotes]

"Six of the Best" MAP23 Minnow Contest [Vote Now - Win Upvotes]

Detail from The Shard Transformed by @kerlund74 (MAP Member)


Binary Stars: Collaborative Contest Pre-launch - Theme EQUINOX

The Minnows Accelerator Project was created and is managed by @rycharde. Please consider voting for me as witness.


Very pleased to have been chosen, thank you so much! I post a lot of very different things, so let me try to give you a taste of the spectrum along with what I consider my best work, but lets start with the "real me."

This may not be great poetry, but it is an incredibly important story to me:

Here is my favorite keto-friendly recipe:

And here is my post from today, my own little thing inspired by things like MAP:


@fishyculture is a Liberty Professional and seeks to further individual liberty. What more do you need to know?! They rock!

Aw, shucks! Thank you!

Welcome, and good luck!

Good morning (Canada time). Glad to join you in MAP. As I said to @harshallele checked your blog, not really my interest but that's the point, to see other folk's work. Following now. Good luck!

Thank you, it is an interesting array of minnows they gathered isn't it? Good luck to you too!


I very much enjoyed looking over your post, very well done as seems to be the standard in this MAP world. :)
I'm in Washington state, Idaho has always had my love, it's truly a great state, one that I have eyed to live in over the years.

Best of luck to you.

Honored to be selected for MAP! I generally write about tech, although recently I've been trying to write about other things too!

These are some posts that I think you should check out!

Of course, you're welcome to check out my other posts as well! :-)

Good morning (Canada time)! Glad to join you in MAP! I'm not really into the same things you are but that's the point! I'm following you now, will check out your work. Hope you take a look at mine!

Hey I checked your blog, followed you back.Loved some of your photos! I've been trying to write about topics other than tech, so I hope you like my future content, and thanks for voting! :-)

Welcome - we don't have so many techies in MAP at the moment, so good luck!

Thanks for voting for me!

You got my vote. good luck!

Nice to meet you and best of luck to you in all that you do. I really enjoyed reading a couple of your post -- Sovereignty is a big deal and everyone should take it seriously, the world would be a better place over all. ;)

Good luck to all participants!

It's lovely to be in this grouping of great creators. I am mostly focused on the arts, words, paint, fiber; however, I do have a homestead which I prefer to call my cottage (cottagelife) with critters, food forest and permaculture principles at play and, I live a 70% 1800's lifestyle as far as tech, especially with food preservation and kitchen stuff. That said I am way into cryptos and ways of people finding freedom from the overreaching hand of this control grid, so I guess it's hard to put me in a particular basket. I do love to share (resteem) content I find of interest and will share almost all art challenges (whether I enter or not) as I think that's such a powerful way to build community and find people that add beauty and interest to the world. Here are a few selections to browse from. I post once daily and on occasion twice, but that is rare.

Thank you for taking the time to peek. <3







Thank you, Failed. :)

I'm definitely a fan :)

Ah, Tina, thank you so much. :)

Quite a few homesteaders already in MAP, so you will be in friendly company in the chatroom.

Thank you for the warm welcome, @rycharde. :)

Good morning (Canada time). Glad to join you in MAP. Following now, some nice work. Good luck!

Thank you kindly... I LOVE Canada. :) I'm following you as well.

Good afternoon (Canada time). Glad to join you on MAP. Checked out your blog, like your photos! Following you now.

Welcome and good luck!

Hi! Thank you for this opportunity!
Here are a few of the things I do on steemit:

  1. Community Efforts:
    I'm currenty trying to establish a Playwright Workshop. The Fiction Workshop is beyond wonderful, but a play -- regardless of if it's for screen, stage, audio, or a comic page -- is a bit of a different animal. And it needs its own workshop.

  2. Experiments in Poetry:
    I can't sing, but I can rap... but I never knew how or if I wanted to pursue it (still don't)... This is "experiment number two"... an entry for the Week #14 ADSactly Rap Challenge

  3. Random Digital Art:
    My CG efforts are usually in service to my other creations (visualising settings and characters from my fiction)... But this time, I just wanted to make a cute autumn shot and wound up with glowing willow trees that make me very happy. ^_^

  4. Work-In-Progress Screenplay:
    I'm currently taking a screenwriting class in which I'm meant to produce a feature length screenplay. Since it pushed my novel, Chance Way, to the backburner... I've decided I'm taking it all the way! Well, I'll at least make a comic book. If I made it a film, I'd want quality fight choreographers... Anyway, here's the first few minutes:

Sorry my comment was a bit delayed, I wanted to get the script up first.
Thanks again! Good luck to all the participants! ^_^

Away for a few days, missed your post. Glad you could join us, good luck!


For some reason when I posted my entry it attached to yours, I am so sorry and it kind of messed things up on my end. Steemit is being glitchy for me the last two days.

Best of luck to the participants 😇

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